it's not there Turtle Beach TAHITI

Turtle Beach TAHITI

old windows soundcard, great sound but usuable under mme drivers only. ISA
The Tahiti card is what I use for most of my work in the Analog domain, and it's as good as you need for audio on the PC for a dance chewn. I've even recorded acoustic guitar stuff with the Tahiti, and the sound is wicked....Full and with plenty of bass & sparkle.....Easily as good as my ADAT machine.

The Tahiti installs flawlessly, and comes with a batch of software including :

  • A midi patchbay
  • A record widow
  • A mixer for all the PC levels (CD, line in, Wav out, & midi out.)
  • Diagnostics
  • CD control player
The Tahiti has Turtle Beach's propreitary Hurricane architecture which speeds audio data throughput up to 8 times faster than DMA-based cards (direct memory access). Tahiti also features the Motorola 56001 DSP chip, which provides 20 MIPS of processing power, this relieves pressure on the PC processor to perform this function, giving you maybe an extra stereo track from the PC, or at least much lower buffer rates/start times when using mucho tracks !

The audio spec's are :

  • Sample Rates: 44.1kHz, 22.05kHz, 11.025kHz
  • Resolution: 16 and 8 bit
  • Audio Channels: Stereo or Mono
  • A/D Audio Converter: 64X oversampled sigma-delta, 16 bit
  • D/A Audio Converter: 8X interpolating filter, 64X oversampled sigma-delta, 18 bit
  • Signal to Noise: -89dB (A weighted), -85dB (unweighted)
  • Total Harmonic Distortion: <0.01% (A weighted), <0.02% (unweighted)
  • Phase Response: +/- 0.5 degrees
  • Stereo Crosstalk: 100Hz-75dBV, 1kHz-73dBV, 10kHz-58dBV
  • IM Distortion: <0.01%
  • Frequency Response: DC-19kHz +0.5dB, DC-20kHz +0/-3dB

The Tahiti is a shit hot card I would recommend ANYTIME, and it comes with a 1 in, 2 out multiport MIDI Interface with a cable included.


Well, dunnop about you, but I always loose the book when i want to mess with the card.... so here's the Jumper Settings for the Tahiti .....

Tahiti: Board Configuration

Jumpers: "JP5" and "JP6" off, when a MIDI daughterboard is attached.

DIP switches:

SW1: On = joystick enabled on Tahiti/Monterey Off = no joystick or joystick on a different board


I/O port (Hex) SW4 SW3 SW2
$290 on on on (factory default)
$260 off on on
$250 on off on
$240 off off on
$230 on on off
$220 off on off
$210 on off off
$3e0 off off off

Tahiti/Monterey back panel connectors:

IN = stereo line input. There is no onboard preamp, an external preamp is required to use a mic. You can record from this input.

AUX = stereo line input. You CANNOT record from this input.

OUT = stereo line output. There is no onboard amp, an external amp or amplified speakers is required. This will not drive headphones or unamplified speakers directly.

MIDI = MIDI In, Out, and Thru via 9-pin proprietary adapter (no Joystick!)

Additional connectors: Game Port header = for connecting a joystick. This is for a standard 15 pin DSUB connector clip. The pinout is 1 - 1, 2 - 2, 3 - 3, etc. Daughterboard connector = Waveblaster(TM) compatible for adding a MIDI daughterboard

  • Currently 3.6 Stars.
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1: No good!

2: Average!

3: Great stuff!

4: Excellent!

5: Awesome!

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Currently: 73%
Total Stars: 229
Total Votes: 63


Added: 4 January 1999
New price: £ 299...(out of production I think)
S/H price: ??


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I'm about to purchase a Tahiti but feel a sort of uneasy about potential conflicts (maybe unsolvable) with other

hardware - I've got too much stuff inside one box already. Please, advise which I/O addr. and IRQ the Tahiti uses

by default and which other settings are possible (if any). Actually, this is a question for the Turtle Beach W-site, but

all I managed to get from them was some standard Questions-Answers Troubleshooting list. Thank you, Igor.

Stefan de Vogelaere


Hello, I am just looking for an audio card who can transfer my tapes (analog) to my harddisk (via wav) so I can

record them on CD(R). Is this card (turtle beach tahiti) the best (cheapest) way to do so?



Kuli mate.....the tahiti doesn't include a synth...if you mean you can't play games sound...thats why..!


05-Apr-99 you're a college tech huh...and NOT a neophyte huh....hmmmm....well here's a few points


Cubase & cakewalk (up to V6) do not support multi audio the always helps !! what's

the point in slaggin the card for that....

Tahait doesn't use DMA' the card profiler in cakewalk will always shag it up......(computer tech huh?)

have to completely erase the drivers & start again....

Cubase doesnt crash all the you've got a PC problem there mate

cubase is 16 whats the point of whining cos it wont support long filenames...i mean...did you expect it to ??...

If by your own admission you cant set-up 2 cards in a pc, then you shouldn't slag the cards.....

thats it really.....oh yes...I just spent 28 hours fixing a PC that was shagged by my friends college lecturer....tut tut...

Lastly, the Tahaiti is THE most reliable card you could hope for....and works perfectly with multi-card setups where

the software SAWplus and the new V6 cakewalk pro audio

oh yes...the whole posting you added including your remarks....

" I also intended to purchase something like the Yamaha DWX-50 (or whatever the designation)


indicates to me, you're a person who doesn't pay much attention to detail....and doesn't really plan or research

things out in advance...I mean you're thinking of installing a card you dont even know the name of ??.

Just a general tip......if you take the time to research the products specifications etc, then you will not have these

problems, which all seem to stem from your attempts to make things do what they were not designed to do.......If

you check stuff out first, then your aggravation & dissatisfaction level will reduce across the board, and you'll

spend less time being frustrated, and slagging products based on your inabilty to apply them to the jobs they were

designed to slagging a 16 bit programme for not allowing long's like slagging a bycycle cos

you have to pedal it.....



I love the Tahiti sound card (I just got it bout 2 months now). But there's just one thing: I seem not to play games

like Duke Nukem or other DOS-based stuff with it. And that's very frustrating for a game-addict like me. Can you

please help me? I would owe you a lot if you could. B.T.W. What programs/applications do you recommend for

creating a sophisticated track (Untill now I just use the Tahiti software, but it seems to have its boundaries). I'd like

to know about sample-programs and programs to create beats with; actually I bought this card to make a rapsong,

so.... Greetz, Kuli

John Zorzi


I purchased both the Tahiti and an AWE-32 about 8 months ago, with the intention of using the AWE-32 as a

sampler/synth and the Tahiti as a HD multitrack. I also intended to purchase something like the Yamaha DWX-50

(or whatever the designation) daughterboard to replace my external Sound Canvas SC-55 once I had this system

setup. I have been completely unable to get the Tahiti operational at the same time as the AWE-32, despite trying

all suggested and many unsuggested methods to install both cards in various orders along with assorted software.

The software I use is CakeWalk Pro Audio and I tried Cubase Score for a while (I had used cubase on the Mac) but

both programs were unable to use both cards in any way. I am aware that most programs cannot record and

playback on both cards at the same time but I was hoping to use the Tahiti for sample collection and input due to its

greater quality and the AWE-32 for the S/PDIF output. Cubase crashed constantly (and is not properly 95 savvy for

my use - long file names are a no-no) and CakeWalk's audio hardware crashed when testing. I am not a neophyte, I

am the computing manager for a faculty at the University of Technology, Sydney and I run their MediaCentre and I

have extensive experience with PC's, Macs, Suns and SGI computers but mainly PC's and I have never been

unable to install any system that is supposed to work and has working drivers. I am stumped and with the limited

help I have been able to get for the Tahiti in this country I could never reccomend one for any setup that contains

more than one card.



Well shouldn't have any probs with the soundblaster...just bypass the plug'n'pray when you install the

Tahiti....the quality is very good....But if you are wanting to replace a multitrack, perhaps you should look at the

Logic?Audiowerk package...then you'll still have seperate multi-outs.



I'm trying to choose a decent audio-card - I have at last decided to give up my analogue multitrack for good... But I

have a couple of questions about Tahiti. Will it conflict with my SB? What resourses does it use (IRQ, I/O, etc.)?

Will it install (and work)under Win95 together with SoundBlaster? My another potential choice is CardDplus - is it

really so much better than Tahiti? Thank you. Igor, Moscow.



Well Stephan, that depends on the quality of your original tapes...

If you are transfering stuff from stereo analog reel-to-reel, or cassette, then depending on the quality of the

reel-to-reel, maybe a cheaper card like the Turtle Beach TBS 2000....

If you are transfering from cassette, then the TBS 2000 will be fine....If from reel...then unless it's a very good pro

quality one, again the TBS will be fine....

If from DAT or pro-quality reel, then try a Tahiti, or Pinnacle.



you Seem to have a wide variety of experience with PC based recording. I'm a professional musician wanting to setup a multitrack system on my PC. I already tried the Audiomedia III and was displeased with it's half-duplicity. I'm have Cakewalk ProAudio and a SB 16 PNP. My system is a Pent 200.... What are your suggestions for a good soundcard that still takes

cash flow into consideration?

Bilgischer Jean-Pascal


I, I have a big question for you: What is the cheapest card on the market with SPDIF in and out? (and Uh, that works on a 486/66 with win 3,11 as well...)

Thanks a lot for all your advices and comments (past, present and future) on the Dance Tech site.


Dave Iverson


Re: question regarding Tahiti drivers for NT 4.0

I bought the drivers from Sonic Foundry ( or, one or the other--I think). They apparently bought out Hall Sound who previously provided NT drivers for Turtle Beach Cards. Someone from Hall ended up working at Sonic Foundry, they said. Anyway, I have Monterrey card and finally found a place that could make a 4MB SIPP for the Rio daughtercard. I am excited to check out the sample features, but there are or seem to be a few problems.

I can't get the control panel (WaveFront version 1.34) to load properly, but I can get WavePatch 1.3 to work ok. This may be adequate for my purposes, for now. I can get the old Rio control panel v. 1.1 to work, and may have to settle for that. The problem is, that although Sonic Foundry sells the drivers and some of their software reads the .WFx files, they don't really support the old Turtle Beach applications. For example, they say up front that Quad Studio will not work with NT 4.0. Most 16 and 32 bit apps are said to work, but there are no guarantees.

The drivers cost about $70.00 (an awful lot for such little support) and the 4 MB SIPP was $39.00. If you stumble across anybody who has some experience with Turtle Beach Tahiti (Sonic Foundry drivers support all of the permutations of Multisound (Classic, Monterrey, Rio)--but none of the the other Turtle Beach Cards. Turtle Beach is building NT 4.0 support into their newer products.

James Ozenne


I've been using the Tahiti for a year or so with

Cakewalk Pro Audio and it's worked great.

However I recently picked up a CD burner and need

to make .WAV files to transfer to CD. I'm using

Adaptec software to capture the .wav and it

crashes every time I start to record! I've yanked

all the other cards out and disabled every driver

but still have the problem. I fear that something

is wrong with my Tahiti. It also crashes if I use

the Windows recorder rather than the Adaptec

software. I think I may be screwed here.

Dave de Jong


On the Turtle Beach list the price of the Tahiti is $199.95, on yours it is £299.00. What the fuzz?

Linus Leander


I want new drivers for my Tahiti

I use Cubase Vst and of course win95

please send me some adresses there i can download new drivers




In advance defense of mytself (hopefully unecessary), I work for IBM as a "systems integrator." I have excellent working knowledge of PC architecture; good working knowledge of sound cards, but limited knowledge of the broad field of hard disc recording, digital/analog converversion, etc. I'd like to use my PC as a real time synth (triggered by a Yamaha V-50, Kork RK-100, or Casio CZ-1), real time effects (distortion, flange, delay, etc.), multitrack recording, mixing and mastering for final recording onto minidisc, real time mixing board (at live gigs), noise reductions, etc. So here's the question(s): Currently, I have two sound cards in one PC: an AWE32 PNP and AWE64 Gold with the SPDIF out (and a TTL/TOSlink optical converter). I'm running MIDI Orchestrator Plus, MIDISoft Personal Studio, Vienna SoundFonts (for sampling), and the awesome Yamaha SYXG50 soft-synth. I have the opportunity to buy a Tahiti card (used) for $100. What advantage, aside from the digital in (which the AWE64 Gold doesn't have) do I get with the Tahiti? Is there any evidence to suggest the Tahiti's A/D and D/A converters, THD, signal-to-noise ratio, or overall sound is any better than the AWE64 Gold? Are there other features (relative to the discarding of the DMA usage) that I will acquire with the addition of this card to my system?



drivers, software

James Rick


I am looking for an NT 4.0 Driver for the Turtle Beach tahiti card??? Any suggestions?

Luyten D


sorry a have a turtle beach tahiti it seems to work oke but there are a lot of problems for me

to find the right drivers for windows95 and windows nt. if a loock back to de proporties of te drivers etc.. it seems still to work under windows 3x pleas if you can help me about te correct drivers and software for turtle beach tahiti to work under cubase vst program i look

fowart to it thank you ps sorry mij englich is not so good i'm a dutsh speaker.....

Marek Zelaznowski


First of all: thanks for the great WWW page. Simple question: I have

Pentium 120 with 32 MB RAM and SB AWE 32 & Midi keyboard (Casio 650). I

would like to have better sound quality for my home synth playing: is my

choice of TAHITI the best one? will I need some wavetable in addition? the

matter is not urgent, but i would REALLY appreciate your advice in this



Marek Zelaznowski



actually, it just occured to me that maybe Turtle have been Corporate'd....y'know, as soon as a decent small company joins a big Corp, all the quality goes down the pan....maybe...cos I never had probs with these cards at all ever, ever....

Boban Misic


I own a Turtle Beach Tahiti card... I had it running perfectly on Windows I downloaded Tahiti/Monterey

drivers and installed them... Now when I boot up, it says 'Tahiti is not responding.' I

can't seem to figure out what the hell the problem is... I really need to get this

working... Can anyone help?

Chris Gieseke


I purchased a used Tahiti a few months ago with

the intention of using it with a SB-16 soundcard.

I am very unknowledgable when it comes to installing

hardware, so I had two different skilled computer

techs have a go at installing both cards together

on a Cyrix 166hz pentium based system sytem running

Win-95 with the Tahiti Win-95 drivers. No-Go...

The first tech could not get the Tahiti working at

all, even by itself (though he ended up getting the

SB-16 working alright), and the second tech was able

to only get the Tahiti working by itself and even

then (and know) it still fails its own TB diagnostic

and will not work full duplex. Right now I'm limited to

only using it for 2-track digital editing where I

run my mixes from my analog Yamaha MT8-X 8-track multi-track

recorder into my computer for final 2-track mastering

using Wavelab. The sound quality is indeed incredible

and crystal clear, no complaints there, but I'm pissed

that its not working like it should. Right now I'm saving

up for a Wave/4 card which has 4ins,4outs, midi, and is

full-duplex and Plug & Play. It only costs $400

so it looks like the best deal around, even better

then the new Event sound cards. (By the way the

Lyla card with 8 ins and 10 outs is way more expensive

then the Tahiti card). The Wave/4 has also been

tested with a SB-16 simultaneously on Win-95 and

works smoothly, though whether thats true for all

computer systems remains to be seen. All in all,

I would not recommend the Tahiti to someone inexperienced

with the Win-95 operating system, but if you are

very knowledgable about Win-95 and know it inside

and out, then the Tahiti would be a very good card

as it truly does have superb sound quality, defintaly

much better then the SB-16 & Awe-32 (though the Awe-32

is a little better sounding then the SB-16).

I'm selling mine, anybody interested?

Comes with box manuals,driver disks,and Midi cable

as well as Turtle Beach Quad Studio (multitrack program).


Scott Freeman


I would like to purchase a Turtle Beach Tahiti

Sound Card used. Can anyone help me?

Keith Science


I own a Turtle Beach Quad Studio Tahiti card... I had it running perfectly on Windows 3.1... Just recently I upgraded to Windows 95... I downloaded Tahiti/Monterey drivers and installed them... Now when I boot up, it says 'Tahiti is not responding.' I can't seem to figure out what the hell the problem is... I really need to get this working... Can anyone help?



well, when installing cards, it's best to use the lowest available interupts as these have priority......that is IRQ 5,6,7 & 9.........



Look....better qualify that.....Use the wave profiler...give it a go.....but if it fucks up....then simply delete the tahiti

drivers.....reboot the machine, then re-load the tahiti drivers.....and it will be ok again....the tahiti is a wicked if you only need stereo outs, it is a very good choice....but I'm just saying that how can you ignore for the

same price an 8 seperate out card of the same quality......choose & apply.....!!



ok dudes......I now cannot recommend the tahiti 100% when these new Event Cards are due in 2 or 3 weeks......for the

same price as a Tahiti, you get 8 seperate outputs...20 bit DA phono connectors...and it's a PCI busmaster

card.....Didn't you guys see the review??.....I'd say go for that....ok....the tahiti is usually very stable...if yiou are

really familiar with installing hardware under Win 95, then you won't have any problems at all......The tahiti is mega

reliable.....I would say tho, that when installing a soundcard with other devices or crds, it's a good idea to place the

card with the lowest available the lower ones have that would be IRQ 5 in most cases, as the

mouse takes IRQ 3.....The wave profiler can sometimes shag the settings....but it seems more usual with the tahiti

when using an older 16 bit version of cakewalk...(before version 5)....running the wave profiler would sometimes

lock up the card, one would then have to re-install the card drivers....however with version 5.1 and above this

seeems ok......

but yerself a favour.....check out those event cards....cos PCI is the way to go for sure....much faster than

ISA cards.....and SO the review !!!...(EVENT audio cards)



Excuse me, but I have one more question. I read your polemics with John Zorzi and, if I understood correctly, you

said that Cakewalk crashes when trying to run its Wave Profiler on the Tahiti Card.I thought that the Profiler was

vital for a perfect sync... Does it mean that I'm going to have sync problems using Tahiti with Cakewalk? Thanks




well Chris, perhaps you should have got someone

to do the job who knew what they are doing

..the Tahaiti is a piece of piss to install,

and I never saw a problem with it before......

The Layla is obviously more expensive than the

Tahiti, it is a full rack system with 10 ins & 10

outs, midi, word-clock etc etc.....

I said that the Darla was cheaper

...or rather the same price....

but you get an additional 6 ouputs over the Tahiti

, so that to me is cheaper per facility.....

All I can say is....if you had problems with the

Tahiti setting up, you'd better expect any other

card to install badly as well if your trying

to use the dreaded "PLUG 'N' PRAY". obviously have a tech problem with your

support staff....If they can't install a Tahiti,

why would they have any better luck with a

different card ??.....

The tahiti by the way IS full-duplex...

Lookit Chris....Plug 'n' Play is utter bollox....

no-one ever uses plug 'n' play to install cos it

dont bloody work except with OEM type lower level

crap like the SB16, and even then it can be a total fuck-up....dont believe the Gates hype !!'s what you do:

First...delete all the soundcard drivers from the


Next....go to control panel...."Add new hardware"


Next when prompted to

"Let windows search for your hardware"

....answer NO...that's NO....a big NO....

right.....step to the bit where it asks for the

drivers....a box will say "HAVE DISK".....

answer YES....

Put the drivers into the PC, and select OK

.....the PC will grab the drivers from off

the disk......

re-boot the machine & hey presto !!.....


use the default settings if possible...

(YOu did change the jumpers YES???)....

cos that's important to match with the IRQ number....

Good luck dude.....hey....really...

dont you think the DARLA with 8 outputs is a

better bet at 350 bucks than the Wave/4 at 400.....?


Leon Jehae


I don't find the Turtle beach homepage anymore


Is the site moved ?

Ps what is a better mark, 5 or 1 ?

Bruno Mertins


I can see that the comments over the Tahiti are pretty good. Can you tell if this card is superior compare to the yamaha 192GX. I am trying to make up my mind on which one to buy. If you have any sugestions of any other card I could buy Please help me.




Hi Peeps,

Anyone know where to source NT4 drivers for the

Turtle beach Tahiti card?

Ariel Xuar


I need the drivers for W'98

With W'95 Tahiti is very good.

but in w'98 don't run

What's the problem?

Please in spanish or paciency


Richard Christina


I know I bought the best card for what I need. I am a songwriter determined to get into digital recording , so I bought the card. I do not have a sipp chip installed to sample , I would like info about that. Where do I get it , can I put this thing in , Me being somewhat literate and adept at "computer stuff" or should I have it done.Also I put a cdrom in my 486 25 , ya 25(it was a gift ) and now my sound card applications for multitract recording arent working. I have recording session (Midisoft) that came with Music Mentor. I think that the driver path is being taken automatically by the cdrom in Windows 3.1. It was working until I installed the cdrom, and the CDrom has been installed correctly.I would apprecite ant specific info or an address to Turtle Beach's info lines to help me solve my problems. I do however think the sound from this system is awesome. I just think that it may be a little too advanced for my Little 486.25 with 4 megs of ram , running 3.1 windows.



I've had a Tahiti for two years and the drivers are SHIT! It was always scewing up on my P1 system - especially with Cubase VST and on my new P2 its totally scewed up Windows 95. So I@ve just had to bin the card and get a Soundblaster Gold instead until I can afford a decent card (E.g. Audio Media 3). I've come accross plenty of people complaining about Thaiti on other sites too - especially with VST. It sounds great but be careful with this card! Ithink the manufactueres =should be ashemed at how dodgy the drivers are and how rarely they update them. I simply wouldn't buy another TB product again.



I saw Ben is really upset!! Now, the tahiti is like an old but well designed car: robust,stable, allways working but: don't try to install power windows, alarm, abs and motor managing computers!!! Like I wrote before: use it with the native drivers, don't play games with it (it's not designed for that (it's even written on the box: NOT soundblaster compatible!) but it works. I use it with cakewalk/soundforge/maui/sw60xg/promix1/dr 660/siel/s-1000 etc and it works well. Just for the job it was designed for (remember: years ago!). Nowadays the card isn't what people are askin', well don't buy it then! But the quality is still the reference for pc-cards. And yes, turtle beach support is 0. I think they're all dead or locked away....or they should be, because I want digital in and a second hand tahiti ain't worth 0 anymore.....

Still use it, hehe!



OK everybody, anyone out here that can help me out here?

I have a Turtle Beach Tahiti Quad soundcard,

plugged into a new ASUS P2B AGP mainboard

with a QDI V2000 AGP graphic card in use

I installed DirectX 6 in Windows 98

(thinking that the latest are always the best)

and the drivers delivered by TB for DirectX (Windows 95)

which are very very old already and never really worked well,

for instance: What driver should I choose for my card, the

tahiti quad or the Tahiti without quad ?

TB was never clear about that

and they never answer any of my mails,

their service SUCKS big time. No wonder, Quad and Wave

were the worst pieces of software I ever tried by the way.

Now I simply want to be able to record and master audio

through my Tahiti card, in Windows 98 (with a 266 MMX processor)

and I want to use Sound Forge for editing and stuff.

I tried all sorts of crappy different unclear settings

for my soundcard, but it crashes my PC with every run of SOundForge.

I even excluded (for as good as that ever goes in Windows)

all the memory-shit TB Tahiti uses.

Imagine me having payed for Sound fOrge

and not being able to use it with my FUCKING expensive

soundcard, geez! I'm proud now, to admit I never even

payed for soundforge. Already payed way too much for

the stupid card that never played or recorded

any wav the way I liked it to.

I had to switch from tahiti.drv to tahitiq.drv

and vice versa for years to be able to use the card

for both. God I hate my Tahiti now.

I HATE THIS WORLD ever since people dared to sell us that crap.

Who in the right mind would ever do that to anyone?

I experienced nothing but misery from that sucky Tahiti-ware.

It seems the soundquality is still of high quality,


Fools. Idiots at Turtle Beach (stupid name too by the way).



If there are people reading this

experiencing the same with DirectX in combination with

a Tahiti in Windows 98 and a QDI Verite graphic card,

please mail me your solutions, cause all 'help'

the software is giving me is of course bogus-talk,

it just doesn't work the way it should.

Why do they even invent shit like DirectX and AGP

while I never really needed it, I just wanted a faster

mainboard and all it got me was non-functioning software

with the wrong drivers. I hate updates and extensions.

I don't want extensions or new things,

I just want to goddamn record a wav-file

and then be able to edit it and all that.

Why do these stupid new mainboards

still have only 15 IRQ's by the way?

Why don't they try extend all that memory-shit?!

All that messing around with cards using

the same ports and addresses, WHO THE FUCK NEEDS THAT ???

Go and change THAT, instead of increasing the load in my o.s.

with unnecessary GAME- and graphic crap I never asked for.




mnual for tahiti jamperr´s an seting intructions



i've been looking for the tahiti drivers for the windows nt 4.0.

please,help me.



I have a tahiti running under win95.

I'm thinking about buying a s/pdif capable card for

pc dat transfer. Does anyone have any experience

in making, for example, awe64 gold coexist with

tahiti under win95?

By the way,

Windows 95 drivers that support directX can be found at:

Jimi Jones


The Tahiti served me well for over 4 years now, I

Just recently upgraded to the new "Montego" which

is PCI, and supports natively Direct Sound, I'm

selling my Tahiti for $80.00 if anyone is interested

email me at, or call me at

510-770-1200 X-303



Sorry, more info:

I installed my tahiti on a Win95 system with the delivered

(non win 95) drivers. Win 95 drivers for Tahiti and

Maui together can cause troubles.With this (old) drivers

I didn't had any problems to use either the Tahiti

or MAUI with cakewalk.I bought my tahiti for approx

900 Dfl 2 years ago and I see now cards (like audiowerk)

with 8 or more analog I/O and dig I/O for less then 1000 Dfl...

so if you're looking for one now, the tahiti won't have

the best price/quality/options combination anymore... I would go

for one of the PCI cards now...(still love my turtlebeach stuff!!)

Frank Boccia


I've read only good things about the Tahiti card and now that I own one and am trying to get it to cooperate with Cakewalk 7.0, the computer is constantly crashing!

Cakewalk tech sugested not using the Tahiti and recommended the Midiman DMan card.

I am about to take their advice at the loss of the Tahiti card cost.

Any advice?

Thank you



mnual for tahiti



I have one, but I'm looking for a way to connect the

digital-out of my yamaha promix1 do a digital-in bypass

on my tahiti (and a tahiti dig-out to DAT!).I know

there is a way to give a AWE 32 soundblaster a dig-I/O

configuration but I allready filled my PC with a

MAUI and SW60XG so there isn't much space left for a

additional soundcard, so if you know a way to fool

the tahiti that it thinks it's got a dig I/O please

let me know! Thanks.

Jimi Jones


The Tahiti served me well for over 4 years now, I

Just recently upgraded to the new "Montego" which

is PCI, and supports natively Direct Sound, I'm

selling my Tahiti for $80.00 if anyone is interested

email me at, or call me at

510-770-1200 X-303



When will they ever get upto-date and get get some 'WIN NT Drivers'

gaden matthew


please send me the internet-address for download the actually driver of the tahiti turtle beach soundcard.

thank you!

greetings from switzerland

M. Graden



Please can you help me to find the drivers from the Turtle Beach Tahiti TBS 2000.

Lost it need it urgently.


thank you already



Wonderfull ! but I need the drivers for win NT 4.0

and a driver compatible DIRECTX 5

silvio ecomo


Turtle Beach Tahiti works perfectly for me.

Using the right mic for the right sound I get

perfect playback.

Recently I bought quake2 , my first game ever.

Production level in the studio droppped the

following month.

My question is this: can I get a driver for my

Tahiti to work with directx 5?

If not, ok. If so GREAT!

Right now I'm playing wth the sound delaying

about 1 second.

Great site, my compliments.

please update though.

Jim Hays


I am having a lot of trouble getting my Turtle Beach Monterey (which is a Rio piggy-backed onto a Tahiti). I have timing problems with the card when playing back digital audio on the Tahiti with MIDI running on the Rio (using Cakewalk to run the MIDI and using MCI commands within Cakewalk to start the Digital Audio). Turtle Beach Technical support is unreachable, if not completely worthless.

The problem started when I implemented Windows 95. Its probably a driver, or maybe I have to turn off disk caching and 32 bit access. I don't know.

Any help would be appreciated.

Terry Clough


Is this card Direct X ???????

Daniel G


I love this card... I bought two of them, just in case one craps out on me. You can get them used for around 100 to 120 USD, very excellent price. Not only are they the cleanest sounding ISA cards I've ever used (I've never been able to record decently with anything else), but they are extremely well-documented and actually easy to program a driver for, should you ever need to do that (the lack of DMA makes it that much easier)

Note, there is no mic input, so if you want to connect one, you will have to use a microphone amplifier.

My only complaint is that most of the linux/*nix drivers out there for this card don't support midi! Oh well, that's not the card's fault. Like I said, it's not hard to add, either.

Also the midi connection on back requires a special (non-joystick) connector. This is actually kind of a blessing because it's fairly easy to make your own cable (no need for optoisolators like in joystick connectors), and the manual describes the pinout for you.

If you have only 44khz/16bit recording requirements, this card is for you.

Richard Carlos


Weblink: link

Where can I find the latest Tahiti DirectX drivers? R there any ASIO drivers out there for the MultiSound Tahiti?

Steven Price


Weblink: link

3 Questions needing urgent answers if possible.

1)I went to fit the usual MIDI/joystick interface on
to the back of it, but the one thats on the soundcard
is a smaller connector ???? Why is this ? Do you have
a proper name for what type of connector interface I
need ? 9 pin MIDI adapter cable. May be still available from Pacific
Interconnections - 1-800-706-0510

Does it also have 1 MIDI IN & 1 MIDI OUT ? In, Out, Thru.

2)Everytime I have tried so far to install the
soundcard it keeps getting so far then giving me this
box saying - Warning: Your hardware may not be set to
use the resources listed.

Input/Output Range 0290-029F
Interrupt Request 12
Memory Range 000E0000 - 000E7FFF

Can you help me get around it ???? IRQ 12 is usually for a PS/2 mouse.
Assign the card to an unsed IRQ.

3)Final question is, will the Turtle Beach Tahiti work
with a Soundblaster Live ! Value, in the same machine
???? May or may not install. Depends if you have enough resources
available (IRQ, DMA, I/O). Even if you do it still may not install



1. it uses a special cluster cable with midi in/out/thru - dunno if you cans till get it. I have one but you'd have to buy the whole card off me to get the cable

use the dip switches to change irq



Weblink: link

Finally! I found ASIO drivers for the MultiSound Tahiti! Contact me on my email address at if you want it or just post a message here entitled "WANT IT". I don't know if there are still Tahiti users out there...

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