it's not there Akai CD3000

Akai CD3000

The Akai CD3000 can only sample from the CD-rom drive, no sampling inputs. The CD3000 came with five sample CD roms included in the price.

Next up from the S1000 & 1100 we go to the first 3000 series - still 16 bit samplers, but with an improved OS, better filters, Balanced XLR's added to the main stereo In/OUT's as well as the 1/4" un-balanced & some basic added fx.... The 3000 was the standard with all the extra stuff as optional, the 3000i added s/pdif, but the rest optional...

This CD3000 offered the idea to load samples from it's internal cdrom only, thus providing a sample-library playback unit but no ability to sample & 1/4" un-balanced connectors.... ideal for studio's that simply wanted access to the S-series sample library for studio's or perhaps sound-fx dubbing etc....

watch out with the ram again, cos these ones use the older Akai sample-ram which is still available but expansive compared to simms on the newer XL series - like 300 quid for 8mb !... so see if any s/h potential purchases have enuff ram for your needs.....

Here's the spec's.... the i designates scsi as standard...


Sampling System 16 bit linear
Sampling Rates 44.1 kHz / 22.05 kHz
Memory 8 MB (standard) / 16 MB (expanded)
Polyphony 32 voices
Maximum Samples 255
Maximum Programs 254
Filters Digital moving low-pass filter (-12 dB/octave with resonance)
Envelope Generators 2 (1 multi-stage)
LFOs 2
Effects Echo/Chorus/Pitch Shift/Delay
Display Back-lit 40 x 8 characters (640 x 240 dots)
Help Pages Provided
Storage Devices 3.5-inch 2HD/2DD floppy disk
  3.5-inch CD-ROM drive
Standard Inputs None - it doesn't sample
Standard Outputs 1/4-inch phone jack (unbalanced) x 2
Assignable Outputs 1/4-inch phone jack (unbalanced) x 8
Headphones 1/4-inch stereo phone jack x 1
Footswitch 1/4-inch phone jack x 1
MIDI IN x 1, OUT x 1, THRU x 1
SCSI yup - standard
AES/EBU Digital In/Out IB-302D digital interface board (optional)
SMPTE Reader/Generator IB-303T SMPTE board (optional)



The Akai CD3000 - comments please any users out there.....

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Added: 9 May 1999
New price: discontinued (RRP £2499 GBP)
S/H price: na


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Hmm, i've seen this one for fl 1200,- (600 Euro) to 1300,- new in the shops, which makes em pretty decent compared to fl 1800,- (800 Euro) for the S2000 and the S1100. Just curious which would be the best option, considering I think multiples outs & scsi are what i need most?

What about sound quality?




Just bought one of these - you can only take in samples from a CD, through SCSI(ie a Mac), or from floppy. Many great features, but I wouldn't recommend buying one that doesn't have SCSI and if you don't have a computer with SCSI.

I capture my samples first using a hard disc recording program(Cubase, Digi Performer), then make loops/samples using Recycle. Recycle then transmits the samples directly to the 3000i via SCSI. Kind of a round about way of getting the samples in(actually, it's the ONLY way), but I think it's much easier to use Recycle than the CD3000i's built-in editing functions. From here I assign my samples to a keyboard or to a sequencer using MIDI.

I paid $500 for mine, with 16Mb(the MAX)RAM - I wouldn't pay any more than $600. RATING : 4/5 if you have a Mac or PC with SCSI, 1/5 if you don't.

Robin Whittle


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The CD3000 is normally limited to 16 Megs of RAM. This can be solved with my M32S3 32 Megabyte memory board, which also works for the S2800, S3000 and S3200. (The M32S1 is for the S1000 and S1100.) These boards cost under USD$400.

Akai have, or at least had, an upgrade kit for the CD3000 to give it analogue inputs. This is an excellent kit and is reasonably priced.

The CD3000's internal CD-ROM drive is a special device - so it if fails you cannot simply put in a standard SCSI CD-ROM. Probably a standard drive would enable reading of CD-ROM discs, but it would not work with audio CDs. This is because the CD3000 uses special circuitry added to the particular controller for their drive in order to read audio from the CD - it does not use normal SCSI commands, which I suspect were developed after the CD3000 was designed.

This machine has 8 individual outs and SCSI, which the S2800 does not have. (The S2800 has stereo outs and 2 individual outs. A SCSI board is available from MUTEC at: .)

Don't fuss over the sound quality of these units. From the S1100 onwards, Akai used sigma-delta Analogue to Digital Converters and all the rest of the circuitry and DSP is excellent. The S1000 had successive approximation A>D converters, so it is noisier for recording. All of them have excellent Digital to Analog Converters for playback.

The S2000 and S3200XL series and later have the advantage of using ordinary 72 pin SIMMs for memory, and being compatible with Akai's SCSI software for PCs and Macs. Recycle works for these older machines via SCSI - but only on the Mac:

The advantage of the older machines, of course, is that they can usually be obtained for less money.

The S1000/S1100 displays typically need their backlight replacing. S2800/S3000/S3200/CD3000 may need this as well, but they have a front panel switch for turning the backlight off, which prolongs its life and removes the annoying whistle.

Go easy on the front-panel buttons of the S3000 series - the switches are good but not robust if excessive force is used.

Apart from these issues, and potential trouble with worn floppy or CD-ROM drives, my impression is that there are few reliability problems.

- Robin

Vince Testa


Has anyone, anywhere, at anytime, been able to get the Akai CD3000i working with Steinberg's ReCycle software? I've tried, and tried, and tried some more, but just can't get it to work through my SCSI chain.

Can anyone help? Please?

Fanx in anticipation.



Just bought one used for $500. I heard that the RAM maxed out at 32 MBs and they display it on the CD3000i as 16 MWs . I was given to understand that 16 MWs (MegaWords?) equals 32 MB (MegaBytes) of RAM memory. And no, I didn't hear it from the guy who sold it to me. Anyways, I haven't any problems with the SCSI interface that reading the manual didn't cure. I have it connected to an Apple Mac G4/400 (w/ Adaptec SCSI card) and an old Quantum 500MB SCSI drive in between. The built in CD-ROM works fine and by selecting the "Disk" mode I can choose either the hard drive or the CD-Drive to load/save (it really helps to read the freaking manual!)I'm transfering samples using Bias Peak since I couldn't get MESA to work with the Mac's Adaptec card. The sample player sounds great and theres a ton of samples out there to help get started right away. This thing blows away my old Digidesign SampleCell card as far as sound quality and noise floor. The drawbacks are that the 32 MBs of RAM is a little cramped for multi-sampled programs and the CD-ROM drive is too slow. Other than that, you can't beat this thing at this price point.



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Electrical question


I just scored one of these things for $300 US,however it was sold new in the UK so it has UK power.I bought a inverter from Radio Shanty and the guy said it would work fine.Is he right?Will the frequency difference of our ac power make any difference in performance of such things as sample rate/playback tuning,or any other clock related activity or am I good to go?

DJ Cream


Reply to question re using UK equipment in the US (and vice versa) - most audio equipment runs internally on DC, so the 10Hz difference in mains frequency won't matter. I have US-bought CD players which work fine in the UK with a simple transformer. Alternatively you can rewire the internal transformer as they all have connections for both 110V and 220V anyway. You just gotta swap them over, doing away the need for buying an external one. It's really simple, but get help if you don't know what you're doing!

Nicolai Sergheiev


please tel me where i can download
a cd 3000 pdf owner's manual



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Hey, i also searched a owners manual for akai s 3000! And now I found the manual for the CD3000XL, the better version with CD-Drive!!! Perhaps it will help you!

here the Link:

Greetings from Germany



hi, my question is.....can you load samples from a desktop computer via the scsi port on the back? or is that just the cd3000i ??? because i know the cd3000 has an scsi port on the back??



I just replaced the cd-rom drive on an AKAI CD3000XL sampler. How should the 8 switches be set on the mode select panel of a new cd-rom drive? THanks

Gary Joe


I Like it alot! Especially for drums! since it has limited memory, it is very convenient when loading Akai CD-Roms.

Terkel Arrildt


can you get me a juser manual for CD3000XL Sterio Cd Sampler



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help i need cdextract or converter for akai cd3000i from any file to convert on akai thanx



I think i screw myself. I just jumped at a CD3000 on ebay for $99 USD, including shipping, BECAUSE I THOUGHT I COULD SAMPLE OFF CDs!! but online research AFTER I paid for it looks like the regular CD3000 not only doesnt have analog ins, it only reads CDROMs.
I really have no desire to use stock sound libraries. I think i just bought an expensive but cool looking rack filler-upper.
Can anyone tell me I am wrong and I CAN sample from ordinary CDs, please??
Thank you.



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The Akai CD3000 extracts samples from Akai CD libraries but also from sound libraries from 3rd parties. I think the way around it is just to transfer samples via SCSI or just make your on Akai CD images.



I just bought a RAM-less of these on ebay without knowing the difficulty
of getting the RAM. Anyone have any or know where I can get some without
paying a fortune?

João Camacho


I want the Manual



searching correspondance about this sample machine searching factory sound that i hvn't got at all!!

Last added comment



Bought one of these a few months ago for £50, quite a bargain. 16 mb ram,
Only just realised it has a basic effects unit: Delay\Echo etc which in itself is a
bargain as I also have a cd3000xl and the fx boards around 120 quid. I'm yet to
find a use for the machine but am determined to find one!
Im not 100 percent if recycle supports this sampler, i know it works great with
the cd3000xl but not tried it yet. O and i loveeeee the help button :) ps i can't
find a manual anywhere!

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