it's not there Control Synthesis DB9

Control Synthesis DB9

British made MIDI monosynth from the 1990's. Primarily sold as a TB-303 impersonator & while indeed it can do rasping & squelchy lead sounds, the real forte of this synth is earth shattering analog bass. The DB9 also features CV/Gate in/out & audio IN, so can also be used as a CV/Gate - MIDI converter

The Control Synthesis Deep Bass Nine. A UK made analog mono synth. Perhaps much of the impetus behind the mid 1990's release of this synth was to cash in on the TB-303 clone demand & everything you read about it goes on and on and on about it being a TB-303 clone. Well forget that, because while it can indeed do a TB-303 style of squelchy-ness & cutting lead lines a-plenty, the forte of this cheap little mono-synth is in delivering absolutely bone shattering bass! Run it through a BIG PA rig and it'll shake the foundations. Also features CV/Gate in/out & audio IN, so can also be used as a CV/Gate - MIDI converter.



Old user review from 1998

I got my Deep Bass 9 secondhand about a year ago or more. It has been extremely useful, a versatile little box for sure, utilising a Square & Sawtooth setting from the VCO as it's primary sound source.


Originally, the DB 9 was sold on a fake 303 tip. Other rack mono synths have appeared such as the Freebass 303, and the Syntechno 303,(check the reviews). Well we all know a 303 is a 303... The DB9 is a similar sounding machine, in that it is a analog mono-synth styled on the TB303 controls, but it will never take you to the outer limits when you're on a trip like the original... It just doesn't cut right through you...


Where the DB9 does score, is that it is a totally wicked Bass mono-synth. I don't really rate the 303 copy stuff that much, but the bass.... IT'S BASS-Y!!


I do alot of dub... ambient, techey stuff... and I can tell you, stick this box through a 10K Turbosound rig... IT SHIFTS SOME' AIR!!! Absolutely bone crushing bass, and with the added bonus of being midi controllable.  And this really is the thing, playing live is a consideration most do not apply, but if you want to get out of the bedroom and play out, this box is super stuff.


The other thing is that you can tweek the DB 9, (like alot of other synths), from inside the unit.....There's a whole bunch of setting pots inside.... So you can blast the resonance up to full tilt, until the unit's squeekin' an whistlin' away like a flock of migrating lesser spotted widgewarblers or whatever!... or you can tune right in to the sweet spot with the filter setting, to get really honkin' didgeredoo tones etc.


That internal tweek, gives a clue to one of the units' weak spots... The filter just isn't wide enuff.....Hence my dissatisfaction with the units ability in the widdley-dwiddley dept... The other weak point is......


Why bother to put portamento control on it, if it has to be selected via midi......It's not really Control Synthesis's fault,, all the manufacturers units tend to go for this ALL UNIT MAKERS...I WANT HARDWARE PORTMANTO SWITCHING PLEASE !!!


There I am, shredding away live, all I want to do is reach out and.... click... switch it in..... What I DON'T want is to mess about sending control data to the thing from a sequencer or master keyboard!


Same thing with the filter... Why ain't it wider?..... Anyhow I called them up and had a moan... Apparently, they got some new product due out..


On the up side again, you also get for your money, a MIDI - CV converter built in, and also you have an external input! This external in allows you to input & work with a secondary source: something like another synth, or even a vocal etc, and apply the filter etc to that sound with Midi control... Excellent!


So... All-in-all a very nice little box. When they first came out, there was not much around in the way of midi-analog monosynth stuff, so it seemed reasonable price wise. I think that now there is more choice the DB 9's price has fallen a little... but a wicked value piece of kit new or secondhand.


Excellent Deep Bass.... cool upper range stuff too..... A bargain! ...Can't find a current RRP...but about £200 - £250 secondhand........ By the way, the Control Synthesis guys are cool, and will make any mod's to the unit that you like, if you send it to them, or ask before purchase.



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Added: 17 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: £300 GBP


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Excellent synth for basslines etc....shifts loads of air !!!

D Joseph


Alrite, it's me again - Won't bother with a TX review

since I found one here but as another DB-9 owner, don't

ya just love to pump that TX through the DB-9?!?

Also, there's a BRILLIANT ed/lib for the TX available

through Kagi Shareware. ($15 US, demo is free!) No

TX owner should be without! Although I have yet to

get it working properly, get ready: IT WILL SYNC TO A


Perhaps you could start a petition to get Cuntrol

Synthesis to upgrade the internal software and post

some mods ala the PAiA FamMan. Although it's a

decent synth, I had to ship mine back overseas for

service and although it was TOTALLY their fault, they

refused to even split the shipping costs! Beware!





The db9 is quite cool, but there aren't enough features

Now, with all these clones, the db9 is a bit weak

Too bad. Also, the accent feature should be better

gareth davies


do you make anything for making music on pc's. if yes please could you send me information or if possible a demo. thank you



whatever you say....... i can 100% guarantee.... the db9 offers massively FAT bass........ ok, like most units of this type, the 303 stuff falls short..... but I didnt buy it for that..... but for it's ability to take out any plate glass window at 30 paces with enuff amplification..... fat as fuck !!!....the ultimate dub bassline synth.... i promise....



Got mine in '97 from Turnkey, London and hadn't regretted since. Doesn't exactly sound like a 303 but has relatively good cut-off and resonance responses. Controllably by either MIDI or CVs. Excellent for basslines even though it does not sound very fat. I put mine thru a Sherman FilterBank and an EH Big Muff and it sounds real F@$ed up. Brilliant.



Weblink: link

Do not expect a 303 clone.. this machine is capable of very solid bass sounds...pulse or saw.I often use it for 16th note basslines,which works nicely as a good bottom in the mix.The resonance is a bit awkward so i tend to ignore this feature...
(PS: open it up and tweak the potmeters inside for a wider cutoff range...)



Can you *please* fix the RA? Or at least remove the link...



It's got some fat sounds but very
limited and doesn't sounds like a real
303. I don't use it anymore since I got
my real 303. Bought it for $100.



Anyone know where I can get hold of mods for this unit?



mods? - like what? - there is adjuster pots inside the unit you can tweak to reset the filter & res etc - otherwise not sure what you mean. Monster bass-end synth tho anyways!

Last added comment



I am looking for a Control Synthesis DB9. If you know where one can be purchased or if you have one to sell, let me know! Thanks!

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