it's not there Yamaha QX-1

Yamaha QX-1

It was top of the range.... dont go for much now... check one out... maybe you can get a bunch of old 5-1/4" floppies from somewhere.....
Top of the line Yammy mega sequencer... up to 80,000 notes in eight seperate tracks w/ built in 5 1/4" floppy disk drive. Other features include full step or real time recording, complete editing facilities of all data, sync for drum computers and signal processing and more....This is a good cheap unit if you can get the disks, with loads of facilities, and a built in Querty board...

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4: Excellent!

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Total Stars: 3
Total Votes: 1


Added: 22 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: 150 ish
Company:  Yamaha UK


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