it's not there Roland SBF 325

Roland SBF 325

A classic 70's/80's Roland analog Flanger
I think these came out around 1976 - a true analog stereo flanger... didn't everyone use or own one of these at least once in the 80's??... loads of people use 'em still, a classic and rare...

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Currently: 67%
Total Stars: 10
Total Votes: 3


Added: 20 October 2001
New price: discontinued -
S/H price: 50-150 depending on luck
Company:  ROLAND UK


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I would love to have a pillow fight with my groamdnther. I miss her every day and she has been gone since 1998. She loved to sew, knit and crochet and I could use her help now with knitting and crocheting:) We had a really close relationship:) The pillow is so you!Laura T

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