it's not there DBX 263X

DBX 263X

DBX de-esser, very useful unit if you do vocals.
The DBX 263X is a half rack size de-esser. I've actualy used & worked daily with one of these in a reggae studio, and they are excellent.

There's 2 in a rack in the image above, they can be used solo as they stand on a tabletop and have a mains cable. You simply use the front slider to add more or less de-essing - I cant remember now but possibly there is also a fine tune for the frequency range (which is quite narrow for de-essing) which'd explain that additional control pot at the end of the slider.. hey!.. I used this thing like 10 years ago... but i definately remember how well it de-essed, and how you just added it (insert) and that was that... crisp vocals, no sibilance problems... they go cheap sometimeas and are WELL worth it for a vocal studio i highly recommend this unit!

If newbies want to know what de-essing is, check the FX-RACK Articles or Main Articles section of the site.

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New price: discontinued
S/H price: 100 quid
Company:  DBX


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Marcus Mayo


i want to know does the 263x work well with a phantom power mic.

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