it's not there Vovoid MonoMonster

Vovoid MonoMonster

Free excellent VSTi mono synth from Vovoid. Very analog sounding!
Another freebie VSTi - looks like it was made with Synthedit, but i don't think it was, just an ugly gui at present - Here's some info from the download file .txt:

MonoMonster is a simple dualoscillator monosynth (pc only). It is still unoptimized, but still a very nice peice of software. Best of all it is completly free! Please mail me bugs/feedback/suggestions/comments etc.

Latest version is available here:

David (

VCO Parameters:

  • Course, transpose oscillator 2 in seminotes from oscillator 1.
  • Detune, detune oscillator 1 and 2 in cents.
  • Wave1, the waveform of oscillator 1.
  • Wave2, the waveform of oscillator 2.
  • Slide, slide speed when playing legato.
  • AmpVel, how much the osc amplitude is affected by the velocity.
  • Mix, Mix between oscillators (0=osc1 only, 1=osc2 only)

VCF Parameters:
  • Mode, switch between two lowpass filter types.
  • Cutoff, Filter cutoff (midi cc 105).
  • Resonance, Filter resonance (midi cc 106).
  • CutMod, how much the cutoff is affected by the modulation envelope.
  • ResMod, how much the resonance is affected by the modulation envelope.
  • CutVel, how much the cutoff is affected by the velocity.
  • ResVel, how much the resonance is affected by the velocity.

MOD ENV Parameters:
  • ModAtk, Modulation envelope attack.
  • ModHld, Modulation envelope hold.
  • ModDec, Modulation envelope decay.
  • Mode, should the envelope be triggered on the first note (Gate) or on every note (Trigger).

VCA Parameters:
  • Attack, VCA envelope attack.
  • Release, VCA envelope release.


  • Original C++ VST SDK by Steinberg (
  • VST SDK Delphi translation by Frederic Vanmol (
  • VST Template code by Tobias Fleischer/Tobybear (
  • Smartelectronix and the musicdsp archive (

Compyright information:

MonoMonster (C) 2003 Vovoid Software & Multimedia. All Rights Reserved. VST is a registered trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies AG.

Whats new release 6:

  • Crash when oscillators detuned several octaves fixed
  • Square waveform added
  • Oscillator mix
  • New trigger mode

Well! - it looks crap eh! - but actualy it sound flipping GREAT! - a really fat sound, smooth & very analog-like - great slide on it too, really nice porta/slide which just ooses betwen notes... smooth as Alan Titchmarshes lawn I'd say, but it can be ruffcut and adbrasive too - wDefinately worth a download - see the link to Vovoid's website on this page's right-hand colum...

Anyone else use this ? - please leave some user comments...

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Added: 1 May 2003
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Vovoid


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