it's not there VESTAX PMC 06 PRO A


VESTAX PMC 06 PRO A, prof. 2 chanel Scratch/HipHop mixer
VESTAX PMC 06 PRO A, prof. 2 chanel Scratch/HipHop mixer

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Added: 9 March 2002
New price: to be added
S/H price: ?
Company:  Vestax


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Bought this mixer about a month ago and it's fucking mint. It's about £100 cheaper than the PMC05 (mine cost me £190 new), but the quality is just as good (same faders and that). Plus it's half the width, so makes for easier juggling. Incidentally, the volume faders are curve adjustable if you take the front panel off - this was the only thing I didn't realise before I read the manual.
It doesn't have a mic channel, which might bother some people.
I saw a review before I bought it that said the EQ knobs were too close together, but to be honest I've never noticed that being a problem.

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