it's not there EDIROL UM-2


EDIROL UM-2 USB MIDI Interface, 2 In/Out, for PC and MacOS
EDIROL UM-2 USB MIDI Interface, 2 In/Out, for PC and MacOS

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Currently: 33%
Total Stars: 5
Total Votes: 3


Added: 12 January 2003
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S/H price: ?


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wow, it's so good. works awsome.

now if they would only support hot plugging this thing in (windows xp). what the hell. midi is so simple why can't they support plugging it in like a mouse. I have to reboot every time. even though it works very nicely, what a piece of crap because of this feature...

I shouldn't have to reboot!!!!

can anyone suggest something that works just as well, but doesn't need a reboot? i.e. what if it comes unplugged in a performance? I can't reboot at that point.

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yeah, I was setting up a client with an Edirol UA-20 usb device as his audio & midi i/o - very nice little device.

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