it's not there P.A.I.A FATMAN


303 clone style synth.
The Paia Fatman is a well rated synth, mainly famous for it's 303 imitations.... if you really want to read about it, go over to the DJ Terrorist's 303 site , (see tb303 page or chat room)... a midi anlog synth, it has some clock converters onboard as many of these new analog mono's do....

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Added: 29 March 1999
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Jacob Downard


This synth is available in kit form for $149 US! Check it out at-

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Tangled mess of wires


Wow this is a kickin little synth. It was my first, and it taught me how to operate the basic parameters of analog sound modelling. The sounds that one can pull out of this baby are very impressive. If you pair the fatman up with a basic reverb/delay processor, you have a kicking sound source.

There are a few things that I wish it had, but they would certainly drive the price up and it would be more difficult to assemble. (someone else assembled mine by the way)
Actually if there are some particular options that you really really want on it, I heard that there are aftermarket modifications available.
The fat man is pure analog bliss at its simplest form. It is a no-nonsense monophonic subtractive synthesis module with no unnecessary fancy bells and whistles (besides a groovy little "punch" switch).

If I was to change anything about him, I would only change one thing. I would have the resonance push a little harder. I am not saying that the filter doesn't have enough resonance to manage some crazy tweaking out of the sound, it certainly does, but it would be cool if the filter could self oscillate like the filter on my moog. It is not a big deal. My moog is also hundreds of dollars more, so essentially the fatman is still a true ass-kicker for his price.

Finally, I cannot give enough compliments to the service department at paia electronics. I catastrophically broke the fatman by accident (my fault) and I was devestated. The tech department, namely a nice guy named Scott promptly fixed the multiple damages that I inflicted into the machine for a very minescule charge. Through it all, communication was top notch.
The fatman is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a basic cost-effective monophonic synthesizer.

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