it's not there Behringer DDX3216

Behringer DDX3216

Behringer DDX3216 digital mixer, 32 channels, 16 analog inputs (12 with mic pre-amp + insert), 4-band param. EQ + Low Cut + gate + compressor per channel, 4 effects processors, internal patch bay, 4 fully assignable outputs, SMPTE/MTC, 2 expansion slots f
Behringer DDX3216 digital mixer, 32 channels, 16 analog inputs (12 with mic pre-amp + insert), 4-band param. EQ + Low Cut + gate + compressor per channel, 4 effects processors, internal patch bay, 4 fully assignable outputs, SMPTE/MTC, 2 expansion slots f

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Added: 9 March 2002
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Esiste un documento che spieghi un pò a fondo il funzionamento della porta seriale del ddx3216?
Magari anche una lista di comandi che si possono mandare per ricevere e mandare informazioni sullo stato dei fader, vu-meter, effetti ecc..



i am faceing some problems in ddx3216 as when i perform my music the output sounds with distrotion and distrubance may i no whats the problem how can i slove this problem is it power supply problem r what please guide me out of this problem well

ed starkey


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Behringer - DDX3216
get a tone generator of some sort ---fostex makes an inexpensive one --
move sliders to -0 - or 100% - start the signal - use you pad knob to make the
signal READ just below the red marks -- that should take the distortion out
of your signal path ----then bring up you masters to the red area -- this should
be near the best signal to noise ratio - then bring you power amp volume knob
up the desired volume . Behringer is decent stuff but it does not have a lot of
head room. Try that to see if it helps -- it's the easiest way to "balance " a
system without a lot of electronic tools. by the way before you do all this
set all eq to 0 and turn all effects knobs to 0 .



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hello from greece

i have a problem with my DDX3216
all the leds is on and it makes a full time noise etc.zzzzzzzzz
Please do you know where is the problem? on power supply?
thanks for any help



Hello from Portugal

I have the same problem, sometimes....
I don´t know what to do....
Any idea ´how to solve this problem?

Thank You

Pete Kyle


I have the same problem / Did you get it fixed?

Last added comment

Corne Joubert


looking 4 behringer ddx3216 user manual english 2 download

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