it's not there xoxos orbiter

xoxos orbiter

vsti for modulating arpeggios
a more complex version of a simpler phase distortion synth i keep to myself. each 'note on' event progresses a step in the 16 step counter. active steps trigger a mod envelope. the gate time for this envelope is set by either the length of the note, or a 'hold' function, whichever is longer. the mod envelope is routed to things like pd amount, for nice swells that run over your your arpeggio, panning, lfo rate/amount.. with 3 (!) lfos modding panning, et c..

the concept of orbiter is that there are two oscillators that are constantly in valence.. pan one left, the other pans right.. lower the cutoff on one, the other raises.. (or you can adjust both similarly..) the result is almost always entrancing. hopefully this will raise public awareness of the wonders of modulating lfo speeds.

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Added: 1 August 2002
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