it's not there Sequential Circuits SIX TRACK

Sequential Circuits SIX TRACK

Ok.... I'm gonna add all the old vintage synths... not that i've used them all myself.. but i'm gonna dd the spec's then people can add comments based on real-life use.... so , as i had nothing to do today, i thought i'd start to add them as basic page templates... then add the spec's

The Six-Track..... a classic - please add your comments

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Total Stars: 29
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Added: 19 December 1998
New price:
S/H price: 400 ish
Company:  Sequential


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Is ok if used as a mono or stacked. Gives you 6 osc...



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largest, fatest sounding synth i own...WOW...this this is a fucking BEAST. You must get one!..puts the novation bass station to shame...FULL midi implimentation, but with VCO's, not DCO's....truly fuckin awesome

Gordon McCrae


I have one, fantastic peice of kit, but want to sell it as I need the cash :(



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Sweet for creating on the spot bass line loops to an accompanying drum loop. The six tracks allows you save a loop and create another or add to the existing loop. Very minimal in note space but since we all know we can do a lot with a little that shouldn't be an issue. I think it sounds powerful in it's bass sounds but it 99 instruments which can be tweaked to your preference. You want me to send you a wave sample give me a holler via email and I'll send you a snippet.

Mark Duff


Another sequential synth i own .. and an interesting little beast
was designed as part of the Ill-fated Sequential curcuits attempt at the
home studio MIDI market

was meant to be mated to the Drumtraks Drum machine ( similar in sound to the Linn drum ) ..

the six track was called this because u could sequence 6 mono tracks or any combination of different voices with it .
so you basically have 6 mono voice curcuits ( curtis chips ) and digital editing via small led display ..( similar to voice editing on the poly 800)

the sounds were kind of edgy and thinner than a Sequential prophet but still really useable , great for synth clav sounds .. hard filter sweeps and basslines

not smooth and not lush .. but if you use the unison function u can get some big bass sounds out of it

the best part is , it has midi and each voice can have its own midi channel

you can run 2 3 voice sounds .. or one , one voice bass line and a pad or anything u want to ..

a neat synth .. nice n small and stays in tune thanks to DCOs .. good for live performance..

well built also.

Niall Shaw


Weblink: link

[quote] Gordon McCrae wrote: I have one, fantastic peice of kit, but want to sell it as I need the cash :( [/quote]

How much do you want for the six trak?

Last added comment



This Synth is excellent: I have owned it and now I help people here
in Kansas City to understand to operate, repair, maintain this and any other Seqential product as well as many others I have owned or have detailed knowledge of, and many truly original complete recordings using
both as analog and digital. I highly recommend this true instrument to those who need a true instrument that is free of the computer clutter and hype of the last years. Hopefully we will now see more true musical
instruments of this class to those who are lost in the inflated and obviously inferior computer platforms of yesterday.

Robert Akbar Allah

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