it's not there Quasimidi POLYMORPH


Quasimidi claim the Polymorph to be: "The first Synthesizer with 'Analog-Emulation-Synthesis' and an Analogue Sequencer" - Now discontinued, and the company has closed, but they still apear in free ad's alot
Quasimidi claim the Polymorph to be: "The first Synthesizer with 'Analog-Emulation-Synthesis' and an Analogue Sequencer"

The Polymorph... Modelling 4-Part 3 Osc' (8 note poly) or 2 Osc' (16 note poly) Multitimbrel synth with lots of knobs, Arpeggiators /sequencer... It has audio In's (X 2), full synthesis with self-osc' res' filters, and also some built in FX with some cool routing possibilities.... it seems QM have tried as best they can with this model to build a new 'old' synth, in that they have implemented lots of things like arp/sequencer to create patterns /layers etc which can be started & stopped, clocked & manipulated live as well, or combined to create parts which can be loooped and recorded/sampled etc - All in all looking briefly at the spec's it looks like a very interesting unit indeed, and at the price is an absolute bargain !!!.... it could be from another era... in terms of it's facilities... except it has full midi and digital bank/data storage etc - Yup... this could be like a Bigger CS Yamaha unit or a big Korg MS etc - lots of synthesis & Pattern creating options, audio in's flexible routing etc....

So - Here's some basic spec's in Quasimidi-speak...


Polyphony: 8/16-voice (3 oscillators/2 oscillators)

Multitimbral: 4-part Multimode with dynamic voice allocation

Effects: individual effects for each Sound (Distortion & Filter, 2 Band EQ, 2 modulation delays with tempo sync)

Play modes: Multitimbral, Stack, Split, Rotate and Layer

Oscillator-Bank: 3 independent Oscillators per Voice, Sync; pitch envelope for oscillators, Waveforms: Pulswidth-modulation, Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Square, Pulse, Noise, complex Wavetables; additional multi samples for even more sound capabilities.

Filtersection: 12 dB Highpass with Resonance and 24/12 dB Lowpass with Resonance with individual Envelopes; serial and parallel combination of filters (Bandpass and Notchfilter). Filter couple for simultanous control of both filter frequencies; filter drive for overdrive sounds.

LFO-Bank: 3 LFO's, each with square, sine, sawtooth rising & falling, random; Midi and Sequencer/Arpeggiator sync-able

ADSR-Bank: individual envelopes for Highpass, Lowpass, VCA and Oscillators (AR). modulation intensity reversible

Morphing-Sequencer: 4 morphing sequencers with 4 independent lines each (1x Pitch, 3 controller lines free assignable), cycle length independent for each line, realtime transposing, step-mute, step-hold, midi-note input, external triggering, triggering between the 4 sequencers, many demonstrations preprogrammed (electronic-drums, psychodelic-tunes, basslines and many more)

External Inputs: Two independent external inputs offer sound manipulation with all the POLYMORPH's sound modifiers and effects.

Memory: 128 single sound memories, 64 setup memories containing all 4 used single sounds, sequencer and effect settings. All in all: 384 sounds. Additional 50 memories for sequencer. All in all 306 sequence memories.

MIDI: extensive implementation, MIDI-control of all parameters, memory archieving via MIDI-Dump, Sequencer also usable for external synths in "local off" mode.

Connectors: MIDI-IN, MIDI-OUT, MIDI-THRU, four Audio-Single-Outputs, and two audio inputs to manipulate external signals through the filters, EG's and FX's. Head phone connector on the front panel.

Dimensions: 400mm (W) x 225 mm (D) x 98 mm (H)

Weight: 3 Kg

The Polymorph then... Seems like a sorta 'better' upgraded 309 in a way... but all in all, a great little unit... I have to say once i got the Mpeg demo's downloaded (grrrr) i was really impressed with this unit's demos sonic ability... In Mpeg detail, the sounds are crisp and clear with a nice analog-ish edge to them... So I grabbed one of the demo riff's and made an off-beat loop out of it so that the riff rotates out of time creating a pattern that changes over 4 bars... then did a quick mix with some simple 'Drumstation' drums added -

Just a likkle ambient slo-groove sunday afternoon job.... & as I say, GREAT sound from this unit!!... ok, I was using a converted Mpeg loop, but still it was perfectly usable... one of my mates was sitting around playing some Playstation whilst I was working on the demo piece and they really liked it... Have a listen to the little demo sound, then go over the Quasimidi and check out the MPeg d/loads for more sonic detail... Really nice sounds , warm rounded and crispee!!!.... Ideal for trance/elektronica and any analog added styles like harder clubsounds etc, Jungle & drum & bass too... very nice sound... check it out !!

so... The POLYMORPH... Multi-timbrel, and a great starter 'core' unit to build a system around... as used by Orbital even, along with their two supernova's (if that influences you at all) ... a great little unit..

True, the Polymorph has less multi-parts & fx to play with than a similarly priced Nova, but whilst the Nova series do a variety of drum sounds, they don't really do drums enuff to provide a decent armoury.. The Polymorph is more of an all-in-one solution, but i'd say one of each would be great !... whatever, try 'em, and fry 'em... any of those mid-price range modellers with a cheap s/h sampler like you'll find in the SAMPLERS section here brings on a formidable setup easily up to getting out or on vinyl.... I'll try to get some better spec's up asap, and if poss a review unit to try an in depth hands-on... until then, User comments please...

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Added: 18 November 1999
New price: £ 599 !!
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how about some more RA and whats with the JP8080 and CS6X reviews as in



I think is a great synth if you dont
have an external sequencer for your live
set up because you can just put the midi
clock on in sync with your drum machine
and you have small but great sounding



I bought a new one 2 Weeks ago after looking after the Spec's and the amzing price of this unit. It's usefull to read the Sound on Sound, Sonicstate and Harmony Central- Reviews too, because you didn't find much Information about this Synth in the Web. I'm trying to write a more detailed Review later, because I must really get into this machine...All I can say is it sounds very powerfull and weird. The Presents are more Tangerine Dream like...That surprised me because it can sound very very dirty and amazing percussive too.Mmmm...Sound is always hard to explain.What can I say...I really love it!! If you want some more Samples than on the Quasimidi Page I can send you some!
With best Greets from Hamburg!



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Great little thing, i need one.

dave chapman


Hi I have a qy100 When we transfer a smf (.mid) from the PC and alter instruments etc they save fine but they do not retain the settings for the track volumes and pot settings which I set.
After changing a track eg. drums to a lower volume setting is there something I need to do to apply the changes before saving the file to the Memory card?

Note after loading the song the settings on the pots and levels that I set are in the correct position until you hit the play button then some instantly go back to the default right after I hit the play button. also ,on the song display ,the song name dosnt appear beside the number

i'd appreciate any help thanks Dave Chapman

mr dobelina


i' ve bought one 3 days ago. it' s great i think. can i make a bassline all continued? i mean in a pattern made of 8 steèps 4 example. how can i make a bass that start on the first step and stop at the five step?? i don' t know sometimes happens that i can use the hold button, but most time i can' t hold a sound!! why??
hope someone can help me




I had a polymorph until a few months ago.
You have to be in pitch mode and then on the left bottom side on the frontpanel you have a button 'cycle length' You can now set the loop length by selecting the last step in the sequence.
This works independent for all 4 tracks in a part.
You can have a 16 step bassline and a 6 step modulation track for the filter for example.

Hope this helps you!


richard p


[quote] dave chapman wrote: Hi I have a qy100 When we transfer a smf (.mid) from the PC and alter instruments etc they save fine but they do not retain the settings for the track volumes and pot settings which I set.After changing a track eg. drums to a lower volume setting is there something I need to do to apply the changes before saving the file to the Memory card?Note after loading the song the settings on the pots and levels that I set are in the correct position until you hit the play button then some instantly go back to the default right after I hit the play button. also ,on the song display ,the song name dosnt appear beside the numberid appreciate any help thanks Dave Chapman [/quote]
i remember reading once in a polymorph problem page that spaces in a program name can cause problems when reloading from a pc, the solution was to replace any spaces in a name with an underscore before saveing the bulk dump.

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I don't own the polymorph anymore but i still offer about 512 presets for free on my homepage (downloads->quasimidi polymorph) which i did some years ago.

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