it's not there Behringer VX2000 Ultravoice Pro

Behringer VX2000 Ultravoice Pro

Behringer VX2000 Ultravoice Pro Mikrophone-preamp with 3-Band EQ, Compressor, Expander, Aural Enhancer, Tube-emulation, Phantompower (+48V) with Soft-Mute, 19", 1U, Deep: 217 mm, Weight: 4,2 kg, In/Output with XLR and Jack
Behringer VX2000 Ultravoice Pro Mikrophone-preamp with 3-Band EQ, Compressor, Expander, Aural Enhancer, Tube-emulation, Phantompower (+48V) with Soft-Mute, 19", 1U, Deep: 217 mm, Weight: 4,2 kg, In/Output with XLR and Jack

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Added: 9 March 2002
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Duco de Rijk


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Dear Sir,

I have tried to use this unit several times and it is quite disappointing.
The sound is good, but...there is lots of distortion when singing loud (without clipping led activated). Even with a minimum gain (18dB) and maximum compressor threshold (-25) there is no way to get a pure sound. Measuring through an Audio Precision indicates no special distortion other than more than 2 % in the low region when the compressor is set to medium release. Because of a missing ratio control there is a fixed ratio (I think 1:1.5 or so) that does not help very much. I need to adjust the gain control to a very minimum to reduce the distortion abit meaning the compresor is not activated.
And...the de-esser reverses phase!!

Is this unit broken or is this a design problem?

Last added comment



i have the vx2000--i am using the shure beta 583

anyone have any sample settings?

email me at

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