it's not there Yamaha CS60

Yamaha CS60

tThe CS60.... big hefty thing... Polyphonic poorer relation to the CS80..... one oscillator per voice only, a 12db filter...... comments please !....

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Added: 20 December 1998
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Company:  Yamaha UK


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David Hunt


I owned one of these hefty beasts for a while. I ended up having it repaired for over two years. The spares for these are very limited, Yamaha told me they only have three oscillator chips left worldwide!
I found the sound quite interesting. The presets were very poor, but sounds using the ring modulator produced some very unique sounds. One of the best features was the ribbon controller, far more superior to the polymoog's. I wouldn't buy another one as they are very prone to breaking down, and the shortage of the custom spares means eventually they will be unrepairable. Users included Jean Michel Jarre.
A very heavy early polyphonic, with a little bit of character.

Craig Wood


Weblink: link

The best thing I ever bought. It makes the most fantastic Star Trek bridge/Doctor Who noises and lush soundscapes. 8-note polyphony in 1975? Yep, this is a real beauty. The much talked-about pitch bend strip is as good as everyone says - it zeros wherever you put your finger on it and slides up/down from the zero point. These are pretty hard to maintain, being so old, and huge (2 man lift or 1 man struggle!) It would take quite a bit for me to part with it...

Lewis P Sego


Weblink: link

The Yamaha CS60 seems to always be put down as the little brother to the 80,
however it remains a unique sound generation instrument. The ring modulater is
useful as is the raw power of the analog beast, considering that the 60 was half
the price and half the weight of the 200lb 80, it remains a decent way to enjoy
synthesis. It proved to be pretty tough and durable on the road, and looks good
in the studio, the sustain type two feature made it a lot of fun to solo, and allowed
for Van Halen like leads. It creates killer bass power for low end techno music.
Lewis Sego



i have yamaha cs60 that i need to sell-- it all works and is good condition-- super cool machine-- any thoughts anyone?

Last added comment



[quote] David Hunt wrote: I owned one of these hefty beasts for a while. I ended up having it
repaired for over two years. The spares for these are very limited, Yamaha told me they only have three
oscillator chips left worldwide! I found the sound quite interesting. The presets were very poor, but
sounds using the ring modulator produced some very unique sounds. One of the best features was the
ribbon controller, far more superior to the polymoogs. I wouldnt buy another one as they are very prone to
breaking down, and the shortage of the custom spares means eventually they will be unrepairable. Users
included Jean Michel Jarre.A very heavy early polyphonic, with a little bit of character. [/quote]

..... I have to comment that I've had mine for around 25 years and have never had a problem! ALthough I
don't gig it anymore and it has sat in the same spot for around the last 10-15 years, I've never had the
tuning issues people always bring up. Amazing beast. I'm just putting this up for a comparative experience

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