it's not there Steinberg Midex 8

Steinberg Midex 8

STEINBERG Midex 8, USB Midi-Interface, 8 x Midi-In u. 8 x Midi-Out for 128 seperate Midichannels
STEINBERG Midex 8, USB Midi-Interface, 8 x Midi-In u. 8 x Midi-Out for 128 seperate Midi channels.

The Steinberg MIDEX 8 is the latest innovation in MIDI interface technology from Steinberg featuring 8 independent MIDI inputs- and outputs in a slick 1-rackunit case. Fantastic timing and improved grooves.

Steinberg's new LTB protocol gets your music where it should be - right on time. Everyone knows about the timing precision of hardware sequencers - and Steinberg now bring that level of timing accuracy to modern operating systems with the MIDEX8.

The key to this is Steinberg's unique LTB Linear Time Base communication protocol. LTB defines to sub-millisecond accuracy exactly when a MIDI event should leave the MIDEX 8. The responsibility of the MIDEX 8 unit is to send the events at the right moment, free from any further intervention by the computer's operating system

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Added: 26 January 2004
New price: 282.97 UKP - 399.00 Euros
S/H price: ?
Company:  Steinberg


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