it's not there Casio FZ-1 - FZ-10M - FZ-20M

Casio FZ-1 - FZ-10M - FZ-20M

Casio made a few variations based on 1 or 2 meg of memory. The FZ1 is a standard 1 mb sampler expandable to 2 mb... the FZ10M is the equivilant module/rack version... and there was the FZ20M... which came with the 2 mb upgrade installed.... They do offer not bad synthesis in the form of LFO, DCA 8 step envelopes, assignable DCF's, and a Wave synthesis section with sine waves & additive synthesis.....
Not a bad machine...I'd say preferable to the S900 if you want synthesis, and as functional as an Emax, (although the Emax uses Analog filters).....It's a cool cheap sampler in this budget range....I personaly prefer the Emax...especially for the library, which the Casio doesn't really have so good,...but that's maybe not relevent... the Emax is cheaper, and in my opinion better... But you should check out these Casios !
Casio made a few variations based on 1 or 2 meg of memory...The FZ1 is a standard 1 mb sampler expandable to 2 mb...the FZ10M is the equivilant module/rack version...and there was the FZ20M...which came with the 2 mb upgrade installed....also, at the bottom of the page is a link to a site where you will find details of how to upgrade to 4 mb of ram !!...(not a casio upgrade)

Casio is an interesting story.... In the late 80's, they had an excellent range of equiptment.. A comprehensive range of synths...midi drum kit... drum boxes with sampling ability...and the FZ samplers, the first major company 16 bit sampler... But, they were never taken seriously maybe because of the connection to consumer home-keyboards (hasnt stopped yamaha tho !!.... i dunno what it is... people say Casio.... and they go DUR.... but they made good kit.....Now the fact that no-one could ever get in touch with anyone every time they called the Casio offices, may have had something to do with it.....I remember trying over & over to get details of their kit.....only to be always told..."There's no-one in the office right now"....... maybe that wzzed folks off too... but in the end i guess they made a corporate descision to drop the market.... shame... their samplers were quite innovative, and their "phase-distortion" synths offer some very interesting sounds.... the CZ101 is a right old bass machine actually.

The FZ Sampler was the first commercially available 16 bit sampler on the market from a major manufacturer......and was pretty ahead of it's time.......The FZ Samplers offered a synthesis section only rivaled by the soon to arrive excellent E-mu products...(although the synthesis on the E-mu stuff was real analog, & the Casio's were Digital)......yet the casio was priced if i remeber at about £ 999 ... believe it or not the Emax was 2800 !!!!!!... whenb released in the UK..... as i said... it's a good sampler that emax !!....anyways....

The FZ's are 8 note poly (usual for this age), & can contain up to 64 samples in ram.. again, usual.....they have stereo & 8 individual mono outs.....The keyboard can be mapped in loads of different ways...even with velocity split.....

From the point of view of ease of use & library, the FZ's aint that hot, but along with the Emax range, they do offer fairly comprehensive synthesis in a sampler at a budget s/hand price....The FZ range utilising LFO's, DCA 8 step envelopes, and DCF envelopes... & assignable DCF's..... The LFO's can be assigned to DCA depth, & DCF depth.... Also you can assign velocity & aftertouch to DCO level & rate, and DCF level & rate & resonance... aftertouch also assigns LFO to DCA & LFO to DCF as well... Pretty good huh ?

You can also blend two copies of a sample together in "Mix mode" or blend different samples.....In either mode you can append one sample to another including setting X-fade parameters, and/or the 2nd voice can be detuned, delayed or both to create chorus & ADT FX etc.

Interestingly, the FZ range also allows you to enter a "Synthesis mode, where you can use either a raw sample, or a choice of sine waves (up to the first 48 harmonics) to create waveforms with additive synthesis.... You can even create a new waveform, by utilising one cycle of an existing sample & editing it...In other words, you can create custom waveforms from which you can synthesise sounds, or layer with other raw samples... also on the FZ's, the waveforms are drawn out on screen to edit..or in the case of the Wave synthesis, you can draw the waveform on screen..... It seems that Casio were pretty ahead of their time in offering a user create sample synth where the user defines the raw samples to blend with onboard sinewaves or custom made waveforms.

On a minor negative point, the rumour went, that the FZ used shared output converters, so once u start using the seperate outs, they steal proccessing power from each other, which results in a slightly worse sound quality....but really it's not an issue they sound fine.... more of an issue is the lack of current industry & spares support as the company pulled out of this market (sadly)

Anyhow... Not a bad machine... much preferable to the S900 for creativity with the sounds, and as functional as an Emax, (although the Emax uses Analog filters)..... I would recommend this along with the Roland S330, 550, & W30, as the best options to the Emax in the budget sampler range, with the S950 also at a higher price.... I personaly prefer the Emax...especially for the library, which in my opinion pisses on any sampler.... the Emax is cheaper wierdly, and in my opinion better.

Having said that... there's too much chat about gear spec's... either of them with a midi sequencer, a few FX & one other cheap synth will be enuff to get a deal if your ideas are maybe you should check one of these Casios out ! ... they aint bad at all.

One of the most asked questions is about failed disk drives for the FZ samplers. Here's some resources - These two for replacing the drive with a PC drive:

And this for a s/w editor for sample transfer to FZ via MIDI.

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Added: 17 December 1998
New price: Out of production
S/H price: £ 100 - 200 ish


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Frazer Munro


Great Site! - Just bought an FZ-10M and have no sounds at all!!! Where can I get piano and pad sounds etc,

perhaps drums too? If you can help at all I would be so grateful as I am fed up with playing samples of the Oprah

Winfrey show and Michael jackson! Look forward to hearing from you. Frazer

pete janaway


the ATMOSFEARS FZ-1 site seems to have disappeared!


Stuart Robertson


So this is where all the FZ people have gone...

Its nice to see links to my docs on the 4mb upgrade

hosted at Atmosphere. Unfortunately that site is no

longer live, so if anybody is interested email me.

I've also got heaps of technical info - hardware and

software. As well as many of the optional software


BTW a couple of the points above are wrong...

FZ-10m is a 2mb machine as standard, and includes

XLR in/outputs

FZ-20m also a 2mb machine, includes a SCSI interface

and XLR in/outouts

And the bit about output sharing, the FZ does this

all the time with mix or indi outs, and it does not

effect any processing abilities.

As I said if anybody wants to know more email me.

Stuart Robertson


Oh yeah the question about replacement drives.

A bit of an FZ holy grail...

They are available from Casio for silly money.

So far experiments with standard 1.44mb PC floppy drives

have been unsuccessful. If anybody knows differently

email me, as I know a lot of people waiting for

a cheap solution.

Fabio Ruggiero


I have the Casio FZ10M,it's the beautiful machine again today,but I don't have the optional software,please anybody can do it a copy of this software.

Thank you for help.

Please visit my page at

Fred Green


I just was given a fz-10m from someone and I do

not have one sound for it. The guy gave me a

disk with three piano sounds on it and the disk

is bad. So I am stuck with nothing! I would

really appreciate anyone who could e-mail me

sounds for this synth or even a URL to a page that

has some sounds. Thank you for your help.

Fred Green




i have an fz-1 and i;m sooooooo lost i downloaded some

sound files or samples and i haven;t tried them yet.

how can i get started?

what do i need to do to get started?

do i need a computer to play with the fz-1?

can i play it off of a mixer or an amplifier?

i;m soo lost.!!! how do i load the samples?

the midi won;t play on my computer. i have no idea why

but for some reason my computer will play every sound but

midi. so i kind of want to avoid having to use my computer.

so if anyone has any advice please help.



Runar Myklebust


Except the fact that the FZ-1 i bougth (vintage)

suddenly refuses to do anything wich involves the disk-drive,

and that this happend after two weeks, I'm quite

satisfied :)

I would very much like to share my tears with other FZ-users,

so feel free to mail my anytime....even in the middle

of the night ;)

Roger Carruthers


Does anyone out there know of any editing software

for Mac or ST?Any Mac sample editors with drivers

for the FZ?I have a copy of that 4Mb upgrade

article but the DRAMs are hard to obtain/expensive.

The FZ is a great little sampler;had mine for 8

years and only one bust keying chip!

Runar Myklebust


I know that a company called Evelode Soundworks had an editor once for the ST.

I think it was called Sound Designer or something. I also know that dr T had something, and that there was a program called Sample maker than one could use with the FZ, but I'm not sure where to get any of these.

I'm still looking for a disk-drive for my FZ. An

"original" diskdrive in norway costs ap. 230£

and I'm not sure if this pays off? Will it have another breakdown in two weeks?

matthew c


HELP!!! i need a drive for my FZ-1....the only things that my drive will save is effects and synthesized sounds...i am willing to pay the price in $$$....please help me locate one, casio has been no help...the only other alternative i have is to purchase a fz-10 and data dump to its disk drive...i dont know if either option is more feasible.....if anyone has any info please help me!!!



i found an excellent program to use in place of a diskdrive and effects is called alchemy by passport......check it out



There is a program for Win95 and DOS called FZ-dump which is able to dump sample data over midi (snail-speed) or the PC-PARALLEL port (should be much faster, but I haven't tried it, because my parallel port is already used by printer, zip-drive and those bloody software-protection-dongles). Search the web with "fzdump" and you get some information. There should also be a sysex editor called fzedit.

I have an FZ10M and really love that device. The combination of synthesis and sampling is still a cool feature after all that years (Fresh for 98,...)

German Support from Casio is ok: My FZ-10 was broken months ago. They repaired it and send it back to me within one week.

Dario Western


Is there anyone out there who has FZ sound FX disks for

sampling, especially those in the CL-U series? I've just

bought a FZ-10M sampler which is great, but I have had

trouble trying to get soundbytes for it, as a result I

have had to nick from other models (shame on me, hu??).

I'm particularly interested in orchestral instruments, and

sound effects like motorbikes, and those crazy ones on the old

records now used in archives for movies and stuff...

It's a great sampler, especially the splicing and cut samples,

although the stored sample loses some of it when you use this

effect - still life wasn't meant to be easy.

If anyone can contact me about FX discs, I am willing to buy.

Thanks a lot


Stephane Martel


do you have programme

for read fz-disk on pc!!!!!!!!

me have FZ-1 and it very good sampler!!!!!!!

julian higginson


hey there......

I am the proud new owner of an FZ-1, but unfortunately,

it came without disks or manual. now, I'm OK at figuring

out how to use gear, but I was wondering if theres anywhere

that sells manuals for the FZ-1 (casio?) also, in checking

out the condition of my "new" board, what should I look for

(besides making sure the disk drive works...) anything

else that might cause trouble?


athony Wilkes


I have a FZ10m,(I brought it new) and for the life of me, cant find

any support, any sounds!

Can anyone tell me what that port in the back is used for?

Is there a cable available to hook the 10m up to my computer?

I remember reading in "Keyboard" magazine, of updates to come......

Needless to say.....they never did!

Sadat Valentine


dope site looking for a fz20m so I can backup all my fz samples to a hard drive.Also what would be agood hard drive for a fz.Thanx SADAT==:)

Patrick Steemers



I have a problem with my FZ-1. The audio outputs only give a very weak barely audible signal. I might have wrecked the audio output circuitry by wrongly wiring the FZ-1 in my set up. I am desperate since the one specimen of this Vintage Sampler that I own is now broken. I don't want to be using it as a midi-keyboard only.

Does anyone know what the problem could be or does somebody have technical schematics for the FZ-1 so I can try to fix it (maybe with professional help)

Patrick Steemers, The Netherlands.

Patrick Steemers



Thanks for the help Stuart and Mike.

The audio problem turned out to be caused by changed MIDI settings by one of the sample download programs I tried (but never successfully). My FZ is now in eternal REMOTE mode and volume can only be changed through midi, not local with the slider.

I am searching how to reset the FZ into LOCAL mode again.

Glenn Szymanski


Love them FZ's. Bought a FZ-10m a few years back

for $490. Made many samples. Used a Roland D-50 as

a controller. Then found out about the 4 meg

upgrade. Almost had it done on my 10m, but Stuart

told me it was only possible on the FZ-1. So I

sold the 10m and the D-50 and got a Korg NS5R and

a FZ-1. Paid $275 for the FZ because it is in bad

shape. And it's only 1 meg. Now I need to find the

DRAM for the upgrade, can anyone help. I'd also

like to trade samples. Anyone done FZ dumps with

a mac? Anyone have an extra MB-10 expansion?



Wow! I've been looking all over the internet for the spot where the FZ people hang out and here it is! Too bad it's not more of a chat type room so we could just keep coming back to this place. I own both a FZ-1 and 10M and love/loath them dearly. Luckily I've not encountered the Disk Drive problem yet, but the backlight in my LCD display has died. Apparently Casio is all out of replacement parts for this so if anybody has any ideas it would be helpful. Here are some resources that I have come across for FZ's

Rogue Music in New York (ask for Armond) supposedly has a few of the MB-10 expansion boards available. Kid Nepro Productions has sound disks for the FZ's, quite a good selection for $10.Kid Also check out Consumer Electronics Corp:1-800-786-1015 for the remaining supply of origional Casio sound disks. Two leads for parts/repairs are Star Tronics (801) 298-4600, and CMOS (717)736-6525. Hope some of this is helpful and let's keep the FZ alive!!

Mark Wheeler


whats happened to the Atmosfears fz1 site, the url is no longer valid.

Julian Higginson


OK, here's where all the FZ info is on the web...

has a lot of info including the 4MB upgrade.

has a small yet changing set of samples, and linkls to heaps more FZ1 stuff (including this site :)

these links both came from dec 97 sound on sound, and they both work (well I just visited 'em both, and they were there....... honest..... )

hope this helps some of you.....

Julian Higginson


BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!!! just found another web site with lots of FZ disks. go to the music section, and there are available 42 FZ disks (the entire PD FZ library was about 150 disks) btw, disks are in FZ-dump format. hope that's enough to get everyone started and inspired enough to go out and make their own samples.... (is it just me, or isn't that what samplers are actually for... _sampling_ not just to be expensive wavetable synths :)



Unfortunately, the Atmosfear site listed above is no longer around. Many of the FZ resources can be found at

Definitely check it out!



I had mine fully expanded. Brilliant keyboard sampler, restricted only thru the 2Mb memory and slow disk load time ; takes almost forever to load from FDisks ! Sounds definitely crunchy and gritty ; Excellent for Lo-Fi breakbeats and drum loops. 8 outs a bonus. The thing that makes the FZ-1 so heavy is the transformer located at the right ; Wonder why those guys at Casio used such a BIG transformer ???

Keith Gentry


Does anyone know of a program to allow my PC to read FZ1 format floppies?


FZ 1

I use one tooo

I Love it



FZ10M for sale

good condition

some 20 floppies of sounds, no manual

$300 in boston,MA

Peter Berkow


I have a dear friend who is desperate to buy a FZ that works, just to recover data from songs he composed with one that crashed. He had the rack mount FZ 10



Just a couple quick corrections to the description above: The FZ1 comes with 1 meg of RAM standard, upgradeable to 2 meg with MB-10 expansion board. Both the FZ10 & 20 are rackmount and both come with 2 meg of RAM. The big difference is the 20 also has a SCSI interface for hookup to a hard drive!. Also, the FZ1 & 10 have MONO mix output and 8 individual outs. I'm not sure about the 20 but assume it is also a mono mix out. I own both a FZ1 and 10M and have used them for years. The editing capabilities are quite vast, and the built in screen is a real advantage (however, the backlight on the FZ10 has died so I need to view it in direct light). There is lots of sound-making potential with sampling, additive, standard waveforms, hand drawing etc... My only real complaints are that the EG filters are quite noisy, you can actually hear them going through value step stages as they open or close, and it is extremely digital sounding when it comes to subtractive synthesis. But overall I have yet to fully explore all it's creative potential and would recomend one to anyone looking to get a decent sampler with loads of features at a reasonable used price.

Charly S.


I want to know if someone con send me a sound I have been looking for a long time.

The sound used in "Owner of a lonely Heart" , a YES album. I need de sound that is similar to an Orchestra Hit.

Christoffer Tullgren



I´m a beginner in using the FZ-1, so I have a couple of questions:

* How do you remove the part of a sampling that doesn´t sound after you truncated it?

The sampling remains for example 4 seconds long even if "sounding" part is just two millisecond!

* I use the FZ-1 together with Atari 1040-Cubase, but I doesn´t seem to get the midi-channels to work. How do you select a midichannel for the seperate voices?

I would be very thankful to get some answers to my questions.

/Christoffer, Sweden

Michael Park



How are you?

I have CASIO, CTK-500, Expert Logic Accompaniment.

One day all C, F#, key doesn't work.

How can I do?



You have a great site. I was wondering is the a casio keyboard 1200. It is 73 keys and mide ready. Could you find me some more information one this keyboard

Chris Lieggi


Here's the story with the floppy drives... there's a design flaw in all the FZ series so that whenever there's a disk in the drive, the drive is spinning, now that these units have been out for however long (8-9 years) alot of the floppy drives are getting pooped... so if ya got an FZ and the floppy works, eject the disk unless you are presently loading or saving. Save the drive a little life.

paul le secq


a very good sampler for good programer. the sound is good with effets.

Jon B


Hi there. Good site guys! I use an FZ20M - perfectly happy with it but for one thing. Where can I get the right sort of stable SCSI hard drive for live use??? The machine (with optional software of course) doesn't like formatting the hard drive. Anyone got any good ideas? I've got gigs looming and I'm starting to panic!!!



Hey !

I am 11 years old and I use instruments all

the time !!! I am in two bands at the moment

and I was wondering if the '' FZ 1 '' is worth

getting . The most thing I want on a keyboard

is 'rrreeeally' good sound affects , I mean ,

rrrrreeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyyy ' good sound affects !!!

So , if you have any advice for me , pleeease

help me out !!!

Bye !

P.S: I can't give my e-mail away , just incase ,

but , you can write to , me on this 'guest-book' .




Hi. Was hoping someone could tell me how to open the FZ1 properly. The keyboards contacts are wearing or dirty and would like to clean them. One note has ceased to function and a couple of others are intermitent. By the way the disk drive on the Casio was made by panasonic.

Not sure if that helps.




I dont know much about the FZ but

I think(and hope) i can buy Fz-1 or Fz-10 or fz-20!

if possible! Because i have been told that they

are mostly cheap and good but nothing more ;)

Can anyone tell me whats the main diffrent between

them and, etc. sampling memory, cost, sounds,!


















Hobbe Faber Jr.


I have send this message also on the 15th of august 1998 but I can't find it anymore on this site, but I still want to know if anybody knows how to link an Iomega Zip 100 plus onto a casio FZ1 sampler and make it work. I am getting sick and tired of having to put dozens of floppies in the drive.



The FZ1/10M doesn't have a SCSI-Port, so you

can't it connect with a ZIP-drive. (Only the FZ20

has a SCSI-Port)

But look at -

there is a Dump-programm for Win95 and for MSdos,

one for Midi-dump (slooow) and one for Paralell-

portdump (faaaster as SCSI). You must "built" a

Cable with 8 2kohm Resistors (a Schema is also on

this site). But my Selfmadecable doesn't work, i don't

know why?

[With the Programm you can also transfer Wav-samp-

les, 8 or 16 bit,!!!!!]



I am using, my FZ-1 almost every day, and i need an Orchestra Hit, the one used in the song "Owner of a lonely Heart", a YES album. Thanks.



I'm using a FZ1 for Hip Hop productions, but since one week the the keyboard doesn't work any more. The samples can only be played by the computer. Perhaps you know wat's wrong.

kenji tsujita


mail from japan

please tell me !!

MAC can sampledump software from FZ-1

if you know it,please mail for me !

Trevor Campbell


I have had my FZ1 for 3 years using it mostly as a midi controller keyboard within my setup.

Many years ago there use to be a FZ 1 Owners Club. Does anyone know whether it's still around.



Although it was a completley un-user-friendly keyboard to learn, it is the root of all my music.

I also use the Kurtzwiel K-2000, ensonic eps/esq,

Korg M1, Roland MKS-30,and I still do all my sampling on it. I think I like the grit.

But it is in ruff shape right now, I need to know how much replacement keys cost and where I can find them.

Also, when I assign a voice to one of the eight outputs, the polyphony turns to one note per output. Huh??? what am I doing wrong?

And how about that screen, is there any way of enhancing the contrast so it doesn't look like I'm playn a gameboy?

Fz rocks baby!!!! Osgoode says so!

Check out our site at

Brian Tunnard


Can anyone supply a replacement disk drive fro a Casio FZ-1 keyboard .... or details on how to use a "standard" PC disk drive with this.

Many thanks




got a hint of a friend and found that site.

I have the FZ1 since 10 years. I liked it to carry 25 kilos (with case) to the studio, before I got my driverlizens. 6 years ago a fire burned down our rehearsalroom. The FZ was full of fireworkers water and foam. Forgotten, not missed . . spend it a whole winter with minus degrees outside on balkon. . .years later, discovered, challanged again and reconnected . . .

-and he runs and runs . . .VW-beetlesyndrom.

For all with contact-problems (not that kind of problems) with the keyboard, remove cover, remove brass-screws from the keyboard, remove the whole board (in one piece, please), remove the grey gumpads, clean the black spots on the pads carefuly with light soapwater. Try to build up your FZ1. Have fun

Carlos Ramirez


I need help in spanish to understand the way to

use my Amiga computer whith the FZ-1



Can someone please provite me with a picture

of the FZ10M and e-mail me about the 4MB

upgrade info.

SUBLIMINAL (da dutch break)

Glenn Szymanski


Looking to get in contact with Stuart Robertson. I have his old imajica address, but I know he doesn't work there any more. Has he updated his FZ-1 page lately? I think that I may have found some 80ns chips for the 4 mb upgrade. If anybody has done the 4 mb upgrade please contact me.



Can somebody please send me a 909.fzf kit

thank you

James O'Neill


Does anyone know how to control the DCF in realtime play WITH MORE THAN ONE SAMPLE??? Is it possible. I can do it when in voice edit mode but then the keyboard just has one sample assigned to it.



oh, yeah, while I'm here - I seem to have some Optional Software nobody else has - possibly beta?? - there's a couple I've never figured out. Here's what I've got: SIN X FEEDER, LIN X FEEDER, REV X FEEDER, LOOP OPTIMIZ, SOLO CHORUS, MUSICAL NOTE, PATERN NOTE, HDD OPERATOR, WAVE SYNTH, LOOPOPTIMIZE, FADEOPTIMIZE, COPY DISK,& DIRECTORY.

the ones I can't get to work are MUSICAL NOTE and PATERN NOTE. insights? want copies?

Submachine 23


Actually, the specs above are a bit off, the FZ-1 came standard with 1MB, but the FZ-10M came with 2MB standard and the FZ-20M also had 2MB, but included a scsi port... as these samplers are painfully slow loading and saving to/from floppy or midi, the scsi is a great option, hence the rarity of the 20M's... alternately, there is a shareware DOS sample librarian for the FZ-1 / FZ-10M that comes with instructions to build a cable to connect the pc's parallel port to the data port of the FZ-1(0M) which was originally meant only for communication between 2 like machines, with this software and cable, it's possible to load and save samples MUCH quicker (8-10x faster in some cases)

Droidsolarmodule x17381


Where can I get my FZ1 repaired??????

skip coblyn


Stuart Robertson...did your e-mail address change???? I've had an FZ-1 for 9 years, but have just taken it out of
and begun to reacquaint myself with its digital wonders and

Sounds like "you da man" as far as knowing how to upgrade this
monster. I am interested in working with today's computer
ie, windows 95, 1.44MB drives, ultimately using it as my master
tied into a Cubase system, (which I have yet to purchase).

yakety-yakety-yak. enough from me. how can you help? any
wisdom will
be greatly appreciated.


Skip Coblyn
w 703.749.7331
h. 301.253.5777



I need the drawing of the cable to connect the FZ1 sampler to SCSI Adaptec AVA1505 external Port connection
if possible.
Tank you and best reguards

gary foessett


Does any one have a copy of the fz-1/fz-10m book that Defuria and Scacciaferro put out in the late 80s. I have just bought a fz-10m and I could really use a photocopy of which I will gladly pay for.



Great site! I'm thinking of selling my
FZ-1. It's a 1MEG machine in beautiful
condition. The drive still works!
However, it does have a problem with the
MIX output... probably a bad jack or
connection. All other outputs work. I
have a small collection of original
Soundwaves disks--- Drums, Bass Sounds,
Accompaniment,Stringed Instruments, and
the 2 disks it was originaly sold
with---FZ Sound Disk A & FZ sound Disk B
which contain piano sounds and stinged
insdtument sounds. I have the original
manual in great shape as well. It's
printed in English as well as Spanish.
I need motivation to sell it. Make me an
offer. I'm in California in the Bay
I also have an Alesis MMT-8 Multi Track
MIDI Recorder for sale. I have the
manual for that as well. Barely used in
the last 10 years! Works gr

pete jones


for sale
Casio FZ-1 sampler
fully expanded memory
61 key/5 octave velocety/aftertouch sensitive keyboard
30secs sampling at top rate(36kHz) 116.5 secs at lowest rate(9kHz)
huge onboard lcd screen shows harmonics,waveforms,envelopes...etc
excellent wave synthesis features
brilliant lowpass resonant filters
8 stage envelopes
8 loop points
8 outputs+mix out
all manuals
plus large library





Weblink: link

best keyboard feel but ain't the lightest board I got



2 corrections to your explaination above, the FZ10M came with 2Mb RAM, and all the FZ's had 8 individual outs and mono (not stereo) outputs. Still an excellent machine!



I had a FZ1 sampler, and I think it was a very good machine for that time, but quite good also nowadays. I sell it, but now I have a sort of nostalgia so I'll buy one ASAP!!!
The quality of sound not processed is very very good; I had also a Roland DJ70, but FZ1 was simplier to use and program, I love it!
If someone would start with a simple, old fashioned sampler, go for it; you also buy a quality keyboard at low price.

Thomas Bates



I was wondering if anybody out has the Cakewalk Instrument Defintions for the for the FZ-1. If you do I'd really love to have that.




Weblink: link

Some great info here. Thanks.I noticed
several people had asked about transfering
sounds via midi on Macs. but no answers
posted here. if anyone has information,
please please send it to me. Can i just do a
midi-dump from any sysex program? If so,
how? i have tried and recieved only error's
on the FZ1. Thanks!



remember, (see links) do new lcd backlights for casio gear



Weblink: link

i love this this sampler!! but i am interested in floppy disks for the FZ-1.
not interested in the dump unless some one can send me a complete working interfase.(professional hobbiist part time)



Hello. I´ve just read about the optional software for the casio FZ-1 that the user named Joe says he´s got. How can I get it?
Thank you, Paco



i had an FZ10m as my first sampler,it was greaat,easy to use,waveform editing-why did i sell it!!!!



I´ve got an Ensonic EPS 16, and I wonder if it is possible to download samples from the internet, does anybody know?

Please mail me if you know anything about it!



I'm looking for a scheme how to replace the w30 floppy disk drive damaged with a PC 3.5" drive



I was wondering if anyone can tell me where to find a new floppy drive for it



I have a FZ-1 clone (Hohner HS-1) for sale. Complete with manual and loads of samples inc. original Casio samples. The disc drive is broken, a common problem, I believe.
If interested, make me an offer



Can anyone help - a few of my original FL- and FLS- sample disks have corrupted, and can anyone send me either the original disks which they don't need any more, or in .fzf format, for use with a PC.

Many thanks in advance...



Re: Floppy drive Problems...
I have disassembled my FZ Floppy drive and found out, that there are three pin-switches pressed when you insert a floppy disk. on the right at the front (you have to remove the plastic black cover) side there is one switch determining what kind of disk is inserted (DD or HD) on the other side there are two:

1 (front of drive, looking from above)
o-----------------------------o 2
| o 3
| |

1 - What densitiy (dd/hd)
2 - disk inserted (drive starts spinning)
3 - write protection

it seems as if these switches age with the years (internally by oxidation), so you have to replace them with parts from another floppy drive. A bad contact causes messages like Disk Error while erasing or "write protected". Now I'm lucky, in my case it works now. Hope this is of any use for you. If you aren't gifted in soldering, ask somebody who is ;)
greetings, jamram.



Re Floppy...
the pin 3 is located next to pin 2 (not as shown above), bad formatted by html :-(

Chris Ehler


Weblink: link

I have a FZ20 suddenly the screen is blank when I turn it on and discs cannot be loaded. I can't seem to
get anything to appear on the screen at all. I error message would be nice. Is this the flppy drive problem
everyone is talking about. Please someone let me know.
P.S. I have alot of amazing samples if I can get this thing running I can copy them and send them to you.

IT`s Me again


Hi! I like the sound of it, but don´t like to switch in the menues !

Is there any Editor for this machine? ATARI / PC .. whatever
Thank you

W. Steele


Weblink: link

I love the sound that comes out of it (real gritty . . . . close to the SP-1200) . But
I have yet to find a manual and would appreciate any help w/ finding one . Thanks



I am an FZ-1 owner for many many years and used it with Atari's & Cubase all the time. But now I am trying to hook this machine up to a PC as a midi-controller keyboard within my setup. Is there someone out here who can share the same experience?

Problem is: I attached the FZ-1 to a PC and tried to use this machine as a midi-controller keyboard for the last couple of days. Are there any settings in this machine I can adjust to get this thing working?



I'm looking to replace the 3.5" floppy disk drive in my FZ-10M and need to know which brand(s) are compatible for replacement. If anyone has this info I would greatly appreciate it. I can find the drive and change it out myself but again I need to know which drive(s) are best. Thank you for your assistance. It's a good unit when it works.

buttery spread


Just got an FZ-1 and I love it! How can I load samples downloaded from the net onto the fz-1 with the floppy drive? Is there is windows program for formating the discs in FZ format and sticking the samples on the disc? Any advice (or direction to a PDF manual / book) would be awesome!

Great sampler, a little clunkly to edit but lots of charm and suprisingly good sound.

The volume slider on mine also doesn't work!




I have a problem with the floppy drive of my casio fz10m.
I want read the floppy disk of my casio fz on a pc with software or emulator!
Exist this way or possibility?




Here's some information about alt programme for sample dumping over midi (slow).

here's (second link) a description of using a standard pc Floppy drive. It has to be rewired in order to make it work. Not for the fainthearted or for noobs to soldering.



Weblink: link

another disk-replacement details page



I've just picked up an old used FZ-10M, but it's giving me trouble.

When I assign stuff to the individual outs, the sound is barely hearable at all, being very low in volume. Also, it seems delayed in a strange way, when striking a key 5-6 times, there is a 3-4 second delay and the sample is played only once, very low volume. I don't know if anything is broken on the machine, becuase everything sounds ok when listening with headphones in the headphone jack.

Anybody got any ideas, I'd greatly appreciate it..

/Peter, Sweden



I have been searching high and low for a new/used Casio FZ-1 Keyboard nand I cant seem to find it anywhere. )=

where do you sugget I look?

or gp??

I still have the original floppys that I saved songs on but was wondering if there was any other softwear I could use to download these samples on???

please help

thank you

peace (=



I want to buy another fz 10m as i sold mine some years ago regretably.if you can help or know anyone who can i would be eternaly grateful.i have a huge libray and am always willing to share samples.

many thanks



My FZ1 I bought in 1987 died summer of 07.
Just scored a mint FZ1 to replace it for 300 bux on Ebay!

Came with 250 formatted sound disks including close to 1000 sound samples and a CD-ROM including 142 FZ Sound Disks, and FZ-series optional software

I am willing to sell my working FZ1 floppy drive if someone needs it.

Email me at if interested



Hi everyone,

Just discovered this site. I've had an FZ-1 for nearly 15 years now. This is a great resource!

If anyone has an FZ-1 with a dead backlight screen, do what I did - replace it with an LED backlight!! It will last forever, and you can choose several different colours for backlighting (or even mix different coloured LED's on the same backlight for a funky whacky look!!)

Just buy 8x 3mm LED's of about 200mcd brightness. I chose orange coloured, but red is a bit dull for reading the screen with. Green is good. Buy them from any electronics shop like Radio Shack etc.

Solder a row of 4 of them together in series, so that the 4 of them will fit along the top of the FZ screen area. Test them with a 9V battery. Now make another row of 4 exactly the same. Test them also. Now open up your FZ-1 and remove the plastic backplate that keeps the backlight in place. Remove the backlight, and also a little transformer that powers the backlight (its on the circuit board that the backlight plugs into).

Take the plastic backplate and cut a large rectangular hole in it the size of the FZ LCD screen, so that it resembles a picture frame. Mount it back on the back of the FZ screen where it used to go. Now sticky tape a piece of white paper over the rectangular hole.

Sticky tape or glue the LED rows to the white paper along the top and bottom, around the perimeter of the backplate, facing inwards. The tips of the LEDs should just protrude past the picture frame part, so that they are in the screen area just slightly.

Solder these 2 rows individually to a toggle switch, and solder the switch to a 9V battery clip. Plug in a 9V battery and switch the switch on, and test that each row of LED's works.

Close the hood of your FZ and have a look at your FZ screen from the front (dont switch your FZ on yet). You should see a glow!! Mount the LED switch somewhere convenient on the FZ casing, like the back, so that you can switch it on and off as needed.

Finally, cover the whole back of the screen, LEDs and wiring with some insulation tape, to prevent any short outs with other parts inside the FZ-1.

Put your FZ back together and power it up. Switch on your backlight and enjoy!

Cheers, Graham



I dug my Casio FZ - 1 out the attic to use it. When i did i noticed that it will power up but i cannot hear anything. i tried the headphone idea and it did not work. any suggestions?



anyone know what exactly, can i connect to my external port plug on my fz10m? PLEASE email me! i tried a zip drive to no avail



FZ1 Uber Alles!!
dank fûr geben uns zound!!
sehr gût



I am still willing to sell my working FZ1 floppy drive if someone needs it. Make me an offer.

Email me at if interested

anthony latorre


[quote] Charlie wrote: I am still willing to sell my working FZ1 floppy drive if someone needs it.
Make me an offer.Email me at if interested [/quote] i will give you 75.00 for
your fz 1 floppy drive.please call anthony 1 212 213 1721[quote] Charlie wrote: I am still willing
to sell my working FZ1 floppy drive if someone needs it. Make me an offer.Email me at if interested [/quote]




I just dug my Casio FZ1 out of the garage after 15 years and tried to
power it up and it does not appear to boot up. The LCD screen has two
dark bands (about 1/4 the screen each). I am not sure if the drive has
failed either. Does anyone know if there is an internal battery that
could have corrupted the ROM? Is it possible I need to reload SW in the
ROM? Please help!!!



I still have my 2nd failing FZ-1 in my studio. I was keeping it for spare parts. The most important part is the floppy drive which does work.
Ask $75.00. If in New York.. come pick it up



I bought a Casio FZ-1 on eBay one week ago.

I still didn't receive it, but the owner told me that there's no sound cuz the drive doesn't boot up... Does that mean I have to change it to get sounds working ?? Or it'll only lose my data when switching off ?? Is it really annoying having a FZ-1 without a working disk drive??? Please help me I don't get how the FZ-1 worx.




I have a Casio FZ-1, and I'm trying to figure out about how much it is worth in
great condition.. Any help?



Hi Stuart,
If you are still around and read this message...
I am after your doc on the 4mb upgrade.
Also, You say you also got heaps of technical info - hardware and software. As well as many of the optional software disks.
How am I able to obtain a copy from you of all you have on FZ1
Thank you, Kordunas

Last added comment



A thought before I go on: Why isn't there a selection for "Very Serious Hobbyist" in the comments section? I've been making electronic music for over 25 years and, even though I have a full time job and have never scored that illusive recording contract, I feel my efforts should have some merit. *whimper*

Anyway, has anyone found a tutorial or video outlining the simple operation of setting up an internal voice that's been stacked and detuned; or saving effects along with a patch; or even what exact floppy disc I should use to save patches? (the manual says one thing but it hasn't worked) Or just a reason why when leaving the hand drawn wave area after creating a new one and then moving to the preset waves, does it disappear? Frankly, I need help! Like a primer. Something similar to a "Dummies Guide" for the Casio FZ-1. Does this sound sane or is this too idiotic for an Idiots Guide? Wait, I'm beginning to find out why I'm not a professional musician! Oh well, all these questions still stand.

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