it's not there Alesis Microgate

Alesis Microgate

Cheap semi-auto gate from Alesis Micro series.
Probably the cheapest budget gate you can get, but for all that is it worth it?... well, it'll certainly keep a noisey item of gear quiet until it plays which if added to one or two noisey items can make gigs & takes ALOT quiter... but no Gate tricks with one of these, simply it's designed as an automted channel-quetener, so you got - Threshold, Delay & Rate.. I'm assuming the Rate is for the attack & it's auto-release, but someone who uses one sort us out for that please... add some comments if you use it & tell us how it works.

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Added: 17 October 2001
New price: was $249
S/H price: £50 quid?


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ALESIS MICROGATE is a powerfull unit for it's size and cost!The controls are simple and basic.threshold,delay(time for the gate closes after a signal is below threshold) & rate(something like decay time).but the true power of this unit is the trigger input.Try to trigger pads when the trigger receives a bassline or kick.connecting reverb units before or after the microgate will give unique sounds

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