it's not there Orgon Systems ENIGISER

Orgon Systems ENIGISER

The Orgon 'Enigiser' is an analog monosynth designed by Geoff Waterstone, coming out of the North of England, and it addresses a market area where there is very little choice of new product... Non Midi genuine analog synthesis.

In the music equiptment industry, you've got your big guns..... Yamaha, Roland, Korg etc etc...... But below them lies a whole heap of smaller companies often started by enthusiasts to market bits of kit they have lovingly designed and built for themselves where none where previously available to suit their needs.

The Orgon 'Enigiser' is one such unit, designed by Geoff Waterstone, coming out of the North of England, and it addresses a market area where there is very little choice of new product..... Non Midi genuine analog synthesis.

Y'see, there are people out there who want the genuine analog sound....AND the genuine analog operating system, able to hook into their current vintage analog system.... and the 'Energiser' could be just the baby they are looking for.

As you can see, the 'Enigiser' comes packaged in best vintage tradition, as a tabletop unit finished in a beautiful and gig survival steel case....

Take note that this is, as I said, a 100% modern vintage classic design, thus there's no midi, and none of the control knobs on this current Orgon unit will transmit or recieve conrol data at all....

However, I talked to Geoff today (9-9-97) and it seems there has been alot of demand for the 'Enigiser', and they have decided to release a Midi version, which will be coming out before Christmas. This newer model will add even more facilities, amongst which will be External audio inputs, Envelope followers, and midi recieve & send for the control knobs to add to what is already an extremely comprehensive spec'....

Once this new unit reaches the market, there will be a full review, along with some choice RA audio examples of the beastie in action,........But until then this is the current non-midi model.....All these controls and parameters will remain for the new midi model with enhancements added........So, I can't write a review at all, but here's the spec's, which will give you some idea of both this model's capabilities, and those of the upcoming midi'd version 'Enigiser'....After all, there ain't alot of choice in this product area, so I thought you'd like to at least know that this thing exists !!

Here's a line image layout of the controls......Obviously it's probably bloody impossible to read without using a big filesize that is massive to load..... So there's a download added below, where I put a readable image into a .ZIP file for you to grab & view on your PC later.



As you can see, Geoff has had a good think about this, and has expanded the unit outside of the usual dedicated pre-patched buss system used by other synths..... In the old days, you connected the various 'Modules' such as the VCO module, VCF module etc in any order you liked with patch leads such as you'd use on a patchbay....You could literally decide what parts of the synths building blocks went in which order to create a sound.....

Most modern repro analog synths are pre-patched.....That is the descision as to what routes to what is decided and fixed by the manufacturer......

Where the 'Enigiser' is different is that it utilises busses to decide the routing order.....Cool huh?!......Thus the VCA can be assigned to say be modulated by one of the 6 LFO busses or the the Envelope busses......or the filter can also be controlled by the same LFO buss as the VCA or whatever.....D'y get the idea ??.......This makes for alot of sound versatility !!.....

Anyhow.......for all you real synth the ZIP file with the panel layout, check it out, then give ORGON SYSTEMS a call if it looks like your thing .......L8ers



NE26 2YT

PHONE/FAX +44 191 290 2592



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Added: 19 December 1998
New price: £449
S/H price: Rare secondhand


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Looks like the bussines.

And now with mid and aud-in!

My x-mas wishinglist has got

a fat contender.



Antisipation is mounting...from the specs ENIGESER will lead the mix. Move over Nord and QuizziMidi...there's gonna be a new neighbor.

Olivier Brun-Buisson


could you send me your catalog at the following adress:Olivier Brun-Buisson, 65 Bd Garibaldi, 75015 Paris, France, Thank you very mutch!



A message to the swedes..

You can buy the mono-oscillator (?) synth from Jam... 6000

461 pounds...

Not realy advertise since I don't work there or anything... Just cool that they've got it...



Specs LIE you moronic twerp heads!

Sacin Dopelsihlegger


I like the Module because of it's multiple uses

around the house and the small battries fit well for my automatic letter box openor.

Eric Hellstrom


When i first saw it I thought it looked like the bomb.

And it is!!!

U get grrrreat strings, basses and pads from it.

I'm also getting in to synthesizing drum sounds...

Bye one u won't regret it!!!

Michael Quinn


Hi - I wa watching a program

that promoted the usage of the

Orgon Systems Enigiser and it

sounds unbelievable - I was

wondering if you could send me

some litereature on products by

your company - my home address

is 33 Llewellyn lawn, Rathfarnham

Dublin 16 in Ireland. I will more

than probably consider to buy one or

more of your products.

Ivar Hook


I want one!



I got one for 650 DM and I did not regret it.It's

really a bass monster. Especially if you want

to make drum & bass it's the synth for you.

I had a juno 106, a superbasstation´, a pulse and

I tried a MS 20, but you can forget all these

against the enigiser. No one of them has those

deep fat basses. No one of them has 18 Filters,

have they ?

So if you want a really fat analog machine, buy




does this company have a website? how much is this puppy in american dollars?? this looks very intriguing!!!!! i especially luv how its modular without patching!!! thats awesome!!



Yes, the Enigiser from Orgon Systems is a
pure organic, fat, screaming, fuzzing,
bubbling, gritty little monster ! Its pure
discrete analogue circuitry (no MIDI, no
memory) gives the Enigiser the warm timbre
that you look for a synth, with 38 knobs for
immediate full access.
Specs : 1 VCO (6 waveforms), 1 VCF
(LP/HP/ BP/Notch/Phase 6-12-18-24 db), 1
VCA (with overdrive level), 1 LFO (Tri, Saw,
square), 3 VC Envelope Generators (1x AD,
1x AR, 1x ADSR), no keyboard. And thanks
this synth is semi modular ! each section (
VCO, VCF, VCA..) owns its modulation
switches. For example, if you want to patch
ENV1 in the VCF, just switch the called " env
bus" knob of he VCF to the position 1. Yes !
No worries with wires and cables because
the links between the sources and
destinations are internally pre-patched (but
it still remains pure analogue).
Built in 1996-1997 by british manufacturer
Geoff Waterstone, the Enigiser had a short
public life because we soon didn't hear of it
any more after 1999.Has the company
disappeared ? How many units were built,
500, 1000, 5000 ? i don't know, but i bought
mine in April 1997, it is numeroted (by hand)
0051 ( so they sold 51 units during the 5 first
months of production ! ).
Considering this fact, i can imagine this
synth is rare and very difficult to find on the
market, no surprise if somebody sells his
Enigiser 800 or 900 £ because it has no
equivalent (somewhere between the korg
MS-50, the EMS Synthi A and the Roland
System 100 expander, but it doesn't look or
sound he same) and it is already a vintage
collector six years after his birth ! Long live
the Enigiser !

emmet yak


had an orgon since they first came out (number 18)
without a doubt the finest analogue synth money can buy.its done
countless gigs,been beer-ified,dropped and abused and it
still sounds like angels flatulence
geoff waterston is a king among mere mortals(and i'm not even related)

Thomas Heckmann


Weblink: link


I bought my Enigiser when it came out and there was the myth, that there would be
an expansion board for it to make it even more modular...was this ever released ?
If so, I want it :-) Or if Mr. Waterston is checking this, can you build one ?

alan mackereth


bought my enigisers (bought a pair nos 57+58) when they came out, love them to bits but one of the power supplies has commited hari-kari and i can't find anyone or anywhere that might be able to help, anyone with any ideas out in twiddly knob world? much appreciated, thought about selling one but got a bit emotional, how much are they worth now????? must find geoff waterstone

Robbie Nerve


Weblink: link

I'd love to buy an Enigiser, please contact me if you sell one or someone selling it.



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This one is one of the best synths ever made. Would love to get my hands on the Orgon Modular.

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