(originaly written 1997)- Now the Pinnacle is a new product, and it's a bit more expensive, but it could be what you're looking for if you've got a bit more money to spend and you want to go for cheap direct digital transfer between the PC & a DAT machine at a future date, whilst getting wicked audio quality....and....the Pinnacle also does samplestore, up to 48 mb ram !!!....So it will also act as your sampler....although, like most sampler cards, it is restricted to a maximum 256K sample lenght i believe... (?)... anyone ??

I have not personally used this card...However I would say that I have yet to encounter an un-reliable or poor quality Turtle Beach expect excellent audio quality, & no set-up problems if you do it right !!

If you buy a good card like the Tahiti, it will cost you new 280 quid. If you then want to go for digital S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) transfer to & from your DAT, you would have to buy something like the DAL Digital Only Card D..... which is about 400 quid.

The Pinnacle card, is a very high quality Audio card, (highest audio spec' of any soundcard at the time of writing)... but it accepts an S/PDIF Pinnacle Daughterboard for only 125 quid !!

Now a Tahiti & Digital D card together will cost about 700 quid new. The Pinnacle card with the S/PDIF Daughterboard come bundled together for only 569 new !!!

This means that with a 500 quid PC, 200 quid of s/w (SAW V6), the Pinnacle system for 570 and a DAT, you can start offering digital editing facilities for about 1800 quid total !!........ Not bad eh ?

Anyhow the Pinnacle without S/PDIF costs 450 new, so it's quite expensive for a budget setup, but if you have midi kit and a DAT already, I'd go for the full package, and have the joy of full digital transfer.

Anyhow, here's the spec' list :

  • Windows95(tm) Plug 'n Pray Compatible
  • MPU-401 compatible
  • Hardware Wavetable Synthesis (Kurzweil Synth Engine)
  • Channelized Effects for MIDI Synthesis
  • 4MB Patch Set - 2MB Wavetable ROM
  • User Expandable Sample Set to 48MB of Sample RAM
  • DSP Based Hurricane (tm) Architecture
  • Digital I/O Option (S/PDIF) with daughter board
  • Inputs: Stereo Mic Level and Line Level
  • Supports condensor and dynamic microphones
  • 20 Bit DAC/ADC
  • Signal to Noise : >-97dB
  • THD: <.005%
  • Phase Response :+/-.1 degrees
  • Stereo Crosstalk: 100Hz-90dB, 1KHz-90db, 10KHz-90dB
  • IM Distortion: <.01%
  • Frequency Response : 10Hz-22KHz +0/-1 dB
  • Sample Rates: 5Khz-48Khz

The Pinnacle also contains the Kurzweil synth engine, including channelized digital effects,and up to 48 MB of user expandable sample RAM, for creating your own MIDI instruments. So you get a shit-hot synth as well as the ability to do sample-store..........In fact, I'm quite tempted to sell my Tahait and Digital Card D, and get one of these !!...... A good card....check it !

Ok.... this Item-page was added back in '97 or whenever the card was released... now it's April '99... and check it out... TBeach are selling refurbished Pinnacles at only a measly 250 bucks direct from the TBeach website - This was a BIG surprise to me - The refurbished cards are fully warranteed & tested... and have had a 200k p-ram upgrade added.... There is also a new patch editor for it available.... check out the TBeach website for details....

  • Currently 3.5 Stars.
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4: Excellent!

5: Awesome!

Rate this product!

Currently: 70%
Total Stars: 310
Total Votes: 89


Added: 4 January 1999
New price: $249 - !!!
S/H price: ??


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I'm a brazilian musician and I need a new drive of a multisound pinnacle. Help me, please. PS: Sorry my bad




Well, I installed my nice new version 1.04 ROM chips and they seem to have improved the overall stability of the "Pinn" no end. It doesn't feel so "flaky" now . . . . on the downside, the version 3.0 drivers seem to be a bit tommy-tank. They worked OK to start with but then went permanently into 3rd harmonic distortion mode, despite reinstallation. So it's back to version 2.0 drivers for me, and they seem to be working *very* well with the new ROMs. I can't deny that I love the card, I just wish it wasn't such a stormy relationship!!! :-)



dont underestimate the 1040 Atari tho' ....due to it's design with a dedicated midi bus, it is very fast &

stable...definately the best option if you are NOT going for midi & audio on the PC or Mac....

Stefano...the answer is yes !....if you've got a P100 with 64 mb..or a P133 with 32 or 48 mb, you should get 8 tracks nicely with midi & no sync prob's...



About Pinnacle Project Studio: Is it possible to play more than 8 audio tracks in same time ? Can I do it using

Cakewalk audio 5.0 ? Thanks.

Giovanni Ullu


A lot of thanks to Turtle Beach for keeping work so hard on new drivers to solve some "but" of our beloved

"Pinnacle" ...does somebody knows how to make Maui and Pinnacle work toghether?



thank´s kilo. yes i already bought that cakewalk (which was my first choise, but i wanted a professional opinion).

anyway i´m learning it now..... cause it´s a BIG step from atari 1040 to my latest setup. i´d like thank you also for

your great www pages.



whew.....well how do you decide....I like Cakewalk Pro audio....because it is the better of the 3 midi & audio

packages mentioned...very musician file naming to record & stuff.......but I like cubase drum

overall I'd have to say Cakewalk...but please....try to check em out if possible....

plus....i have to say to Big should have checked if the card could take edo first.....and again...cubase is
crap for card compatability.....whereas Cakewalk will always work with a windows soundcard...



hmmmmmmmmm....I'm wondering if you both use cubase, they (steinberg) are very bad for gettibg proper compatibility with

audio cards.

Giovanni Ullu


No way to make it function toghether with MAUI or TAHITI. My Pentium crushes all the time I start audio recording. A lot of

troubles on DMA and IRQ...Little emprovements with the new drivers 2.5...I had to put it back in its box and keep on using

TAHITI and MAU! I'm waiting, I truly hope, for the "final drivers"



The Pinnacle is a *super* card with a big BUT - I said "but" not "butt"! :-) It's great, but: 1) They can't seem to get the drivers

right. V.1 couldn't talk to EDO sample RAM and V.2 seems to cause lock-ups with Cubase. 2) The sampling is dead twitchy.

The samples go in OK but suddenly the volume whacks down to zero with full reverb ie; wet signal only. And don't dare try to

perform a MIDI reset! 3) The ADA converters, while being very competent with a 97dB signal to noise ratio, seem to share

some family traits with a low-pass filter. In other words, I have to seriously bounce the treble back up on stuff I've recorded

into the Pinnacle. Mind you, the new drivers have the option of recording from the synth/sampler without ever touching

analogue, so it's swings and roundabouts. ON THE OTHER HAND: If you want an all-singing all-dancing all-in-one solution

for audio on the PC, this is the ticket. Look what you get: digital audio playback with either D or A output, Kurzweil synth

engine, upto 48Mb sampling, MPU401 MIDI in/out AND waveblaster header. For example, my card has a DB50XG on the

WB header. So, I can track something up in Cubase, play it thru the DB50 and the MPU out, pass ot thru my synths and the

mixer and BACK IN TO THE PINNACLE to record it in Cool Edit or something. This is the only card I've ever met that is

capable of this kind of punishment. So, my conclusion: I don't regret buying the card and I love using it . . . . I just hope that the

V.3 drivers and the new ROM chip are gonna sort the little headaches!!! Spyder.



I wondered if the sounds from Kurzweil are kompressed, or are they 100% identical to the Kurzweil-sounds?



Thank's for informations.



i was in need of a good soundcard inorder to play those mpeg3 tracks in my highEnd stereo. So i bought the Pinnacle dig. IO

and it was worth it, crystal clear sound without any noise or other blurr that i had in my soundblster.



i have just bought a tbeach pinnacle, what kind of sequenser program should i buy? i´m concidering buying either

cakewalk pro audio 5.0 or logic audio or cubase. help me PLEASE.

matthias beck


pinnacle is very specific and not as compatible as recommended



I was trying to produce music on a poxy unbranded wavetable card and then decided that enough is enough.

I managed to raise enough cash for a pinnacle (no s/pdif), a yamaha db50xg and 8 Megs of sample ram for the Pinnacle.

Since then I have been continually astounded by the sheer quality of the actual cards.

Unfortunately it's not all good. I found that the patch librarian is so sketchy that whenever I reload a *.PSB

The program hangs and I have to cntl Alt Del and quit patch librarian. Which means that it is a case of changing loading the

samples every time I start using it. Any possible reasons for this happening??? please could you post a reply here because I don't

have an external Email Address.



What's better: Turtle Beach Pinnacle or Terratec EWL67x?



I posted some comments about the Pinnacle a few months ago and just wanted to add my impressions since then. I was having lots of system crashes when recording in Cakewalk Pro Audio 5, and it turns out it was because I had my levels too high & the clipping was causing my entire machine to lock up! Once I figured this out I've been very happy w/the card, though I'm still getting the hang of the frequency response - mostly because I'm used to recording to tape, so digital is still a bit of a learning curve...

The patch editor for the synth is still in beta but you can get it from TB's web site, and it looks pretty cool - unlimited number of oscillators, envelopes, and cross-modulation. Haven't had a chance to fool with that much as I've been more interested in hard disk recording (with Cakewalk) & the Pinnacle seems to be pretty good for that.

wayne mr. bass man


stop your fussing pinnicle is here to stay it works fine iam using it with cubase vst with no promblems the old cubase did not work well with the card but iam having no promblems now my p.c 300 pentium 128megs ram so go ahead lay your tracks



I use it for 6 months. Digital audio is pretty

good. Midi sounds are terrible (I own a Roland XP-50)

They have nothing to do with Kursweil. Sample store

stuff is terrible.

Please tell me about a better card.

A University student from Turkey...



you get a good bang for the buck with the pinnacle, but I'm kinda getting sick of it, too many set-up problems. I can't figure out how to take the output from the pinnacle's sampler and convert it into audio. the only way I managed to do this was to run the signal through the analogue ports.



A less-than happy Pinnacle saga: I bought the Pinnacle about 15 mos. ago based on Turtle Beach's reputation and the impressive specs of this card. I'm running WinNT 4.0 on a dual PPro, and was VERY disappointed to find that there were no NT drivers at the time. Thanksfully, these came along about a year ago, and my card was running beautifully into the summer. WOW -- superb sound. Then I started having problems a few mos. ago... to make a long story short, the card is slowly dying. It works about 1/3 of the time in a good week, less and les with time, and often will die after 10-15 min. of operation. Very frustrating! T. Beach's tech support folks were quite patient and helpful (after being on hold, long-distance, for 25 min.). But it's clearly beyond software, driver, and system settings. Unfortunately, the thing only has a 12 mo. warranty, so I basically got about 7-8 mos. of use out of a $400plus card, and am not pleased. T. Beach offered a discounted (50%) sound card as a post-warranty replacement, but I'm probably going to go for the AVM Apex or the EWS64-XL (NT support WHEN?!?). Just a little skittish about the Pinnacle at this point!

My 0.02, for what it's worth.

mark elsley


fyi - i have owned a pinnicle for about a year, and it has presented a series of problems...

a brief summary: midi keyboard did not initialize properly so software did not see keyboard input (fixed with revised drivers last summer); audio record/playback locked up with anything more than a few tracks (faulty PROM chip - replaced early this winter); real-time effects in Logic 3.0 not accessible in real-time (although Logic says Pinnicle is compatible); with latest REV F board, Windows fails to see card at all (this occurs seemly at random - i tend now to leave my computer on so as not to have to reboot 3 or 4 times hoping the card will initialize properly.

other than the above, it's a nice product with a good synth, sampler and sound quality. TBeach has been pretty good about providing fixes when you can get a hold of a warm body, but their automatic e-mail response system can be really frustrating when you are trying to report a simple bug.



I have a Turtle Beach Fiji (a pinnacle without the synth chip)..

..when it works it sounds great...but it can have resource conflicts that

are difficult to manage under win95...and it can be unpredictable under winNT.. will get very little help from the tech boys either...I think the problem is

that it uses a 32k upper memory block..not sure..

I don't recommend it...I'm sure the pinnacle can suffer from the same failings..

Kent Millberg


I had the pinnacle for a while now, and i can only

say good things about it. Yes, it took me a while

to cofigure. But now i have no trouble at all. It´s even working prefectly with Cubase VST and it´s not making noice

Weapon X


yo kilo are the samples stored in the cards ram or the pc.Is it also possible to use this card as a sampler.and use my pc with cubase to do some hardisk recording at the sametime?????HELP

Vettorel antonio





The sound of Pinnacle is good, but I have problems

with internal noise. In full-duplex mode it makes

too much noise. You know about this?

John Harland


Can't get mine to work properly in SRP with either Sawplus or glitches.

Numerous suggestions from IQS haven't cured the problem (they're blaming poor drivers)......Turtle Beach don't bother replying at all !!

pekka kiviaho


how do I put in new sounds on my card???

Pinnacle is one of the best card I ever heard

the only thing that is making me crazy is taht the joystick port doesnt work.



Does anybody know, if the pinnacle got filter-cuttof en reso's?

i know it got's an EQ..........

Wich is better a pinnacle or a terratec

Rinat Shamsullin


I'm need sound fonts for TB Pinnacle (.pbf)



Just got my Pinnacle a couple of days ago, and the jury is still out... It sounds great, is SUPER quiet, and installed with very little hassle. On the other hand, it locks up my machine a distressing amount when recording digitially into Cakewalk (Cake Pro Audio v5.0)... Seems to happen more often when the track I'm mixing down already has lots of audio tracks. Also, I'm not entirely happy with the EQ on the recording, but that could be partly due to my newness to digitial recording.

What I might start doing is mastering on my 4-track (3 3/4" IPS Tascam Portastudio w/dbx) to get more predictable EQ & less crashes, and then bounce that back into Sound Forge or Cool Edit, where I can touch up any noise reduction.

Bottom line: it's a good sounding card, but hard disk recording is still a sketchy technology... Still might buy a stand-alone DAT and the SPDIF board to minimize hassle.

Rob Smith


I'm looking to buy one of these but I'm pissed off

how much cheaper they are in the states. I imported

my TB tropez 2 years ago - I'm now looking to do

the same with this card. A company called computability

( are knocking these out for

$439 with digital io daughter board (that equates

to about £274!!) or $379 without (£236). There is

a shipping charge on top & if you are unlucky,

customs will add 17.5%!!



I want to try making a pinnacle card with windows NT,

but I have not any drivers for it. Please, write me,

where can I get some drivers. Thank you.



i'm about to buy a soundcard for pc, either

pinnacle or ews 64 xl. pros and cons, anyone?

thank you in advance.



well, I'd have to recommend the Terratec EWS-64 now.........not cos it sounds necessarily better than the Pinnacle, it's just that you get 2 extra outputs & S/PDIF for the same price....(and they both have a good synth)....

Ben Harrison



I wrote you about Audiowek8 Card in hope of

Cakewalk 6 compatibility.. If not possible.. Would

the Pinnacle be the next best for Digital Audio..

Would the onboard Processor Mean I could expect

more tracks on MY p133 32meg PC.

(currently am pulling 10-11 tracks)... My big fear

is that when I buy the pinnacle It's going to be a

noisy beast.. although I know about -97dB Claims I

Have also read reviews that talk of extremely

noisy Aux in, Line in (high levels), System crashs

and various other fear inducing problems for

someone on a budget....




I'd like to say that pinnacle is a great card but

for the fact that (as we all know) it hangs my

PC, and setting it up is not the easiest thing in

the world. I down loaded the version 3 drivers

recently and boy!, I could'nt get it to worked but of

course I did'nt but the digital i/o card with mine

oh well who am I to moan I only spent £500 on it



that's i'am looking for !!

andrew kohl


just upgraded from audiotrix pro card..

the pinnacle sound is great..EXCEPT..

it does not keep sync on my DPS PVR video system...

and I have dual pent pro 200 with 128 mb ram...

so its not the system...

even with updated NT's still a nitemare..

cheers...andrew MAY be for sale SOON...



you get a good bang for the buck with the pinnacle, but I'm kinda getting sick of it, too many set-up problems. I can't figure out how to take the output from the pinnacle's sampler and convert it into audio. the only way I managed to do this was to run the signal through the analogue ports.



I use it for 6 months. Digital audio is pretty

good. Midi sounds are terrible (I own a Roland XP-50)

They have nothing to do with Kursweil. Sample store

stuff is terrible.

Please tell me about a better card.

A University student from Turkey...

mark elsley


fyi - i have owned a pinnicle for about a year, and it has presented a series of problems...

a brief summary: midi keyboard did not initialize properly so software did not see keyboard input (fixed with revised drivers last summer); audio record/playback locked up with anything more than a few tracks (faulty PROM chip - replaced early this winter); real-time effects in Logic 3.0 not accessible in real-time (although Logic says Pinnicle is compatible); with latest REV F board, Windows fails to see card at all (this occurs seemly at random - i tend now to leave my computer on so as not to have to reboot 3 or 4 times hoping the card will initialize properly.

other than the above, it's a nice product with a good synth, sampler and sound quality. TBeach has been pretty good about providing fixes when you can get a hold of a warm body, but their automatic e-mail response system can be really frustrating when you are trying to report a simple bug.



The sound of Pinnacle is good, but I have problems

with internal noise. In full-duplex mode it makes

too much noise. You know about this?

Kent Millberg


I had the pinnacle for a while now, and i can only

say good things about it. Yes, it took me a while

to cofigure. But now i have no trouble at all. It´s even working prefectly with Cubase VST and it´s not making noice

matthias beck


pinnacle is very specific and not as compatible as recommended



I have a Turtle Beach Fiji (a pinnacle without the synth chip)..

..when it works it sounds great...but it can have resource conflicts that

are difficult to manage under win95...and it can be unpredictable under winNT.. will get very little help from the tech boys either...I think the problem is

that it uses a 32k upper memory block..not sure..

I don't recommend it...I'm sure the pinnacle can suffer from the same failings..



I want to try making a pinnacle card with windows NT,

but I have not any drivers for it. Please, write me,

where can I get some drivers. Thank you.



A less-than happy Pinnacle saga: I bought the Pinnacle about 15 mos. ago based on Turtle Beach's reputation and the impressive specs of this card. I'm running WinNT 4.0 on a dual PPro, and was VERY disappointed to find that there were no NT drivers at the time. Thanksfully, these came along about a year ago, and my card was running beautifully into the summer. WOW -- superb sound. Then I started having problems a few mos. ago... to make a long story short, the card is slowly dying. It works about 1/3 of the time in a good week, less and les with time, and often will die after 10-15 min. of operation. Very frustrating! T. Beach's tech support folks were quite patient and helpful (after being on hold, long-distance, for 25 min.). But it's clearly beyond software, driver, and system settings. Unfortunately, the thing only has a 12 mo. warranty, so I basically got about 7-8 mos. of use out of a $400plus card, and am not pleased. T. Beach offered a discounted (50%) sound card as a post-warranty replacement, but I'm probably going to go for the AVM Apex or the EWS64-XL (NT support WHEN?!?). Just a little skittish about the Pinnacle at this point!

My 0.02, for what it's worth.



you get a good bang for the buck with the pinnacle, but I'm kinda getting sick of it, too many set-up problems. I can't figure out how to take the output from the pinnacle's sampler and convert it into audio. the only way I managed to do this was to run the signal through the analogue ports.



I want to try making a pinnacle card with windows NT,

but I have not any drivers for it. Please, write me,

where can I get some drivers. Thank you.



I have a Turtle Beach Fiji (a pinnacle without the synth chip)..

..when it works it sounds great...but it can have resource conflicts that

are difficult to manage under win95...and it can be unpredictable under winNT.. will get very little help from the tech boys either...I think the problem is

that it uses a 32k upper memory block..not sure..

I don't recommend it...I'm sure the pinnacle can suffer from the same failings..

matthias beck


pinnacle is very specific and not as compatible as recommended

Kent Millberg


I had the pinnacle for a while now, and i can only

say good things about it. Yes, it took me a while

to cofigure. But now i have no trouble at all. It´s even working prefectly with Cubase VST and it´s not making noice



The sound of Pinnacle is good, but I have problems

with internal noise. In full-duplex mode it makes

too much noise. You know about this?



A less-than happy Pinnacle saga: I bought the Pinnacle about 15 mos. ago based on Turtle Beach's reputation and the impressive specs of this card. I'm running WinNT 4.0 on a dual PPro, and was VERY disappointed to find that there were no NT drivers at the time. Thanksfully, these came along about a year ago, and my card was running beautifully into the summer. WOW -- superb sound. Then I started having problems a few mos. ago... to make a long story short, the card is slowly dying. It works about 1/3 of the time in a good week, less and les with time, and often will die after 10-15 min. of operation. Very frustrating! T. Beach's tech support folks were quite patient and helpful (after being on hold, long-distance, for 25 min.). But it's clearly beyond software, driver, and system settings. Unfortunately, the thing only has a 12 mo. warranty, so I basically got about 7-8 mos. of use out of a $400plus card, and am not pleased. T. Beach offered a discounted (50%) sound card as a post-warranty replacement, but I'm probably going to go for the AVM Apex or the EWS64-XL (NT support WHEN?!?). Just a little skittish about the Pinnacle at this point!

My 0.02, for what it's worth.



I use it for 6 months. Digital audio is pretty

good. Midi sounds are terrible (I own a Roland XP-50)

They have nothing to do with Kursweil. Sample store

stuff is terrible.

Please tell me about a better card.

A University student from Turkey...

mark elsley


fyi - i have owned a pinnicle for about a year, and it has presented a series of problems...

a brief summary: midi keyboard did not initialize properly so software did not see keyboard input (fixed with revised drivers last summer); audio record/playback locked up with anything more than a few tracks (faulty PROM chip - replaced early this winter); real-time effects in Logic 3.0 not accessible in real-time (although Logic says Pinnicle is compatible); with latest REV F board, Windows fails to see card at all (this occurs seemly at random - i tend now to leave my computer on so as not to have to reboot 3 or 4 times hoping the card will initialize properly.

other than the above, it's a nice product with a good synth, sampler and sound quality. TBeach has been pretty good about providing fixes when you can get a hold of a warm body, but their automatic e-mail response system can be really frustrating when you are trying to report a simple bug.



A less-than happy Pinnacle saga: I bought the Pinnacle about 15 mos. ago based on Turtle Beach's reputation and the impressive specs of this card. I'm running WinNT 4.0 on a dual PPro, and was VERY disappointed to find that there were no NT drivers at the time. Thanksfully, these came along about a year ago, and my card was running beautifully into the summer. WOW -- superb sound. Then I started having problems a few mos. ago... to make a long story short, the card is slowly dying. It works about 1/3 of the time in a good week, less and les with time, and often will die after 10-15 min. of operation. Very frustrating! T. Beach's tech support folks were quite patient and helpful (after being on hold, long-distance, for 25 min.). But it's clearly beyond software, driver, and system settings. Unfortunately, the thing only has a 12 mo. warranty, so I basically got about 7-8 mos. of use out of a $400plus card, and am not pleased. T. Beach offered a discounted (50%) sound card as a post-warranty replacement, but I'm probably going to go for the AVM Apex or the EWS64-XL (NT support WHEN?!?). Just a little skittish about the Pinnacle at this point!

My 0.02, for what it's worth.

mark elsley


fyi - i have owned a pinnicle for about a year, and it has presented a series of problems...

a brief summary: midi keyboard did not initialize properly so software did not see keyboard input (fixed with revised drivers last summer); audio record/playback locked up with anything more than a few tracks (faulty PROM chip - replaced early this winter); real-time effects in Logic 3.0 not accessible in real-time (although Logic says Pinnicle is compatible); with latest REV F board, Windows fails to see card at all (this occurs seemly at random - i tend now to leave my computer on so as not to have to reboot 3 or 4 times hoping the card will initialize properly.

other than the above, it's a nice product with a good synth, sampler and sound quality. TBeach has been pretty good about providing fixes when you can get a hold of a warm body, but their automatic e-mail response system can be really frustrating when you are trying to report a simple bug.



The sound of Pinnacle is good, but I have problems

with internal noise. In full-duplex mode it makes

too much noise. You know about this?

Kent Millberg


I had the pinnacle for a while now, and i can only

say good things about it. Yes, it took me a while

to cofigure. But now i have no trouble at all. It´s even working prefectly with Cubase VST and it´s not making noice

matthias beck


pinnacle is very specific and not as compatible as recommended



I have a Turtle Beach Fiji (a pinnacle without the synth chip)..

..when it works it sounds great...but it can have resource conflicts that

are difficult to manage under win95...and it can be unpredictable under winNT.. will get very little help from the tech boys either...I think the problem is

that it uses a 32k upper memory block..not sure..

I don't recommend it...I'm sure the pinnacle can suffer from the same failings..



I want to try making a pinnacle card with windows NT,

but I have not any drivers for it. Please, write me,

where can I get some drivers. Thank you.



Interested in buying Pinnacle Project Studio card for dance music. Will I it run smoothly in my pc. I have Pentium 166, 80megs of ram, 2.0gid hd. If no, then what do I need to upgrade in my system? Thank you!



The Pinnacle Project Studio card has 2 Kurzweil synths. I want to create dance music. Do I need the extra synth? What are the advantages/disadvantages of having 2 synths. Should I just buy the Pinnacle Pro Series card without the extra synth. Thanx!

andrew eigus


pinnacle project studio is VERY hard to set-up: still have no luck installing it within a month! got to work MIDI, but .wav files still do not work... and on my pentium II with windows 98 once you reboot, the card dissappears from the system device list... VERY VERY annoying!




- I've just installed my Pinnacle Project Studio! WHAT A CARD!!!

...but i still have a small problem that i hope someone can help me with..;

HOW DO I DUMP SOUNDS FROM MY YAMAHA SY-99 to the Digital Orchestrator Plus??

If u know how - please mail me.

One more thing... when is Microsoft going to make DirectX compatible with Pinnacle?



Nice page! Love to see "plug n pray" thats the way it's! hehe...

chris smith


bought card as first ever part of home studio because of samplestore and kurzweil synth very impressed lots to play around with and good sound!



Is it possible to use the pinnacle together with a soundblaster card?

Tomec (Berlin)


I have buy da Pinnacle, there are Good Sounds

(also da Standard Sounds from Kurzweil) !!!

only da Effects was to soft

Da Problem was I can Store Audios with no Error´s,

When i do dis again on da same Address on Pinnacle

become a Message from Windows

System Error xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

so what can i do

My System was Cpu 486 dx2 133 AMD

Mem 64Mb

NCR Scsi Bios with 3 Disks

16Mb on TB Pinnacle (mayby Wrong?)non Edo non Paritie

Windows 98

Cubase Vst 3.0

Logic Audio

Standard Patch Editor

I´m Happy for every Mail

P.S.: Search for Complete Crazy Pinnacle Sound Banks In *.pbf as

WinZip File



Help. Any known problems with Compaq and Pinnacle?.

lots of irq troubles.what irq should i use,when it seems

impossible to dissablethe integrated chip(Ess1888)

in bios. Any one with Compaq (166mmx-32)and a Pinnacle

Konstantin A. Savkin (Stone)


Ó ìåíÿ ñòîèò TBS 2000, íî ïðè ïåðâîé æå âîçìîæíîñòè ïðèîáðåòó TB Pinnacle dig.I/O. Åäèíñòâåííîå ÷òî ìåíÿ ñìóøàåò - ýòî ïîñòîÿííûå ñëîæíîñòè ïðè óñòàíîâêè êàðò TB. À âîáùåì òî ïðîäóêöèÿ Ò ìíå î÷åíü íðàâèòñÿ. Íå õîòåëîñü áû äàâàòü îöåíêó òîãî, ÷òî åù¸ íå îïðîáèðîâàë, íî ìîè çíàêîìûå ãîâîðÿò ÷òî êàðòà ñòîÿùàÿ. ß èì âåðþ. Áûëà áû îíà õîòü íà ñîòíþ äåøåâëå. Ïèøèòå, çâîíèòå Ñ áåñòàìè è ðåãàðäàìè -=Stone=-



Has anyone got the following for using the Pinnacle with Cubase VST?

1. Mixer map for the synth

2. Studio module driver?

If so, please get in touch via e-mail



joakim Åstrand



Where can i find upgrades till tbs Pinnacle.

I have allready bought the soundcard but j need

a newer version



Well fellows we quite all bough this card and have problems with it. So here it is !

1 - as a sequencer use the DOP pro : since Voyetra and tbeach got together it's the best way to do it

2 - the RAM chipset IS a problem : but was also with the Monterey and it's adaptators (SIP-SIMM), for the ones who knew it

3 - compatibility is not the goal

4 - stop complaining : it IS the best soud card for musicians, but the hardest to use I agree

5 - I DO TOO often get angry at it : is somebody trying to prevent us from getting a REAL virtual studio for that price which is not so high given the supposed functionalities

Conclusion : don't let electronic disourage ur inspiration this is the only one new instrument !

Peter Tuharsky


I use the card since 9/1998 and it is excellent. I must say, that Turtle Beach released Pinnacle, the superb card, with poor drivers and software (the problems are almost solved now).

For example, full version of Pinnacle Patch Editor, the very needful application, was released 29.9.1998! Without Pinnacle Patch Editor, the proclaimed

48MB sample RAM capability was quite useless. But generally, the card is excellent with crystal-clear sound (must hear!), powerful Kurzweil MA-1 synth and Digital Orchestrator 3 Pro software.

It means very good choice for home musicians. At the price of $250 (for Refurbished Pinnacle) or $460 for full Pinnacle Project Studio pack (Pinnacle Card, Digital Orchestrator 3 Pro full software,

secondary Kurzweil HOMAC WaveBlaster Synth and S/PDIF IN/OUT board).

I expected no installation problems. First of all, I dont' use PnP -I have set the adress manually and everything works perfectly with 4.03 version drivers.

I had some problems with recognising a sample RAM, but after changing memory modules, my 32megs on Pinnacle work perfectly. Note, that the modules must be non-EDO, no parity, 60ns or better. Even if Your modules meet these specifications, they might not work properly. I had to try other manufacturer's modules to make them work.

My only problem now is, where to get some sounds in PBF format (yes, I can convert samples from some other formats -SBK, KRZ etc, but I want sounds that use the great VAST technology implemented on MA-1 synth!!!)

The ROM sounds are not bad, but I have bought 32MB of sample RAM and proffesional sounds' use was the main reason.

I run my Pinnacle simultaneously with Tropez card (Maui & OPL3 FM) with no problems. It takes some time to set IRQ's properly, but it IS possible (at least on my computer).

If I'm asked, I prefer Cakewalk to Cubase (well, it's just my opinion, so please, don't waste time to send me some nasty words). I use Digital Orchestrator now so I don't have a dilema what software should I use.

I have read about noisy AUX or LINE IN. Maybe, it was the problem of the first series. I can claim, that on my Revision F Pinnacle, the LINE IN, MIC and AUX IN are the best sounding inputs I have ever seen, super-clear with no noise or distortion.

The Digital Orchestrator Pro 3, that is a part of Project Studio, is very good and user-friendly. On my AMD-K6 200 MMX, some 20 audiotracks are possible, I think. Turtle Beach says, that number of tracks played simultaneously depend on computer's power; 8 on 486DX2, 20 on 200MHz Pentium (of course, speed of HD is important too).

The thing I love is, that I can make music on MA-1 internal synth, record some live tracks (guitar or so), and mix it down, without ever exiting Digital Orchestrator. And recording of SYNTH goes digitally, with NO QUALITY LOSE. I have "burned" a CD where my Pinnacle music creations are, and the sound of CD is absolutely great! (I speak about sound quality, I won't judge the quality of my music).

And if I give the Pinnacle 4 of 5, it is because of long-time lack of good drivers and full Pinnacle Patch Editor (both is the past now).

Mark Lakata


The MA-1 synth has lots of possibilities. The ROM sounds are okay for a sound card, but don't compare to a K2000. However, that's because they are just 8bit
samples. Custom patches sound very good when you load 16bit samples, and the noise is essentially zero. The patch editor that is available on the TB website is a
pain to use, but there is a good shareware editor called Everest. Power users will like the modulator editor, while everyone likes the Drum Kit Wizard, which
maps drum wave files to the keyboard in literally seconds. see



small problem thats restircting me from getting on with my pinnacle card.

does any1 else get this? when i try to save a sample set fine but when i try to create say a drum kit with the patch editor it's goes ok until i try to open the file again at a later date all i get is a stupid default sound thats the same on every key and i tell you it's really anoying any help?

oh by the way i think i'm using version 1.4 drivers i think. are these bug ridden drivers because i have a few other minor problems.

thanks chris



No way to make it function toghether with MAUI or TAHITI. Outside of that alot of troubles with IRQ/memmory resourse issue and win98...win98 device manager shows no conflicts with the card but conflict does exist as reboot often displays error....add to this gigasmpler which doesnt always see pinnacle as a dsp device and a bug with the mier panel and all vers cubase up to 3.65 makes for a very frustrating experience ...overall tb cards excellent sound but drivers need major overhaul even usingthe latest most of th ...Little emprovements with the new drivers 3.5...feel like putting it back in its box and keep on using TAHITI and MAU!except doesnt have dsp capability.....anyone for a yamaha???



I bought it 2 years ago and I still hate it. i understand that it has great features, but there are too many "but"s. I guess it depends on your luck. some get great compatibility with their platform. I don't. I want my money back.



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I've had it since 1997 with the original drivers, I use it exclusively for For Digital Audio Harddisc recording. I don't use the joystick/midi port or the sampler. The Digital I/O is a nice feature. It has worked for me flawlessly for over 3 years now.



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well, it sounds great. i think
it sounds better than my sampler
(ESI32) sometimes in raw sound quality.
i only use it for recording nowadays...
it had 32 megs on it when i got it,
but only 12k of pram. you can use that up real quick.

Besides that though, although it's advertised as a Kurzweil synth, and really it is, since it's got an MA-1 in
it, this is no K2000. OK, it's way more advanced than your average soundcard, and even a lot of real samplers. But it's all in the can add as many envelopes & lfos as you want.

However, it's limited to a 2 pole
filter, and it doesn't have most
of the cool stuff (waveshapers, etc)
in the K2000. The filter is kinda
wonky. For just playing back samples
though it's great. The rom set is
pretty weak. TB doesn't offer the 200K
upgrade anymore (they used to offer it
for $50!)....



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Shit! It worked ones but now there is some "memory" problems with Windows. What I tested it, it's really quiet like Fiji and Tahiti, really great sound. GM-set is crap and there is nothing special in synth-section. I have 2x32Megs (48Megs is max anyway)+digital option with no problems. Good quality card if it works in your setup and they are cheap today.

Last added comment

Mika Arasola


I bought the card about 3 years ago. It worked for about 2 weeks, and after that smoke started rising... I sent it to turtle beach to be repaired, and they returned it without the digital I/O board and without the manuals and software. It worked for a week and broke down again. Now it's standing in a shoebox in the corner! The sound was good, but installing was a bitch. It kept on trying to take the same irq's as my long gone video card (ATI all in wonder pro). I felt like the whole thing was a bad joke. especialy the way turtle beach technical support worked. I never got back my software or the digital daughter board. And I've been waiting for there contact (that they promised to do) for about 2 years!

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