it's not there Livid Instruments Ohm RGB slim

Livid Instruments Ohm RGB slim

Livid Ohms RGB slim, compact and programmable USB MIDI control surface designed for interactive performance, USB Powered, Multicolored LEDs Bi-Directional USB MIDI communication (talkback), Class-compliant: no drivers needed for Mac, Windows, or Linux, 9 faders, 16 programmable encoders, 81 programmable buttons for talk-back and interactive performance, Programmable MIDI mapping allows you to change the MIDI settings on the hardware, Anodized Aluminum Body, Open Source software tools to create your own Multicolored LEDs talkback interaction, Editor included for MIDI editing, and LED talkback programming, Compatible with any software that supports MIDI learn, USB cable included, dimensions: 406 x 228 x 31 mm

Livid Ohms RGB slim, compact and programmable USB MIDI control surface designed for interactive performance, USB Powered, Multicolored LEDs Bi-Directional USB MIDI communication (talkback), Class-compliant: no drivers needed for Mac, Windows, or Linux, 9 faders, 16 programmable encoders, 81 programmable buttons for talk-back and interactive performance, Programmable MIDI mapping allows you to change the MIDI settings on the hardware, Anodized Aluminum Body, Open Source software tools to create your own Multicolored LEDs talkback interaction, Editor included for MIDI editing, and LED talkback programming, Compatible with any software that supports MIDI learn, USB cable included, dimensions: 406 x 228 x 31 mm

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Added: 6 April 2012
New price: 628.00 Euros - 522.84 GBP
S/H price: ?
Company:  Livid Instruments


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