it's not there Fat-ass Squeekbox

Fat-ass Squeekbox

a great freeware TB style monosynth... well worth a download!
Squeekbox, Fat-ass! - well, that's the web-address to get it (

It's a TB bassline style synth made with Synthedit, which does make a nice TB303 sound actualy, close your eyes and when driven it's like Rebirth... very close, but this has extra switchable filter for Lo-pass Band-pass & Hi-pass... Nice slide control with a note retrigger switch too... Sine, Pulse (square), Saw & triangle oscillator choices too!

VERY nice sound, but I don't really like looking at some cheezy mans butt each time I would use it!

still, it's got humour, and a great sound!

WELL worth downloading... get it! - 10/10!

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Total Stars: 10
Total Votes: 2


Added: 7 July 2003
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Fat-ass home


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Due to excessive traffic, the site is up and down like a yo-yo ao here's an alternative place to get it, please, not all at once though....

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i need plug-ins , loops , flash efxs.etc

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