it's not there NOVAkILL iDkILLERpv


iDkILLERpv rocks!!!! - superb synth, check out the rythmic!
iDkILLERpv is the latest version of the most versatile and professional sounding synth we have produced. It uses Casio-style Phase Distortion coupled to a powerful Unison module.

PV stands for Performance Variant and it includes full MIDI automation and useful controls for playing the instrument with a controller keyboard as well as an extra LFO destination [pan]. It also features two effects; overdrive and a programmable Rhythmic Gate. It is 4-note polyphonic.

Online manual

I just started getting into this synth - great stuff for free...

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Added: 9 July 2004
New price: FREE
S/H price: -
Company:  NOVAkILL


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