it's not there Andreas Ersson PolyIblit

Andreas Ersson PolyIblit

PolyIblit is a VST 2.0 compatible software synthesizer for PC
PolyIblit is a VST 2.0 compatible software synthesizer for PC. The oscillator waveforms are generated using BLITs (Band Limited Impulse Train) which gives oscillators with very low aliasing.

  • 32 voices (CPU dependent)
  • 3 oscillators per voice
  • Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth and Pulse waveforms
  • Noise generator
  • Pulse Width/Slope Modulation
  • Two LP/BP/HP filters
  • Two DCAs
  • Four LFOs with tempo sync
  • Speed and amplitude modulation of LFOs
  • Four ADSR envelope generators that can be triggered
  • by Note On, LFOs, Control Change or portamento.

  • Currently 4.0 Stars.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

1: No good!

2: Average!

3: Great stuff!

4: Excellent!

5: Awesome!

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Currently: 80%
Total Stars: 8
Total Votes: 2


Added: 20 August 2003
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Andreas Ersson Plugins


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