it's not there Alphakanal Buzzer

Alphakanal Buzzer

BuzZer is a Polyphonic Stereo SoftSynth AudioUnit for Mac OSX. It emulates a classic VCO VCF VCA Synthesizer
BuzZer is a Polyphonic Stereo SoftSynth AudioUnit for Mac OSX. It emulates a classic VCO VCF VCA Synthesizer. Right now it is in a very early beta stage and it is not optimized in any way. The Vco's are not antialiased, the rendering is very slow and some options just do not work. The whole project is a learning by doing thing and i am happy that in the end it does make some noise at all.

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Added: 20 August 2003
New price: Free
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Company:  Alphakanal Buzzer page


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