it's not there Synthplug tRaP

Synthplug tRaP

One of the best TR 808 style clone VSTi's we've seen, and it's free!
Well, it's a long time since we added a drum software, plugin or otherwise to dancetech. A software drumbox has been done so often, what else is there to do?... But here's another, and i'm quite impressed because it's free, but also because it's a very very good TR808 style VSTi plugin.

'tRaP' is very simple... all the sounds are set to GM drum midi note numbers, and each drum channel has: Pitch (with a good wide tune range), Filter cutoff, Volume & Pan.

The Hats & Cymbel section has also a resonance control for the filter... And that's it, simple!... plug it into your s/w plugin instruments rack in your host sequencer and compose away. - The sounds are REALLY clean and crisp, very nice!... It's just so simple and useable, and it has velocity response too.

How simple can you get! - One of the best little 808 style boxes I've heard - I especialy liked the toms!, but the kik is a bit of a letdown, it doesnt really do it but does do shorter decay analog kik style sounds, but you cant get a real 808 thumpboom out of it, no decay sadly either which would be needed... still, it's free - Only stereo out tho, but hey, it's light, & with even a cheap pc 'power' at todays prices you can open several instances of 'tRaP' to get isolated instruments for individual s/w mixer/inserts etc processing.... Mebbe they'll release a multi-out version sometime?

any user comments?... feel free to add some below...

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Added: 23 October 2002
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Synthplug


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