it's not there ZOOM 1204

ZOOM 1204

1204 & 1204, 2 cheap multi-fx for the budget studio - check 'em out.. this one has a vocoder in it cheap...
Zoom makes piss cheap fx units for the budget concious - the 1201 & 1204, here's the 1204..... may mate has both, and they seem ok what i've heard there's lots of preset stuff that is either useful, or when applied to tracks/sounds, end up producing interesting sounds you might not have thought of....

This model is bit flasher, again, i've experienced this unti several times wwith a freind of mine down the road a way who does alot of dub, and ambient & wierd dubs sounds... It's quite a nice little unit with lots of variety, rotary fx, filter fx, reverbs, delays choruses, etc etc... even a vocoder ..

There is also on this model a front panel input jack for a dynamic mic which is VERY useful for Mc's etc....

Again the 1204 means more.... and you get more presets than the cheaper 1201, with 512 factory presents and 100 users programmable presets (612 in total).... there's even a 'demo' preset to preview each effect, that is quite useful, this mate of mine just spins thru the sounds lettig me hear them - this is useful, cos just like chaning synth patches, you can overlay the fx on the playing sound, and dial thru presets to get ideas, then fine edit them.... The control knobs are used to edit which is nicer i think that cursors, although there is also some cursor stuff to do with this unit.... you also get some limited realtime control ability

so the 1204, anyone use 'em ?....

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Added: 27 May 1999
New price: 160 - ish
S/H price: ?
Company:  ZOOM


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You forgot to mention that it's midi controlable also..

fx wet/dry, bass, treble, control1 and control2 all control by midi.

This unit is great for fx more than reverb, although the reverb is quite distinctive (cheap?), my favorite is the distortion delay settings, great for techno.



Great device... if you look at it's prize. I've used it now about 2 years as my main FX unit and I'm still happyhappyhappy I bought it. It has some _great_ FXs, It's MIDI-controllable, it's just great!

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is this unit is good for vocal fx? plz help?

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