it's not there Studio Electronics ATC1

Studio Electronics ATC1

The ATC-1 released in 1996 was an all analog 2 oscillator mono synth which featured a very unusual plug-in filter cartridge system, giving the user the ability to switch between up to four faithful reproductions of classic analog filters from famous machines.

Who remembers this one from 1996? The ATC-1 was an all analog mono synth which featured a very unusual switchable plug-in filter cartridge system, giving the user the ability to instantly switch between four faithful reproductions of classic analog filters from famous machines. The plug in filter choices were:

MINI: the classic 24dB Minimoog filter.
303: the classic TB303 filter
SEM: Oberheim's 12dB Synth Module filter.
2600: ARP 2600 filter.

[ATC filter cart's]

Filters were freely interchangeable, but if you wanted access to all 4 at once without unplugging and grovelling around around the back of your rack, then you could add the rack-mount filter bank accessory for a price of £149 GBP which accepted all 4 filters which were then easily accessible on the fly at the touch of a few buttons.

The ATC-1 featured 2 Oscillators: Both, both of which could do triangle, saw, and variable pulse waveforms. Other features include: Osc' 2 can be synced to Osc' 1, Oscillator cross modulation. 3 x four stage (ADSR) envelopes. Envelope 1 and 2 control the VCF and VCA. Destinations for envelope 3 include: VCF resonance, Osc 2 pitch, Osc 2 level, Osc 1 & 2 pulse width, LFO 1 & 2 depth, LFO 2 rate, X-Mod' amount, and Noise level.

The ATC-1 has 2 LFO's who's waveforms include: Triangle, Saw up, Saw down, Square, Random, and Noise. LFO destinations are: Osc 1 & 2 pitch, Osc 1 & 2 Pulse width, Osc 2 level, X-Mod amount, VCF Cutoff frequency, VCF Resonance, Noise level, and VCA.

The ATC-1 had comprehensive Midi Implementation:

Assignable to pitch bend: Pitch, Osc 1 frequency, and/or Osc 2 frequency, VCF frequency.

Assignable to aftertouch and/or mod wheel: VCF frequency, VCF resonance, Osc 2 frequency, Osc 2 level, Osc 2 pulse width, LFO 1 & 2 depth, LFO 2 rate, X-Mod amount, and Noise level.

Assignable to velocity: Envelope 1, 2 and 3 amounts, VCF frequency, VCF resonance, Osc 2 frequency, Osc 2 level, Osc 2 pulse width, and noise level.

Also receives: Program change, glide on/off, glide time, hold, and midi volume. VCO, VCF, Envelope, and Modulation parameters accessible via fixed continuous controller assignments.

Sends: System exclusive patch info and parameter value as controller info.

Other features included: Glide and auto glide: Glide pitch from note to note, or from a chosen interval up or down. Envelope inverting: with Invert Envelopes 1 and/or 3. Multiple trigger: Re-key envelopes 1 and/or 3. Free-run control: Configure envelopes 1 and 3 to act as LFOs. Midi clock to LFO 2: Sync LFO to incoming midi clock info. Select from seven different beat divisions.

The ATC-1 also featured an audio input & CV and Gate in and out. Total memory was 512 patches in RAM.

The ATC-1 launched in 1996 for a typical price of £900 - £1000 GBP, but the price dropped within a couple of years to a very reasonable discounted price of around £599 GBP.





2 Oscillators:

  • Both include triangle, saw, and variable pulse waveforms.
  • Waveforms available individually, as well as simultaneously.
  • Osc 2 can be synced to Osc 1.
  • Oscillator cross modulation.
  • Oscillator tuning has been stabilized to prevent drift.



  • Cartridge based system allows for user selectable filter responce via interchangeable filter cartriges.
  • Filter types available: Classic Moog(24db), Oberheim S.E.M.(12db low/ bandpass), ARP(2600 modular), and Roland(TB-303).


3 Envelopes:

  • All are four stage(ADSR).
  • Envelope 1 and 2 control VCF and VCA.
  • Destinations for envelope 3 include: VCF resonance, Osc 2 pitch, Osc 2 level, Osc 1 & 2 pulse width, LFO 1 & 2 depth, LFO 2 rate, Xmod amount, and noise level.


2 LFO's:

  • Waveforms include: Triangle, saw up, saw down, square, random, and noise.
  • Destinations include: Osc 1 & 2 pitch, Osc 1 & 2 pulse width, Osc 2 level, Xmod amount, VCF cutoff frequency, VCF resonance, noise level, and VCA.


Midi Implementation:

  • Assignable to pitch bend: Pitch, Osc 1 frequency, and/or Osc 2 frequency, VCF frequency.
  • Assignable to aftertouch and/or mod wheel: VCF frequency, VCF resonance, Osc 2 frequency, Osc 2 level, Osc 2 pulse width, LFO 1&2 depth, LFO 2 rate, Xmod amount, and noise level.,
  • Assignable to velocity: Envelope 1, 2 and 3 amounts, VCF frequency, VCF resonance, Osc 2 frequency, Osc 2 level, Osc 2 pulse width, and noise level.
  • Also receives: Program change, glide on/off, glide time, hold, and midi volume. VCO, VCF, Envelope, and Modulation parameters accessible via fixed continuous controller assignments.
  • Sends: System exclusive patch info and parameter value as controller info.


Additional Features:

  • Glide and auto glide: Glide pitch from note to note or from a chosen interval up or down.
  • Envelope inverting: Invert envelopes 1 and/or 3
  • Multiple trigger: Re-key envelopes 1 and/or 3.
  • Free-run control: Configure envelopes 1 and 3 to act as LFOs.
  • Midi clock to LFO 2: Sync LFO to incoming midi clock info. Select from seven different beat divisions.
  • External input: Modify incoming audio signal.
  • Audio frequency modulation: Assign Osc 2 to modulate Osc 1 frequency and/or VCF frequency.



  • Output: Mono high level
  • CV and Gate in and out: Interface with older analog synthesizers and sequencers.
  • Memory: 512 patches in RAM.
  • Power: Auto switching 90 to 250 volts AC.



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Total Stars: 55
Total Votes: 12


Added: 17 December 1998
New price: discontinued (RRP £599)
S/H price: £800 - £1200
Company:  Studio Electronics


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A very very good and verstile monosynth..... this with all the carts, and a sampler or h/d system could be all the analog you need!!!



WELL, within 3 hours or so of mailing S.E in the US,

they telephoned all the way to London

..... aint that nice !!....

I'd say the sign of a company that cares about

it's users and interested parties.....

anyway... a demo unit is promised.....

so as soon as the studio's set up again, i'll

add some audio.....

apparently, the other synth they do,

the SE-1 is THE synth of choice for R&B etc in the

states with a named user list as long as........

well as long as something very long.....

check out their site.....

.... have a nice day !



The only problem I can see is with the one dial.

I presume this means only one function can be changed at a time? So your screwed if you want to

modulate cutoff and resonance at the same time?

Or can you assign external controllers for other functions? Anyone out there know?



yup.....EVERY parameter sends and recieves mdid.... seriously,,,,,these are the nuts mate !!....... check the filter types..... $99 each for those filters !!

Stupid Octave Cat


The ATC-1 is easily one of the best synths in my setup, and I have a nice amount of vintage analog. Anyone who owns one should really invest in all 4 filters and the selector, because they increase the functionality of the unit 100 times over. I'm looking forward to the ATC-6 later this year :)



I've had the ATC-1 for about a year now , and i cant get enough of it ... It gives me the scary dark basses that blow right threw the mix , and it couldnt be easyier to use . the down side is , the filter cartige poking out of the back . but who cares . Its a bad ass piece of gear ..


John Holmes


I played the ATC-1 last night at the Guitar Center here in Frisco. I have a Micromoog, it's cool but it's way too tempermental (and only one oscillator) to use on stage (I play in a funk/jazz band a la Headhunters). So I was looking in to getting a virtual analog. I tried out the JP-8000 and the Nord Lead 2. But last night I tried the ATC1. Please, those others don't even come close. I don't really think digital can imitate analog sound very well. At least not yet. Yeah, those others have polyphony and are more flexible, but compared to the ATC1, they sound like the toy Casio keyboard my mother gave me for Christmas when I was ten years old. I haven't been able to try the Virus or Supernova yet, but I doubt they sound as fat as the ATC1. Yeah the one knob thing is kinda wack, but damn the thing sounds good. It's the real thing yall.

I must confess I am planning on getting the Roland VK7 organ, cause a B3's just too heavy to move around. It's sounds pretty good for digital. But analog rules baby, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

pascal Arbez


great, great, great.

Very fat sounding synth, far more than a JP8000 or

any modelisation based synth.



I have had my ATC-1 for just over a year , and its put my music over the edge . I use it for just about everything . from devilish basslines to satanic sqeeeals .. one of these and a few FX linked off of it and your in orgasmic syth heaven ..



Allmoast as cool as the SE-1. Allmoast the same sound. So if you dont want to spend 1100£ on a SE-1 then get this one.

Paul Gospodar


Weblink: link

just got one off ebay but have been too busy to delve into it . I plan further exploration soon! What I did hear was way deeeep. I also have the se1 so I am familiar with SE. I need to look into a dedicated controller for optimal tweek-age. Any suggestions?

Last added comment

Sascio Spasovschi


Which one has better sound quality ?
ATC 1 or ATC X ?

SE 1 or SE 1x ?

thk you :)

e mail me for the answer :)

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