it's not there Audix 35101 - 35102

Audix 35101 - 35102

Just adding these old esoteric eq units for posterity.
Audix 35101 & 35102, old hi-end sought after eq/pre-amp units. This from the www:

Discrete 3 band mice pre-eq. Lo-hi pass filters. Stepped, hi end attenuators. Same identical eq/filter points as 3 band Neve 33114. St. Ives transformers. These were built by Ex-neve employees in the 70's as competition to the Neve 33114. You can't touch this sound quality and versitile EQ at this price! Great for Pro Tools front end.

You can usualy find these refurbished in a rack unit with power supply and probably added phantom power unit etc ready to go as a front-end for digital systems.

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New price: old, discontinued
S/H price: alot...!! - $1800 bucks or so


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Cassio Murilo


Good day,
I wonder if you still have the AUDIX 35101 and 35102 modules Sale?
Thank U

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