Yamaha QX5 FD

This is another good sequencer with disk storage that can be had cheap... one of the few....check it
As for the QX5...., but with a built in 3.5 floppy disk drive...... excellent....

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Currently: 80%
Total Stars: 24
Total Votes: 6


Added: 22 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: -
Company:  Yamaha UK


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Randy James


The QX-5FD info on this site is in error. I own both the QX-5 and the QX-5FD. Although very similar, the QX-5FD adds several functions beyond just the built-in 3.5" disk drive. One obvious plus is it's large, detented data entry knob. The QX-5FD also adds 'Expand' and 'Recall' functions to the Track Edit menu that the QX-5 does not have. Measure editing also includes a way decent 'Reverse' function also not found on the QX-5, which was released one year earlier ('87). The Setup menu also includes 'Edit Confirm' and 'Track Labeling' unavailable on the QX-5. The Load/Save functions are almost totally different; mostly due to the added advantages of an onboard disk drive.
Neither sequencer is as common as the Alesis MMT-8 but if you do come across one (QX-5 or QX5FD), buy it - especially the QX-5FD. Will send JPEG.

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