it's not there !J Development SANCTUS

!J Development SANCTUS

Under development & very hush-hush... This is an odd one but check the audio demo! - A Virtual Concerto Ensemble - Virtual Pipe Organ and classical Concerto Ensemble VSTi, strings, choral, pipe organs. - When finished, this could give Edirol's classical software a run for it's money, albeit in certain key areas as Edirols product does all classical orchestra instruments in one s/w. This Sanctus is amazing tho!

This one's currently (at posting date - see above) under development.... It's a Virtual Concerto Ensemble Virtual Pipe Organ and classical Concerto Ensemble VSTi... and my god... The audio demo's are amazing!

The only info on the page is that Sanctus includes about 50 individual stops (pipe ranks) and several ready to use mixtures of a historical pipe organ and many different other classical ensemble patches and solo instruments.

Anyways check the demo's - I've added lo-fi versions, but check the links on the right-hand column: Links section for the hi-fi versions...

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Total Votes: 2


Added: 20 August 2003
New price: Never released?
S/H price: Never released?
Company:  Sanctus, Klangformer audio


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How dya download this then? cant see any link on their website?

Last added comment



look harder then, it's there and it's called 'download'

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