it's not there Roland SDD320 - Dimension D

Roland SDD320 - Dimension D

The classic SDD320 'Dimension D' chorus from Roland.
The famous Roland SDD320- 'Dimension-D' - released around late 70's, you rarely see these, but may have heard of them... Well, it's basicaly a fixed stereo chorus machine... that's all it does, but it has a sound, not just cos it's old and roland & analog, but the built in input compander add's to the 'sound'... 5 push buttons bring on the chorusing at 4 levels from low to highest 'effect' & one button for effect off...

The Dimension 'D' - a total classic folks, as used in Paisley Park etc... comments please !...

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Added: 4 February 2001
New price: ??
S/H price: can be cheap, but rare
Company:  ROLAND UK


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Justin Chodzko


Does anyone know if this is the same type of chorus sound as the preset ones on the Roland Junos? If it is I have been after this unit for ages!



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Hi there,

I think the dimension d is much more earlier than the junos. I mentioned it on a equipment list on a tomita recording from 1977.

Eric Green


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Ihave had a "D" for 15 years. The chorus sound is pretty amazing. It just kind of spreads out really wide and is really smooth. I am a Alex Lifeson fan and that's why I got mine. It gives guitar that wide huge lush chorus sound.



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Adrien Duchemole


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to justin
hi, dimension D chorus is not the same as juno s chorus
it s the same you can find on VP330 or RS505 (to me, it s really better than the one you can find on a juno)
another great chorus is the one included in the CS80
great great sound

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