it's not there Zoom MRS 1044

Zoom MRS 1044

ZOOM MRS 1044 Hard Disk Recorder 44.1 kHz sampling, 16 bit linear format with no compression, 24 bit signal Processing and 24 bit A/D, D/A conversion, Optional SCSI and USB add-in card slot
ZOOM MRS 1044 Hard Disk Recorder 44.1 kHz sampling, 16 bit linear format with no compression, 24 bit signal Processing and 24 bit A/D, D/A conversion, Optional SCSI and USB add-in card slot

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Added: 15 March 2002
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S/H price: ?
Company:  ZOOM


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brane rauter


We bought ZOOM 1044 and USB i'Interface Board UIB-02. Now we have problems with installing software and driver on our computer because we have Windows XP. Can you help us please?
Thank you.
Best regards.
Brane and Mateja

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