If you're putting stuff together with samples & loops, look no further than making waves... it may be what you need for a total pc s/ware driven system... Just add samples !...
Making Waves... is it a sequencer, a sampler, a synth ???.... er........ By rights, this should be one of the most well known and talked about programmes going right now...... You thought Hammerhead was good ??..... Lemme tell you .... Compared to this baby Hammerhead seems like a total lamer......Just check it out ....For a start with 'Making-Waves' you get 64 note poly !!... YUP no 6 notes maximum stuff here !!

What else do you get ?.... Well, imagine hammerhead crossed with SAW +......That just about describes this programme........Now read on & drooool....!!!!

As you can see from the piccie, 'Making-Waves' comes with Tracks/Info to the left, and sample composition data to the works similarly to Hammerhead...... You select a track and click on the 'NAME' box (A).....
You can then select a .WAV file (no raw files here), and it will be assigned to that track.

Ok.........If you look across to the right of this chopped screen-shot, you'll see the far right section with the circles in (D)....this is the bars section where you piece together the patterns.... So as you can see, there are two sounds assigned at (A)....a kik-drum, and a hi-hat... each is playing 4 bars (D), and the whole thing is shuttling between bar 1 & bar 5.....But how does the single sample play in each bar ?..... This is determined by the lefthand section.....If you look, you can see (B) the 'LENGTH' box.....Here you use the arrows to scroll up or down....this changes the resolution, and as it does, the amount of 'Squares' in the (C) box changes.....In the picture above, the kik-drum is playing 4/4....and the hatz 8/4....You just fill in the squares...simple huh ??!!

You can step between one whole bar down to 32nd notes.....then just fill in the boxes where you want notes to play within a 4 beat pattern, or leave rests.

One compaint about Hammerhead was that you had no velocity info, so the only thing to do was to use 2 kik-drums, and make one louder than the other for your velocity...... This really was a problem, as Hammerhead had only 6 notes/samples to start with... Well, not with 'Making-Waves'....... Cos you've got 64 juicey samples to play with, so it's a snip to use 3 or 4 hi-hat or kik or whatever samples assigned to different tracks to create your perfect velocity pattern....You can always solo those 3 or 4 tracks, then stream them to .WAV file & re-import that wav file as a sample loop to save memory if you like to add many more parts to the composition ! you create your patterns either with individual samples, or with loops or with both.....But there's more !!

Lets say you add a loop to the track as you would with hammerhead, but it's too slow or fast for the pattern you are making.... Simply use the PITCH control to tune the loop up or down.... If you know the original tempo of the loop, then simply set it's BPM in the BPM box, and then when you adjust the whole track tempo, the loop will follow as in Hammerhead.... Cool huh ?......You can also use the 'OFFSET' to adjust the start time of the sample, this trims the start from the sample in divisions of milliseconds..... But there's yet MORE !!........You can use the software to also play a single sample as a melody !!!.....

All you do is keep increasing the bar resolution or 'Length', and after 32nd notes, it changes to a musical note icon.....Just double-click on the icon, and you are into the 'Melody' section.... you can see, you get a nice grid to work on, there's even a yellow cross-hair that follows the mouse around so it's easy to see where you are placing a note.....So, just sling in some notes (here we are working with a simple TB-303 one-shot sample.....and hey presto......check it out...

CLICK HERE, to hear what the above screen sounds like....remember, this was done with 4 samples...(3 hits, and 1 loop), in about 10 minutes... Remember the 303 melody is coming from a 1-shot sample !!....and you've got another 60 tracks to play with above the 4 I used !!!!!......

So... stop yer whining, there's yer Hammerhead alternative, it works just the same but much much better in my humble opinion, and you've also got a nice CPU monitor added to check the strain on your processor, it saves as a song, or you can stream to audio to create a .WAV file (with registered version) plus plenty more things you can do (read the manual/help).... and ain't it a killer people..... Steinberg are gonna have to come up with something pretty damned good to beat this for facilities-to-price ........ only 50 quid to register....that is rediculous !!!

Get it downloaded.... do get a few samples with the demo, and there's a selection of .WAV files to download in the files area of this site, .....aint I good to you or what !!?!!!

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Added: 29 December 1998
New price: £ 49:00..... a bargain !!
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Kilo, ok , i might send in some 727 samples and maybe some others.

I don't see any counters on these pages, how do you know how many hits you're getting? I didn't know sound on sound had a site or are you talking about the actual magazine?



EchoView 4 is now obsolete, Pro Version 5 has completely replaced it so there's no point in keeping it on your




steve, this sounds awesome! will the registration fee be the same for this new version?



Just to let everyone know the new version will be on

our web site in a couple of weeks and we're giving

it away free to anyone with a registered copy of version 1.0

It's got the following add-ons amongst others

Real time sample effects editing for each channel including filter, delay and reverse for cool techno sounds.

Waveform feature lets you create effects based on sinewaves and others.

Use midi channels in the same way as samples, so you can use your soundcard or external midi devices and edit the controllers and notes in realtime. Just as an example, I've got a BassStation and I can vary all the filter parameters while I'm listening to a loop by applying different waveforms.

Midi delay feature including a pitch shift.

Note sequences and effects envelopes up to 16 bars long.

Lots of other goodies too numerous to mention including midi file import and export and wav file recording while you're playing a song.

Hope this doesn't count as advertising seeing as we're giving it away :-)

Check out our website in a couple of weeks for more info.



Just to let everyone know the new version will be on

our web site in a couple of weeks and we're giving

it away free to anyone with a registered copy of version 1.0

It's got the following add-ons amongst others

Real time sample effects editing for each channel including filter, delay and reverse for cool techno sounds.

Waveform feature lets you create effects based on sinewaves and others.

Use midi channels in the same way as samples, so you can use your soundcard or external midi devices and edit the controllers and notes in realtime. Just as an example, I've got a BassStation and I can vary all the filter parameters while I'm listening to a loop by applying different waveforms.

Midi delay feature including a pitch shift.

Note sequences and effects envelopes up to 16 bars long.

Lots of other goodies too numerous to mention including midi file import and export and wav file recording while you're playing a song.

Hope this doesn't count as advertising seeing as we're giving it away :-)

Check out our website in a couple of weeks for more info.

jason craig


I can't download this file. I've tried both here and at the
creator's site and both times the file won't install
because it think's it has a virus or something.
I virus scan it with the latest mcaffee and it's ok
???? could you mime attach it to me? thanx jason

jason craig


I can't download this file. I've tried both here and at the
creator's site and both times the file won't install
because it think's it has a virus or something.
I virus scan it with the latest mcaffee and it's ok
???? could you mime attach it to me? thanx jason



I sent those 727 samples aswell as a few synth and bass ones also. These all work great in Making Waves. Feel free to add them to your 909 zip. The file is 705k and all the samples are 44.1 and normalized as a group.

I figured you'd have to be a Paul White follower when I read your mixing tips. The one about listening to your mix from another room just gave it away. I can remember reading that in H&SR when Paul was editor.

Enjoy the samples, cheers.



yup....from the server logs of course....those counters are crap.... hence, I dont bother with one....

send the samples matey...and I'll add 'em in a flash...

It's all about finding the time really, I could add about 200 loops & shots instantly if I had the time for example....

As for the SOS website,... er.... well, it basically tells you what back issues contain articles available.... Ian Gilby came to see us about a year ago, about getting the mag online.... I told him it would be wicked to provide all those back article resources to the web readership, but, it appears they'd rather you paid for the back issues.... maybe the site will go on to add real articles... i dunno.... so anyhow, I thought... well, sod it... I'll do my own resource site...

Although I'd like to say here, that Paul White, has influenced me as much as ANY musical playing influences that I have been absorbing down the years....

sometimes, I read his forwords in the mag...and I get the impression that he somehow is a little lost in all the technology, and maybe feels he could have done more froma music point of view, as opposed to journalism/technology.....

However, maybe he doesn't realise it, but I'm sure he's influenced more tracks to be released by getting people into home recording over the years than many so called "named" artists.... has me anyhow... Just a shout out to Paul....Nice one mate.... !!!



I've been using this for the best part of 12 months, and if you could add the support of multi channel cards and a bit of realtime channel level variance you'd have the lot. But for £50 ? It's a bloody bargain !

we're pretty close to having a track composed on this sw released on wax..... would this be a first for 'making waves' ?



I've been using this for the best part of 12 months, and if you could add the support of multi channel cards and a bit of realtime channel level variance you'd have the lot. But for £50 ? It's a bloody bargain !

we're pretty close to having a track composed on this sw released on wax..... would this be a first for 'making waves' ?



Am I outta line by comparing this to a Tracker? 'Cause even though the demo's real fun, seems real ahead of most trackers for interface, I can't believe you can't use midi, not even a clock. Some trackers can, with a whole lotta other useful features better as well, so what's the big deal? I hope I'm wrong, though, 'cause it's a real joy otherwise.



Kilo, this software has been around for ages, I'm surprized you've only just put it up. But yeah it is the best. Try creating a few loops on hammerhead first and then loading them in here. I did a comparison a few months back with the two programs. I used the same sounds and found that Hammerhead seemed louder. I don't know why this is though.

There was another time when I was messing around with this software, I had a drum part, a bassline and 2 bar sax loop wav that I found in my hard drive somewhere. I did this simple track if you could call it that and just taped it to cassette because I don't yet have the full version. The next thing I taped on the cassette was a mix of a track I did for a friends album, with vocals and everything which had taken me a few hours to mix. When I played back the tape I noticed that the dodgy track I did with Making Waves in half an hour was a lot louder than the mix I did for my friend. It seemed to sound a lot clearer also, but was recorded from an awe32. I don't really know what to make of that.....






what I always wanted ...two thumbs up.. magnificent performances... excellent 909samples....truly the breakthrough of the 20th century .....hehehe ....just some bad USA jokes ..=).

No seriously its a bargain , WONDERFUL PROGRAM.........Ð..... .



A must for non-MIDI people...I sequence all my stuff here then bounce to 4trak cassette...with my crappy yamaha soundcard that has a loop function, I can even save my work as composite *.wav complaint: I wish you could drag one of the split windows so you can see more of the bars, you know like in win 95 explorer...



I've been using this for the best part of 12 months, and if you could add the support of multi channel cards and a bit of realtime channel level variance you'd have the lot. But for £50 ? It's a bloody bargain !

we're pretty close to having a track composed on this sw released on wax..... would this be a first for 'making waves' ?



I think it is generally misunderstood about PC audio, wether from samples, or virtual synths, that the quality of the output is down to our soundcard......The quality should be as good as a top-flight hardware sampler if your soundcard is up to it........



sorry, but the DEMO version doesnt include those sounds.......i just thought that it might help someone evaluate the programme, if they had some well made, normalised full bore drum samples to add to it.....

htis would save them loading to another page elsewhere or here to get have to understand, that alot of people come here, who DONT post.....the server's showing hits of about the same readership as sound-on-sound believe it or not ......

so i get mails asking for stuff like that.....

as for the's a fast to use quick percussion unit, and piss cheap now....but,........I aint got one, so I aint got the samples.........however, if you zip em up and send them, I'll add 'em to the samples page....

anyhow....just cos alot of commercial pop uses 909 doesn't mean it's discounted....I agree it's a lot overused.....but I prefer to do alot of layering for my drums......which incidently, you could do with m'waves....

for every crap pop track there's plenty more good ones using a 909 or samples.......



I've had this for a long time also, it was on the cover cd of The Mix some time around late last year from what I recall. I'll get back to you on that one. As for the 909 samples, don't you think there's enough of that crap around as it is? I'm sure anyone who's gonna use 909 sounds already has them. If your gonna put samples up to go with a program, at least put something original up.



forgot to say that it's an awesome program, if only it had some swing quantize or triplets. maybe in the next version.



look....maybe there's some beginners out there who want to have those samples, and there aint any in the demo take your snob shit elsewhere........whatever you think, 909 drums are still the mainstay for alot of tracks & I thought it would save themn the trouble of searching around for some....



How does a program like WAVmaker and Mellosoftron stack up when run by a sequencer?



Sorry, I'm no snob, I just hate all these dodgy pop records that use the 909. There's 909 sounds that come with the program anyway. If you really must have them up there why not include some 727 samples also so that people can get that old Detroit sound and some other sounds like bass and synths aswell. The program appeared on the April issue of The Mix.



I've bin using this for about a month and I'm well impressed with the combination of 'Makin Waves', 'Cool Edit' and as many CD quality samples as I can find on the Web.

For excellent loops to slot into makin waves get to

The speed of working with this is excellent and your only limited by the quality of samples.

Also try for some top CD quality samples.

I'm gonna register next week cos the quality os tunes is great with my shitty 486 laptop.

A phatt 5 out of 5.

steve burns


sweet interface

great concept

been looking for this for a long time........



Just to let anyone who's interested know that there's a first copy of the new version on our web site.

You might need to select reload with your browser on the front page as I've forgotten to update the dates on the pages, but you should get to it eventually.

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


Well, with respect to Hammerhead being freeware and Making Waves costing $70 US, I have this perspective. Firstly, MWave can plot out a full 150 measures (that I've noticed, maybe more), while Hammerhead does 8 maximum. However, it's also worth noting that where MWave allows 64 samples, if your PATTERN is different in a given measure, it counts as a different sample: so since Hammerhead gives you eight *fully independent* measures of 6 samples, redoing the track in MWave could use as many as 48 samples. In addition, until the next version comes out of beta, your MWave samples get *clipped* between beats -- whereas Hammerhead doesn't do this, and lets your sample ring through until natural decay.

Where does Hammerhead fall down? Well, um, it doesn't. Hammerhead is not a full-featured sample organiser for doing entire songs in. Hammerhead is a drum box. And a damn good one. But with the limited number of samples you can add to Hammerhead (six), MWave is probably better all around -- except that MWave somehow doesn't do drum tracks as well as Hammerhead, and won't shuffle.

I use both. I kick up Hammerhead and do vicious drum loops, then slap those loops into MWave to compose the rest. The end result beats the living crap out of either one alone. If I did all my drum tracks in MWave, they'd sound a lot less phat -- and in my work, the drum MUST BE PHAT, if the drum falls over the whole forking song goes with it. If I tried to do the whole thing in Hammerhead, um, well, I'd be a moron.

Bottom line: I wouldn't compare the two programs. They're too different. Hammerhead is probably a 'better' program in the sense that it's free, kicks ass, and works better than damn near anything else. But MWave is positively awe-inspiring that it works at ALL, and even though I have nitpicks about this thing or that thing or the other thing, I would have paid a good deal more than $70 for it. In fact, I would have paid somewhere from $30-$50 for Hammerhead, too. The combination is certainly worth around $100 or so, and I don't regret the purchase one bit. You want to see 'worth the bucks'? Buy MWave. Get the beta. Look at the new effects processing. After you empty out your britches, I think you'll agree that $70 is piss cheap.

And look, saying that the program costs $70 in a market where your gear costs $1000 and up half the time is just whinerism, okay? If you want everything free, this is NOT a hobby to pursue. Rock collecting might suit you better. Just like any other artistic pursuit, if you want to paint on high-quality canvas or play high-quality instruments or sculpt high-quality marble, you're going to have to pay for it. The fact that we even HAVE software that you don't need to be independently wealthy to purchase is something to be thankful for. I hear an awful lot of griping about the cost of making music, and I think we've lost track of how expensive it has ALWAYS been to bring our visions to the world. It's gotten a lot cheaper, but that doesn't mean you can do it for free, and it never will.



Igot very frustrated with Hammerhead very quickly as it has limited potential for making full songs. This beats it hands down. Wow! Its simplicity belies its versatility. Amazing. Unfortunatly I don't have my own computer, but you can bet if i did I would be £50 poorer right now.

Matt Z


Hammerhead??? Sure, it WAS my favorite until I learned about Making Waves, and it still is nice to play around with, but it's not even in the same league as Making Waves. BTW, Kilo..You're right.. I've got one of those old P75s, 32Mb RAM, using a TBeach Tropez, and I couldn't be happier with the performance of Making Waves, even on my old system. I wish I could say the same for Hammerhead, but it LAGS big time.



well Mr "Dubster"... could you please refer us to some "crap" 64 note virtual sampler with filters etc, that you've written for 50 notes retail ?....

all I can say is....brin on the seperate outputs facility, fix this with an Event card, and it would probably be worth having an old P75 or whatever rigged up just as a stand alone sampler !!

Nice one Perceptive Posse !!!!

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


I got a note in the mail on Friday that I had registered mail from Great Britain at the post office. I couldn't sleep all weekend, because I knew what it had to be... the registered Making Waves CD! This software rips! I've always thought this was the way a sequencer should work, this was how a drum machine should work, and this was how computer-based music composition should work! GOD I am so impressed with this software, I don't even know where to begin. And now that I can save... whoa, Nelly. Look out. :)



we've not decided on a price for the new version yet so the cost may go up when we officially release it, but until then we're making it available to anyone with the current version.



The best thing after busty women!! ;-)

Matt Z


I've been using the demo for weeks now, and I am VERY impressed. So, I actually purchased the program, and I haven't bought a single piece of software since Win95 came out, I'm that cheap. But, this program is THAT good.



Hey, dear, are you silly? Hammerhead is FREEWARE and this "crap" costs a lot! Sorry, but, even with its "annoyances", I still prefer Hammerhead.



EchoView 4 is now obsolete, Pro Version 5 has completely replaced it so there's no point in keeping it on your




I sent those 727 samples aswell as a few synth and bass ones also. These all work great in Making Waves. Feel free to add them to your 909 zip. The file is 705k and all the samples are 44.1 and normalized as a group.

I figured you'd have to be a Paul White follower when I read your mixing tips. The one about listening to your mix from another room just gave it away. I can remember reading that in H&SR when Paul was editor.

Enjoy the samples, cheers.



sorry, but the DEMO version doesnt include those sounds.......i just thought that it might help someone evaluate the programme, if they had some well made, normalised full bore drum samples to add to it.....

htis would save them loading to another page elsewhere or here to get have to understand, that alot of people come here, who DONT post.....the server's showing hits of about the same readership as sound-on-sound believe it or not ......

so i get mails asking for stuff like that.....

as for the's a fast to use quick percussion unit, and piss cheap now....but,........I aint got one, so I aint got the samples.........however, if you zip em up and send them, I'll add 'em to the samples page....

anyhow....just cos alot of commercial pop uses 909 doesn't mean it's discounted....I agree it's a lot overused.....but I prefer to do alot of layering for my drums......which incidently, you could do with m'waves....

for every crap pop track there's plenty more good ones using a 909 or samples.......



Am I outta line by comparing this to a Tracker? 'Cause even though the demo's real fun, seems real ahead of most trackers for interface, I can't believe you can't use midi, not even a clock. Some trackers can, with a whole lotta other useful features better as well, so what's the big deal? I hope I'm wrong, though, 'cause it's a real joy otherwise.



Kilo, ok , i might send in some 727 samples and maybe some others.

I don't see any counters on these pages, how do you know how many hits you're getting? I didn't know sound on sound had a site or are you talking about the actual magazine?



I've been using this for the best part of 12 months, and if you could add the support of multi channel cards and a bit of realtime channel level variance you'd have the lot. But for £50 ? It's a bloody bargain !

we're pretty close to having a track composed on this sw released on wax..... would this be a first for 'making waves' ?



I've been using this for the best part of 12 months, and if you could add the support of multi channel cards and a bit of realtime channel level variance you'd have the lot. But for £50 ? It's a bloody bargain !

we're pretty close to having a track composed on this sw released on wax..... would this be a first for 'making waves' ?



yup....from the server logs of course....those counters are crap.... hence, I dont bother with one....

send the samples matey...and I'll add 'em in a flash...

It's all about finding the time really, I could add about 200 loops & shots instantly if I had the time for example....

As for the SOS website,... er.... well, it basically tells you what back issues contain articles available.... Ian Gilby came to see us about a year ago, about getting the mag online.... I told him it would be wicked to provide all those back article resources to the web readership, but, it appears they'd rather you paid for the back issues.... maybe the site will go on to add real articles... i dunno.... so anyhow, I thought... well, sod it... I'll do my own resource site...

Although I'd like to say here, that Paul White, has influenced me as much as ANY musical playing influences that I have been absorbing down the years....

sometimes, I read his forwords in the mag...and I get the impression that he somehow is a little lost in all the technology, and maybe feels he could have done more froma music point of view, as opposed to journalism/technology.....

However, maybe he doesn't realise it, but I'm sure he's influenced more tracks to be released by getting people into home recording over the years than many so called "named" artists.... has me anyhow... Just a shout out to Paul....Nice one mate.... !!!



forgot to say that it's an awesome program, if only it had some swing quantize or triplets. maybe in the next version.

jason craig


I can't download this file. I've tried both here and at the
creator's site and both times the file won't install
because it think's it has a virus or something.
I virus scan it with the latest mcaffee and it's ok
???? could you mime attach it to me? thanx jason



I've been using this for the best part of 12 months, and if you could add the support of multi channel cards and a bit of realtime channel level variance you'd have the lot. But for £50 ? It's a bloody bargain !

we're pretty close to having a track composed on this sw released on wax..... would this be a first for 'making waves' ?



Sorry, I'm no snob, I just hate all these dodgy pop records that use the 909. There's 909 sounds that come with the program anyway. If you really must have them up there why not include some 727 samples also so that people can get that old Detroit sound and some other sounds like bass and synths aswell. The program appeared on the April issue of The Mix.



look....maybe there's some beginners out there who want to have those samples, and there aint any in the demo take your snob shit elsewhere........whatever you think, 909 drums are still the mainstay for alot of tracks & I thought it would save themn the trouble of searching around for some....



Just to let everyone know the new version will be on

our web site in a couple of weeks and we're giving

it away free to anyone with a registered copy of version 1.0

It's got the following add-ons amongst others

Real time sample effects editing for each channel including filter, delay and reverse for cool techno sounds.

Waveform feature lets you create effects based on sinewaves and others.

Use midi channels in the same way as samples, so you can use your soundcard or external midi devices and edit the controllers and notes in realtime. Just as an example, I've got a BassStation and I can vary all the filter parameters while I'm listening to a loop by applying different waveforms.

Midi delay feature including a pitch shift.

Note sequences and effects envelopes up to 16 bars long.

Lots of other goodies too numerous to mention including midi file import and export and wav file recording while you're playing a song.

Hope this doesn't count as advertising seeing as we're giving it away :-)

Check out our website in a couple of weeks for more info.



I've had this for a long time also, it was on the cover cd of The Mix some time around late last year from what I recall. I'll get back to you on that one. As for the 909 samples, don't you think there's enough of that crap around as it is? I'm sure anyone who's gonna use 909 sounds already has them. If your gonna put samples up to go with a program, at least put something original up.



Kilo, this software has been around for ages, I'm surprized you've only just put it up. But yeah it is the best. Try creating a few loops on hammerhead first and then loading them in here. I did a comparison a few months back with the two programs. I used the same sounds and found that Hammerhead seemed louder. I don't know why this is though.

There was another time when I was messing around with this software, I had a drum part, a bassline and 2 bar sax loop wav that I found in my hard drive somewhere. I did this simple track if you could call it that and just taped it to cassette because I don't yet have the full version. The next thing I taped on the cassette was a mix of a track I did for a friends album, with vocals and everything which had taken me a few hours to mix. When I played back the tape I noticed that the dodgy track I did with Making Waves in half an hour was a lot louder than the mix I did for my friend. It seemed to sound a lot clearer also, but was recorded from an awe32. I don't really know what to make of that.....



I think it is generally misunderstood about PC audio, wether from samples, or virtual synths, that the quality of the output is down to our soundcard......The quality should be as good as a top-flight hardware sampler if your soundcard is up to it........



I've bin using this for about a month and I'm well impressed with the combination of 'Makin Waves', 'Cool Edit' and as many CD quality samples as I can find on the Web.

For excellent loops to slot into makin waves get to

The speed of working with this is excellent and your only limited by the quality of samples.

Also try for some top CD quality samples.

I'm gonna register next week cos the quality os tunes is great with my shitty 486 laptop.

A phatt 5 out of 5.



A must for non-MIDI people...I sequence all my stuff here then bounce to 4trak cassette...with my crappy yamaha soundcard that has a loop function, I can even save my work as composite *.wav complaint: I wish you could drag one of the split windows so you can see more of the bars, you know like in win 95 explorer...



what I always wanted ...two thumbs up.. magnificent performances... excellent 909samples....truly the breakthrough of the 20th century .....hehehe ....just some bad USA jokes ..=).

No seriously its a bargain , WONDERFUL PROGRAM.........Ð..... .






Just to let everyone know the new version will be on

our web site in a couple of weeks and we're giving

it away free to anyone with a registered copy of version 1.0

It's got the following add-ons amongst others

Real time sample effects editing for each channel including filter, delay and reverse for cool techno sounds.

Waveform feature lets you create effects based on sinewaves and others.

Use midi channels in the same way as samples, so you can use your soundcard or external midi devices and edit the controllers and notes in realtime. Just as an example, I've got a BassStation and I can vary all the filter parameters while I'm listening to a loop by applying different waveforms.

Midi delay feature including a pitch shift.

Note sequences and effects envelopes up to 16 bars long.

Lots of other goodies too numerous to mention including midi file import and export and wav file recording while you're playing a song.

Hope this doesn't count as advertising seeing as we're giving it away :-)

Check out our website in a couple of weeks for more info.



How does a program like WAVmaker and Mellosoftron stack up when run by a sequencer?



steve, this sounds awesome! will the registration fee be the same for this new version?



we've not decided on a price for the new version yet so the cost may go up when we officially release it, but until then we're making it available to anyone with the current version.

Matt Z


I've been using the demo for weeks now, and I am VERY impressed. So, I actually purchased the program, and I haven't bought a single piece of software since Win95 came out, I'm that cheap. But, this program is THAT good.

jason craig


I can't download this file. I've tried both here and at the
creator's site and both times the file won't install
because it think's it has a virus or something.
I virus scan it with the latest mcaffee and it's ok
???? could you mime attach it to me? thanx jason



Hey, I haven't actually downloaded Making Waves,

but from what I've seen and read, it seems that it's a glorified (and not as powerful) version of a tracker, Impulse Tracker. I'm relatively new to the scene, so if I'm dead wrong on this one sorry, but Impulse Tracker has 64 simultaneous channels (up to 255 channels if your soundcard/computer supports it) can load 100 plus samples, can alter volume levels for samples and a write wavs, and it's free.



thanx to this little program I gets stoked just thinking about getting home to toss out a few mixes. It funny somethink so simple can do so much. I love the person/people who created this if i saw them right now id punch them so hard they would see how much i luv it.

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


Yeah, Avene, you've pegged my major problem with MWave. The single note value thing is a pain... but this can be fixed rather simply. You can do a lot with the "Copy Bars to Sample File" function in the Edit menu... just sequence out a series of notes on one .TRK file, using a channel for each of the whole notes, halves, quarters, sixteenths, and 32nds... that's only five channels, and once you get your melody line down you just copy it off to a sample file at the bpm you want for the final track. With 16 bars of melody available, and only four in the average hook line, you can do a lot this way. Another excellent thing to play around with is yanking the tuning to -12.0 and pulling 64th notes out of your channels by sequencing two measures of 32nd notes at half the intended bpm.

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


Well, dtc, let me tell you the engineer's secret about computer performance: your processor is almost NEVER the bottleneck. The actual performance difference from a P120 to a P166 (if you have a 486, you need a new motherboard: 486 math coprocessor performance just blows, and moving to a Pentium *will* make a tremendous difference) looks like it would be about 40 MHz, or a 33% increase -- but in practice, you'll see only about a 12% to 15% increase in capability, which is squat. What you *really* need, and this goes for everyone out there, is tons and tons of RAM. You should have a MINIMUM of 32 megs, and I personally wouldn't try to do real time recording with less than 48. If at all possible, go straight to 64 megs, since in the long run this will be cheaper -- you buy two 32 meg chips, and then later you just add two more to take it to 128. This will be about $200 at modern prices, whereas it's going to cost you about the same or more to get a new motherboard or processor, and you just won't see much of a difference. If you need to kick up to a new motherboard, check out where you can snap down a new system at slightly over $400 for a P166 with 32 megs, and get a 4 meg video card in the bargain. Just port your old hardware over... most of it will still work just fine. Or, if you're in the UK, you might want to check with Kilo on hardware. :)



Kilo, MW is very creative and very easy = FUN but...

I also have Hammerhead, Vaz, Stomper, and Rebirth.

They all sound clear and sometimes punchy.

By comparison MW sounds muddy no punch. Is this because it's not the full version? Pre or Post adjustment of the frequency does not seem to help, does'nt matter if I swithch from 22 to 44.1 still murkey sounding.Can you recommend anything, Would really like to stay with MW-HELP



yup.... i noticed this.....



hey mwaves rocks ! anybody know of a crack ? hehehe



Hammerhead can't playback 32nd notes..The new 1.1 Beta version of Making waves sounds a lot better than the 1.0 demo. The only trouble is that the filter/velocity etc take up an extra track, and this track must be directly under track it's effecting.

Another thing that bothers me slightly about it is that each note of a track can only be one fixed length.

But it's pretty damn good, and you can trigger an external synth like Reality.

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


In case anyone cares, I've set up the Unofficial Making

Waves Music Site at -- while I'm only just putting it together, so there isn't

much there just yet, I do anticipate growing it to an

appreciable size in short order. Sorry, Kilo, couldn't quite manage to handle the WHOLE SCENE like you do, so I stuck with one program... but then, you're about the last person I want to compete with anyway. ;)



what a wicked prog. It's so great. but have you ever think 'bout adding some midi control, some real time effect and some control on the duration of the note when you usu a sample as an instrument?



Pretty damn good complement to a MIDI sequencer,

I'd say. The fixed note-duration is a bit

annoying, as is the sound breakup at high

volumes, and finally the fixed 1/16 notes in

the note window...but these are minor points

compared to the ease-of-use and overall pleasure

I get in tracking with it (and sure, it's a tracker).

As for the above comment about it being a glorified tracker, well, it is. And no, it's not as powerful.

But excuse me, I don't have the patience to diddle

with the incredibly scary IT interface, even though

I wish I did. Power isn't everything - you gotta be motivated to use the thing first and foremost.

And an experienced IT tracker will no doubt still

do things much more slowly than an experienced

MW user, because IT is just too...tedious.

Another point is that streaming to WAV is not

supported in IT, which for me is mandatory since

I want to mix in the tracks with my synth

in a MIDI sequencer.


Valter Leite


your page is cool. I just love it. You know really about this things, and about Web site...

Good Job.



The punchiness of the sound can be helped by making

sure you've got the volume set as high as possible

without the sound clipping.

Using a 16 bit soundcard, you've got a maximum resolution of 16 bits, so each extra channel you mix

is having to use the same bandwidth and is reducing

the clarity of each sound.

Using a main volume of 128 and a channel volume of 128

is reducing the level to 1 quarter but lets you mix at

least 4 samples without clipping. Setting both to 255

will play the sound at the original volume but may start clipping with only 2 samples. The best way to get round this is to leave the main volume quite low and use higher values for each channel. Then when you want to record something, find the loudest part of the song and keep increasing the main volume until just before the sound clips.

It's also worth checking that your samples are 44khz, particularly high frequency sounds.

There was a problem on version 1 with some of the attack being lost. The way to test this is to play the sound as a whole bar, and compare it with the sound as part of a pattern. This was sorted out in version 2.

Hope this helps.

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


I got a note in the mail on Friday that I had registered mail from Great Britain at the post office. I couldn't sleep all weekend, because I knew what it had to be... the registered Making Waves CD! This software rips! I've always thought this was the way a sequencer should work, this was how a drum machine should work, and this was how computer-based music composition should work! GOD I am so impressed with this software, I don't even know where to begin. And now that I can save... whoa, Nelly. Look out. :)



this is the most wonderful ingenious program i have ever had the pleasure of using

until i got hammerhead about 3 months ago, i was using just cool edit to make my music (a ridulously difficult task, believe me)

but now this has happened and i cannot explain, from the point of view of someone who used cool edit for a rather long time (even making some half decent indie remixes) but this is heavenly...

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


You know, every time someone says they want tools of awesome power that do everything on one screen, these same people complain later on that these tools are too expensive and take too much memory and CPU and they don't really work that well either. If you can't get a kick ass track out of MWave, then you're a creative midget and shouldn't be making music in the first place. You want to do very specific things that next to no one needs to do, and you complain that people aren't supporting you. Well, tough! We don't have to! If you want special purpose softwares, then you can either write your own or find someone that already wrote them or pay someone to write them for you. You can't expect to say what you want and have someone run right out and build it for you. There's no demand. 32-beat resolution is just fine for what I do and what most other people do, and if it just doesn't spank your monkey I don't particularly see that as a problem. The vast majority of music can be sequenced and recorded directly in MWave, and it can almost replace a sampler entirely. The new version adds real time effects filters (including reverb, delay, and volume) and also adds MIDI control capability so you can slave your outboards off of it. This program blows the doors off a lot of $800 software I see out there, and all you can complain about is that it doesn't do everything *you* want it to? Please.



The best thing after busty women!! ;-)



Just to let anyone who's interested know that there's a first copy of the new version on our web site.

You might need to select reload with your browser on the front page as I've forgotten to update the dates on the pages, but you should get to it eventually.



Hey, dear, are you silly? Hammerhead is FREEWARE and this "crap" costs a lot! Sorry, but, even with its "annoyances", I still prefer Hammerhead.

steve burns


sweet interface

great concept

been looking for this for a long time........



well Mr "Dubster"... could you please refer us to some "crap" 64 note virtual sampler with filters etc, that you've written for 50 notes retail ?....

all I can say is....brin on the seperate outputs facility, fix this with an Event card, and it would probably be worth having an old P75 or whatever rigged up just as a stand alone sampler !!

Nice one Perceptive Posse !!!!



Igot very frustrated with Hammerhead very quickly as it has limited potential for making full songs. This beats it hands down. Wow! Its simplicity belies its versatility. Amazing. Unfortunatly I don't have my own computer, but you can bet if i did I would be £50 poorer right now.

Caliban Tiresias Darklock


Well, with respect to Hammerhead being freeware and Making Waves costing $70 US, I have this perspective. Firstly, MWave can plot out a full 150 measures (that I've noticed, maybe more), while Hammerhead does 8 maximum. However, it's also worth noting that where MWave allows 64 samples, if your PATTERN is different in a given measure, it counts as a different sample: so since Hammerhead gives you eight *fully independent* measures of 6 samples, redoing the track in MWave could use as many as 48 samples. In addition, until the next version comes out of beta, your MWave samples get *clipped* between beats -- whereas Hammerhead doesn't do this, and lets your sample ring through until natural decay.

Where does Hammerhead fall down? Well, um, it doesn't. Hammerhead is not a full-featured sample organiser for doing entire songs in. Hammerhead is a drum box. And a damn good one. But with the limited number of samples you can add to Hammerhead (six), MWave is probably better all around -- except that MWave somehow doesn't do drum tracks as well as Hammerhead, and won't shuffle.

I use both. I kick up Hammerhead and do vicious drum loops, then slap those loops into MWave to compose the rest. The end result beats the living crap out of either one alone. If I did all my drum tracks in MWave, they'd sound a lot less phat -- and in my work, the drum MUST BE PHAT, if the drum falls over the whole forking song goes with it. If I tried to do the whole thing in Hammerhead, um, well, I'd be a moron.

Bottom line: I wouldn't compare the two programs. They're too different. Hammerhead is probably a 'better' program in the sense that it's free, kicks ass, and works better than damn near anything else. But MWave is positively awe-inspiring that it works at ALL, and even though I have nitpicks about this thing or that thing or the other thing, I would have paid a good deal more than $70 for it. In fact, I would have paid somewhere from $30-$50 for Hammerhead, too. The combination is certainly worth around $100 or so, and I don't regret the purchase one bit. You want to see 'worth the bucks'? Buy MWave. Get the beta. Look at the new effects processing. After you empty out your britches, I think you'll agree that $70 is piss cheap.

And look, saying that the program costs $70 in a market where your gear costs $1000 and up half the time is just whinerism, okay? If you want everything free, this is NOT a hobby to pursue. Rock collecting might suit you better. Just like any other artistic pursuit, if you want to paint on high-quality canvas or play high-quality instruments or sculpt high-quality marble, you're going to have to pay for it. The fact that we even HAVE software that you don't need to be independently wealthy to purchase is something to be thankful for. I hear an awful lot of griping about the cost of making music, and I think we've lost track of how expensive it has ALWAYS been to bring our visions to the world. It's gotten a lot cheaper, but that doesn't mean you can do it for free, and it never will.



!mas importante! kilo or whoever may know, I'm a poor starvin musician who has a rag tag recording setup consisting of bits and peices of radio shack junk and cheap softrware. I've been assembling it for about a year now, my main tools are cool edit 96 makewaves which i just got the full version finally( it's beyond lovely the beta too). now when I finish a song i figure i could write it to a zip disc and play it on to my recorder from there, however our comp. runs at only 120 and even cool edit can't play a 50 meg file withoput pasing often. I origionally wanted it in stereo, could the prog have trouble mixing hte two channels or is my comp just too slow and old. I appreciate any help anyone can give, i have to keep making music.



er......... right..... and all that for 50 quid !!.... sounds great... call us when you've written it please.... have you considered a Synclavia system or a fairlight ??...... sounds like what you need..... they are about 50,000 dollars or so



!mas importante! kilo or whoever may know, I'm a poor starvin musician who has a rag tag recording setup consisting of bits and peices of radio shack junk and cheap softrware. I've been assembling it for about a year now, my main tools are cool edit 96 makewaves which i just got the full version finally( it's beyond lovely the beta too). now when I finish a song i figure i could write it to a zip disc and play it on to my recorder from there, however our comp. runs at only 120 and even cool edit can't play a 50 meg file withoput pasing often. I origionally wanted it in stereo, could the prog have trouble mixing hte two channels or is my comp just too slow and old. I appreciate any help anyone can give, i have to keep making music.

Matt Z


Hammerhead??? Sure, it WAS my favorite until I learned about Making Waves, and it still is nice to play around with, but it's not even in the same league as Making Waves. BTW, Kilo..You're right.. I've got one of those old P75s, 32Mb RAM, using a TBeach Tropez, and I couldn't be happier with the performance of Making Waves, even on my old system. I wish I could say the same for Hammerhead, but it LAGS big time.



OK, let me begin by telling you what I think the ultimate program should be able to do. 1) sequence .WAV files. 2) have some sort of on board synth generation (maybee one that calculates a .WAV) 3) FULL MIDI SUPPORT-- yep, this means beeing able to use the program as a full slave to other sequencers. 4) a great sampler and sample editor (one that you could e.q., filter, ect...) 5) an offset command that works, maybee you could ASSIGN each point to your sample. 6) Librarys of patches for MIDI synths that everyone uses, keyboards like Roland Juno 1, or 106, K-2000, Ensoniq, all that stuff. 5) on board real time effects. NOT JUST CHEASY AWE32 VERBS!!! but stuff you can actually use (comp, limiter, gate, multi-tap delay, hi-low pass filters), and more than one effect at a time, AND the effects should be able to be assigned to either a specific track OR individual insturment. 6) hard drive recording. 7) The sequencer itself has to be hardcore. commands on the tracks, screw the user friendly graphics, hex is fine. 8) all keyboard based, no mouse. 10) infinate pattern length and infinite speed. I want to be able to make a pattern of 4096 ticks at 2000 BPMs. 11) oh, yea... INDIVIDUAL COMMAND COLLUMNS. one for volume, one for offset, one for pitch bend, one master track for global song variables (speed, start, stop, pattern break bla... bla... bla... ).

Now, I don't mean to be a party pooper but Making Waves does not come close to what a professional program should be like (well, then again niether does any other program on the market). My biggest problem with it is that it is designed to be a loop maker. Why don't you just make the loop on your usual sequencer then track it down? Programs like this might make you happy for a while, but eventually you end up making the same kinds of grooves and loops because you are only able to use the program in that way. Believe it or not there are programs that can do most of the things that I have described above, the problem is that there isn't one program that does it all at the same time. Sure Cakewalk is great because you can use the E-Mu chipset on your AWE-64, but the graphical interface makes editing a pain. I'm sure that there are users out there who think that Making Waves is the greatest thing in the world, but they are probably from the same group of people who keep the Chemical Brothers and Moby from starving.



.......hmmmmm...... *pooppooppoo*



Making waves is wicked,but can u take wav.'s from the

internet and use ,or sample c.d.'s..

Or do I have the wrong end of the stick !

Tsatsis Vasilios


Hi i work with samples and loops i use pc computer sampler roland DJ 70 MK II and i use cubase audio vst 3,353 version.Do you have any good programm for my stufs to do editing my samples i mean recycle program or samplecell for PC computer?The absolute bargain can i use that programm for my samples of my sampler?

dj vakis


This programm works with preset samples?Can i use my samples?I have a sampler roland DJ 70 MKII Can i work

with this program?I work with samples ,loops.Or do you know any programm for my job?Can you sent complet catalog and informations aboute this program ?My adresse.3750HIVILLA,LAKEORION,MI.48360.U.S.A



MW is definitely this BEST audio sequencer around. I've registered my copy and have the latest version which 1.86. From version 1.7 onwards its supports MIDI and in version 1.8 onwards has a host of DSP filters which work on the .WAVs. The program is fast and supports CD quality playback rate, but you do need a fast machine when playing large WAV file. Version 1.86 supports Triplets and sustain. The MIDI support is slightly limited in that it only supports a 2 octave range, however most midi file don't normally exceed this, But what I really like, it being able to import a midi file and render the sound with WAV samples. But you can also veiw the notes of the MIDI file. I love this function as I can view the notes of a popular song, & then copy and paste them into my own composition and then render the sound.

Its a very powerful peice of software, and DSP functions are brilliant ranging from DELAY to FLANG. The other great function is that is has AUTO BPM detection, but you still needa WAV editor live GOLDWAVE or COOLEDIT in order to make the sample. But you can also work out the BPM of a sample by looking at the size field, if its a Whole value e.g 1, 2, 3 the sample is that many bars long.

I definitely recommend this program to anyone who hasn't got a Soundfont complient soundcard as this program does effective that. It very easy to create tunes just from samples of other records and since it has its own samples for drums and notes, you can make very good mixes.



How much is this software"Making Waves" in American dollars.

Please let me know



Hi.Just found your site by accident.It's good to know

someone else appreciates how great M/Waves is.I've

been d/ling the upgrades as they appear and it just gets better all the time.If only the programmers had

worked on Winxx,life would be so much easier.

Drazen Plavec


It is great program. The best thing after Rebirth.I bought a registered version (1.0) last year and I don't regret. It is possible to make tracks ready for recording.

Lance Lawson


Totally fucking cool bru!

How do I get it?

Can you send it to me here in South Africa?




Oh man,this program rocks!!!!!!Can't wait to get the full version.



sounds pretty dope dude! How much is 49 pounds in American dollars?



i use the program and i think it out does hammerhean infinity fold. i use i to make professional products and it the best out there for this price.






well, a quick peek at their website learnt me it costs 70 dollars, or 43. something pounds, hmm that doesn't hurt to much. I hope i like the demo.. so this what a tracker looks like????



Does Making Waves load .xi samples?



Ever since I have tried making waves, I never turned to midi sequenceing again. I find that it is a better progarm overall. I can use any saved .wav file and sequence it with others and create a song. Its a great program, I love it. The only thing is, is that I cannot Save my creations, thats too bad for me. I hope I will be able to obtain the full program someday.

mute parameter


Damn...I have rarely come across such a well written piece of software. The user interface is a bit clunky, but there is nothing I have come across yet that allows the kind of quality and realtime movement, even on a slow poorly configured computer. Rarely do I shell out for a program that I download...this is going to be an exception! Love it!! Love it best at 220 BPM!



i have makin' waves at home, and your review of this PHAT piece of software is on point.



Hey Kilo would you please start putting up how much stuff would cost in American money ($) for all us yankees?



For all you yanks, 1 pound is aprox. 3.25 guilders

and 1 dollar is approx. 1.96..

so (50*3.25)/1.96= 83 dollars

Mr o9, you clearly have nothing to do on this site where creativity and inventivety rule. You seem spoilt to the bone -looking at your x-mas wishes- why dont you just buy music cd's, they are ready 4 you to listen too! although listening is not what you do.. refering to your comments on Moby.. well you never really listened to "Move" , "into the blue" or even "GO". Sorry 'bout this,i had to say it.. i feel much better now. love this site.. going to download that making waves demo now, peace ..



Got the Lite version of this software for free on Computer Music magazine which means I finally got around to tinkering with it. It's a very good composition method. Finally we have got past that infuriating hexadecimal tracker-style approach and come up with a user-friendly solution. The programming method would have to be one of the cleverest innovations I've seen for a while in music programming.

As far as I am concerned this positively demolishes about any tracker you could name.

I'm not sure why people keep comparing it to Hammerhead though, I would rather see a comparison between

1) Making Waves
2) Buzz
3) Fruity Loops
4) The now (I hope) obsolete tracker

I think this sort of comparison puts everything in a new light and Making Waves suddenly doesn't seem to be on top of the charts anymore.

I still think the interface is a complete winner eliminating the hardware look-alike fetish and at the same time, eliminating the hexadecimal headache of trackers. Good going!

However, I don't think it competes quite as well as software such as FruityLoops which has much more flexibility and features and wouldn't be too different in price.

Buzz is, of course, free at the moment and I think is more flexible. However, it's back to that disgusting hexadecimal for programming.

Which ever you would consider the best, I am still impressed with what I think is a sensible step forward for programmers of music software.

By the way, I'm not actually downgrading Hammerhead. I love it, especially for free, but its purpose is not as total as Making Waves, so I think a comparison doesn't make much sense. They can both exist quite happily together in any setup I reckon.

Juan Dorado


Hey! Greetings from Colombia, S.A.
I´ve been using Making Waves for almost 3 years now, and let me tell you... it´s simply the best!!. Have you tried version 2.01 ?? it !! Now!!
If you´re a big fan of REBIRTH or HAMMERHEAD, or even FASTTRACKER...
well, that´s because you haven´t seen this baby yet!!...
Believe me, real good music with a real low budget !!

Benjamin Bording


Weblink: link


DJ Anouar


I really like this sequencer thing. I've maintained to make a MegaMix in Making Waves. It was 70 minuttes long. Huh?... Cool eH!



"...this should be one of the most well known and talked about programmes going right now..."

Marc Novastatic


I've been using making waves as my main sequencer for about 2 years. I have to say that it is absolutely amazing. It's such an easy way to create great tracks. The recent updates have made it even better. All I can say to those who haven't tried it is if you like a sample based way of working then try it. It's cheap and effective. I hope that it keeps getting better. Just check out all the 5 out of 5 marks below. I've introduced it to several musicians I know, and they all love it.
Even if you only use it to construct drum loops for use elsewhere it's worth the price.

Last added comment

Rob R.


Errrmm... okay... Making Waves used
to be kinda cool. But before downloading
this one, also be sure to check out: and download Tuareg.
I think you'll want to reconsider the
comparisons above then...

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