it's not there RGC Audio Square 1

RGC Audio Square 1

great synth, but seems to now be discontinued. 3 Osc' with 3 LFO'S
great synth, but seems to now be discontinued by RGC, I've written to them asking what's the deal with this synth, and wether it can be setup for distributed download again - Square 1 has 3 Osc' with variable waveshape and a compiment of 4 LFO'S, one for filter, one for Pitch, one for Amp' & one random LFO which can be assigned to any/all of the 3 Osc's by using a controller pot to increase the 'tickle' applied to eack Osc' - That's all finsihed off with a lo-pass filter, amp env ection, Delay, Chorus & a final 2 band EQ... Nice little synth for pads, basslines, leads etc - I'll try and find out what's happening with it.

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Added: 11 July 2004
New price: 35 €uros
S/H price: -
Company:  RGC Audio


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