it's not there Roland RE-201

Roland RE-201

The classic Roland Space Echo
The famous Roland 'Space-Echo' is a tape delay unit.... the echo in a million yard dubs...... nothing can quite replicate the old space-echo for dub.... check it out.

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Total Stars: 27
Total Votes: 9


Added: 6 January 1999
New price: discontinued
S/H price: 400-500 (uk)... they are sought-after
Company:  ROLAND UK


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ahh the ol re-201 i heard they were sllin for a g now on ebay.Everyone needs one of these.The VF-1 has a damn good simulation.You see that big knob in the middle.The vf-1 lets you turn it and its so close my 201 doesnt have to go out live.I abuse the shit out of the feedback and the VF-1 is good.




sprucing the place up a bit



the ultimate dub machine

Carlos Nunez


I should like to have more info about
the ROLAND -RE-201.
Can I make it work on line with my
home recording studio?
Are you located in theUSA ?
Price of the unit ?
regards Carlos

FM Gliders


yum!!!! and that also goes for the
item below!
but, where can i mere mortal like
myself acquire such godlike gear?
do you know?


Last added comment

FM Gliders


ebay, huh?
i'm new to all of these and as i learn i
also realize that the the"vintage" gear
is every bit as cool as any s/w synth,
and then some.
does anyone have any suggestions
about some vintage equip?
where to find it, etc...

peace and synths


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