it's not there Bel BDE delay

Bel BDE delay

classic sampling delay unit
Here's a wierd one.. hands up all those who used one of these in a studio circa 1985 ??.... just as samplers started to appear these sampler delays had been the best way to move song parts around and drop them in to other parts of the song onto new empty multitrack tape tracks alongside the rest of the mix... You'd line up the tape, set it all up feedwise & then sample it, then set the internal/external sequencer (or manually) trigger the vocal (say) at the right place and record it to the multitrack... er, also it's a delay & time-fx unit... these are proper but old.

Some of the series could hold samples more then one, like a whole bunch, then sequences could be created to trigger the parts, so you could also chop up parts and create weird delays with re-ordered edits etc.. whatever, it's a delay that ad's massive facilities to the 'capture' & 'playback' part of the standard digital delay... The BDE's did about 24 seconds @ 18k and 32 seconds @ 15k... about 32 seconds maximum sample/delay time...

The Bel BDE series... A monster from the deep eh?.. heh heh... we used to just use 'em as delays & other time fx really... ne1 used one then?.. user comments please...

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Added: 3 February 2001
New price: er.. ?? - lots!!..
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