it's not there Yamaha QX3

Yamaha QX3

classic hi-end old skool sequencer
Similar in design to the QX1 but I believe a later release from the QX1... I used to work with a guy who used one of these, and I remember I used to be able to overdub parts live and he'd mix them in... not sure if you can mute tracks during playback tho...anyone?.....

This and the QX5-FD, are the ones to go for of the QX range.....The QX3..., it has 16 tracks and a capacity of 48,000 notes. Songs can be chained together for successive playback, 3.5" DS/DD disk drive, 2 line 40 character backlit LCD, system exclusive bulk dumps, resolution to 96 clocks per quarter note, multiple time signatures per song, and sync to tape. Files from the QX1 can be loaded via midi as well.... very nice..... very rare....

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Added: 22 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: 150 ish
Company:  Yamaha UK


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How much does it cost now can you help me?

The Doves


we need this owner's manual please act immediately,




Weblink: link

there ya go - one qx3 pdf manual



i was wondering about the conections of the QX3 and which one should i conect to my sterio.(eg/ tape in/out, foot sw, and click.)
i am useing a 6.5mm sterio plug RDA conection and i was wondering if this is the right connection i should be useing.



the Tape i/o is for backup of data, click for audio click & f/switch is for stop/start, so there's really nothing to go to your stereo unless you want to monitor the click only - this is a MIDI recorder/arranger/sequencer, it doesnt have any sounds in it. (a great h/w sequencer btw)



I bought the QX-3 when it first came out. I still use it to sequence, I like it better then my computer to sequence. The hardware is hard to beat, everything in one compact unit. Compare to my laptop, midi port box, wires, and power cords.

The QX-3 uses a 3 1/2 720kb DD floppy disk.
You can use a 3 1/2 144mb floppy HD but it don`t give anymore disk memory, then 720kb. I can get about 10 to 12 songs per disk.

My question to you ? is that there is a 3 1/2 flashpath A: adapter disk that uses a smartmedia card from 4mb to 1gig. would the QX-3 BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE all the memory on the FLASHPATH ? the company that makes the flashpath said the flashpath adapter will work on anything that uses a 3 1/2 floppy

The QX-3 will read up 99 files and I can put 99 songs on one smartmedia card
but will it work ?



When using any 720kb DD disk with QX-3 always format the disk on the QX-3.

pre formatted disk will work but but will run so much slower when saving or loading
data to and from the pre formatted disk to the QX-3 memory .



Well I bought the Camedia Flash Path Floppy Disk Adapter, And it did not work like I hoped it would, so don`t spend the money I only lost $7.00
I got it off Ebay. it was a small price to pay



I am a professional user of the QX3 with all my equipment that I use. It is the most reliable machine for recording and playback. It is setup with job numbers and no menus to go through. This is excellent for live and studio use. Being able to save to floppy disk is great. I have several 80s synthesizers and a more modern EMX drum machine and it interacts perfectly with anything that accepts Midi. I like how you can ask it the length of songs and how it displays how much memory it has live. I also have a QX1 which is a huge thing and it takes 5 and 1/4 floppies, I like the QX3 better, it is more flexable and faster. It so reliable too. I love it to death and so do my synthesizers! Its always ready to and has no issues. If you can find one, get it and enjoy it! It is a professional sequencer and can do just about everything!!

mike lexis


[quote] Pascal wrote: How much does it cost now can you help me? [/quote]

TheQX3 is the best old sequencer out there - I originally paid 1000 pounds for it. Its awesome and yes you can mute any track during playback - you can set your whole studio settings with it - all the sound modules - time code - the lot! Techno heads will ramble on about modern ones - but modern machines - all in one units can be a nightmare to get ya head around - the QX3 is still king - trust me - and you can buy em for buttons.It does the lot - the loop function is a bit glitch y, but who cares - that's what samplers and pcs are 4.



im interested to buy a qx3,because i was satisfied about my 2 qx5fd.
however i have a question.i read that if you record a song,you need to save tracks every time before you switch off the qx3 because data are lost.
is it true?its curious that track erase themselves when switching off!
can someone answer me,?
thank you

oh shit


what's so surpring? do you normally switch off your computer (or music machine or smartphone or any other digital device for that matter) without saving the file you've just been working with??

Last added comment

oh shit


the loop function is a bit glitch y, but who cares - thats what samplers and pcs are 4. [/quote]

do you mean that it has a problem with loops?
hey wait, somewhere else i've read that the loop function is basically useless since it produces something like timeline errors that sum up and therefore the looping function ends up being useless. If that's right, I think it's bad enough, this sounds like a complete useless machine. I don't know how you can diminish such a problem; looping is one of the most crucial feature for a sequencer. Can you please clarify your statement? what does it mean pcs and samplers are made for looping... what have pcs and samplers being good at that got to do with QX3 being or not beeing good as a sequencer? How can pcs and sampler make the QX3 a good sequencer if it's not? Come on, audio looping can hardly compensate for faulty midi looping..

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