it's not there Yamaha AN1X

Yamaha AN1X

Yamaha's 1997 analog modeling follow up to their 1996 best selling sample-based CS1X synth, notable for several reasons; one being that the AN1X was the cheapest analog modelling synth you could buy at the time; secondly it was Yamaha's first analog modelling synth, using technology which Yamaha then carried over to their follow up EX5 & EX7 multi-synthesis units; and finally because the AN1X drew heavily on emulating the Sequental Circuits  Prophet 5, with Dave Smith having a major hand in the R&D division which helped spawn this synthesiser...

Yamaha's big selling analog modelling synth from 1997, partly modelled on the Prophet-5. This synth was developed with the help of Dave Smith who joined Yamaha from Sequential Circuits (the company he founded) after Yamaha bought all the rights to the company back in 1987.

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Added: 20 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: 200 - 300 (uk)
Company:  Yamaha UK


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Brilliant,great sounds. It is 10 note poly Kilo by the way and 2 part multi( bit awkward to get a 2nd sound as it forms part of a 'scene' but quite easy to do)
What this synth has over it's competitors is a fantastic pc and mac editing interface. Every parameter can be tweaked on your screen and every function is easily accessible.
Other features. 30 arpeggiator patterns and a 16 step sequencer that is completely user editable. The sequencer and arpeggiator can be sent on a different midi channel so you can arpeggiate another module or synth, cool!!
Great effects, 8 reverbs,14 variation effects,3-band stereo equaliser.
Eight control knobs,plus a ribbon with horizontal slide and pressure control, all assignable.
6 filter types, including bpf, bef, 18db and 24db.What else, 2 vcos(sync,fm) ring and noise modulators,2 lfo's, peg,vcf,feg,vca.
For the price now it is a great buy.



yeah, forgot to mention the pc editing sware is free and is available from the yamaha web page.



One quick comment...As usual the presets are trying to cover every angle, and naturally they pretty much suck (Not all of them tho). In the UK Yamaha shipped this with an extra bank on a CD I believe, but you can also get it from the YamahaUK website or most AN1x user pages. It's called the London voice set or something similar, and it's a MUCH better starting point. Of course, the thing really comes to life when you tweak/make your own voices, but I guess that's true for every piece of gear since the bang-two-rocks-together:)



Just think in the synthesis resources:
FM, Ring modulation, PWM on ANY waveform, Hard sync, Edge, Vca feedback, MORPH
beetwen scenes, 4 (loop-able) Free envelope generators(that can simulate LFOs that sync
to MIDI clock!!!) that can modulate virtually any parameter in the synth. Don´t forget the
filters: Lowpass with 2,3 and 4 poles, HP, BP, and BE (band eliminate) with self-oscillation
resonance, and a second filter
(HP). It also have a step sequencer (like in the old times), arpeggiator, 3 FXs, EQ, and
A VERY flexible MIDI setup.
But over all, the protagonist is



Just wanted to say that I now have two of these units (had to pick up another one since Sam Ash dropped the price to $499!) and I love them. They are my favorite synths in my collection. I also have a JP8080, Kawai K5000R, an Alesis QS6, and a Boss DR Groove. Now for those of you confused with whether you should get the AN1X or JP let me just say that they both rock and both have advantages and disadvantages that outdo the other. For one...the AN1X sounds MUCH fatter. But the JP has totally seperate effects for each part when the AN1X effects are shared. But then again..the JP effects such...and there's no reverb! The AN1X effects are great. But anyway, too much too list here. Just wanted to say I love the AN1X and that it's my favorite. Later! - Great site Kilo...need some more real audio though :-)



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If someone says that sounds sucks, then
he/she has listened only preset factory
sounds. Many, many of the factory sounds
sucks, but when u make yer own or dload
from web it really start live! Damn it
rocks! Great synth, great. It won't beat
my Waldorf Pulse which produces great basses and leads but there is no sense
to compare those because they r so different machines...anyway buy AN1x!



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Cheers Kilo, the AN1X really comes into its own when you get hold of the free edit software available at Yamaha's web site. The on screen editor makes this synth a lot easier to program, rather than toiling away on the synth itself. (which is not very user friendly). The editor also acts as a sound library, storing sounds in .AN1 format. Now this is where the fun part is. You can download loads of AN1X sounds off the net, either as .AN1 or .MID files. Check out my site (see above) and follow the patches link. This will give you an idea of how many people have put their sounds on the www. Some of the sounds that I've come across are awesome, obviously there are some shite ones too.

Anyway as for the synth, the factory presets are unimpressive, but there is scope to develop some corking sounds. It boasts an extra 2 notes polyphony over the JP8000, its effects facilities are much more powerful, unlike the JP8000 that only gives you a naff chorus and delay, the AN1X has overdrive, various reverb, disortion, flange, rotary, pitch change, delays, phaser, etc..

The arpegiator and the sequencer on the AN1X were a pain to program using just the synth itself. But with the PC software it so easy, and highly effective. It is capable of churning out some awesome riffs, the only limit being the imagination of the user.

The synth itself feels good to play, Yamaha has always created quality keyboards, I've got an old SY55 that still feels good to play, the An1X is no different. For some reason Rolands keyboards always feel cheaper and plasticky. and of course you get an extra octave over the JP8000.

To sum up, I own both a JP8000 and an AN1X, if you were to compare the sounds, then theres not much in it. Although I would have to say that the controls on the JP8000 are smoother, sometimes if you sweep the cutoff or resonance on the AN1X you can hear the sound alter in steps, this sounds cack and it doesnt happen on the JP. The JP may sound a tad warmer.

Still when you consider what you get on the AN1X for a cheaper price than the JP. The added polyphony, the extra effects, a more comprehensive arp and sequencer, extra keys ! and a better feeling keyboard. All this for around £499. Even at its original price of £899 it was still a bargain, when the JP8000 was going for £1200.

If I was to choose between the two synths it would be very difficult, I'd reckon the Rolands sounds are better, but with the editor the An1x is the dogs nadgers. I'm tempted to buy another one.



Read the user comments at Harmony Central.This synth is very good apparently.I,m thinking of buying one.



if you are lucky enough to find one of these babies used, buy it! they are really cheap if you look to what it can do



I'd like to start by thanking Hellen Keller for designing the OS for this keyboard. The presets sound good and fat, just as long as you doing try any filter sweeps. the digital VCF only has 128 clicks from top to bottom, so if you do a nice relaxed filter sweep, it sounds like shite (almost exactly like the MC-303 "groovebox" - yea i got a nice groove where i can put it, and save money on TP at the same time). You can create pretty interesting sounds from this machine, but it's near impossible to visualize a sound and make it sound the way you thought of it. If you are on a budget and dont mind getting your hands dirty with a mediocre OS, this is the synth for you DEFINATLY. but if you can spend a little more (Virus A is like 900 bucks now - and the sounds are remarkable) then go for soemthing more powerful and easier to use.

Paul O'Sullivan


A truly great synth, easily on a par with the Nord Lead, Waldorf Pulse which I also own.

I have found no problem with the OS or the filter sweeps.

I very underated synth. Buy one if you still can. We bought two!




I'm interested in the AN1X,and am wondering where online can I get one cheap?I live in the US. Thanks



Adam, try in the roguemusic. com website, sometimes they get one and put it in the used section quite cheap, not above 500 houndred buck, I think I saw one there in somting about 450.00 bucks.

Good luck !

Stephen Peacock


Should I buy this or a CS2X ?? - comments please ladies and gentlemen.
(I use Cubase and a Terratec EWS64XL in my PC)



You can't compare it to the the cs2x. you can compare it to the nord lead 2 and the JP 8K. And it compares very favorably.

It is a ten voice, twin oscillator, bi timbral VA synth with phenomenal flexibility and a chep price. It just happens to be packaged in the same (admittedly cheap) shape the cs2X comes in.

Its analog features include FM, Sync, PWM, Ring Mod etc. It has a noise generator and a feedback loop and in syn mode, oscillator 1 splits into two oscillators thus yielding a three oscillator synth in each timbre. It has an arppegiator and a sequencer. Its effects include a delay, a reverb, a multi effect (chorus, distortion etc.), a high pass filter, AND three band EQ.

If you want pads this does it. If you want leads or bass, you can have a monophonic voice going with 4 oscillators (6 if using oscillator sync), 4 LFOs plus the 2 free envelope generators (kinda like user definable LFO's). And you have 8 definable knobs, 2 wheels and a ribbon controller, controlling a modulation matrix with 96 destinations.

Awesome, undervalued, A steal. The collector's item of 1999. Get it.



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Well Stephen, you shouldn't buy a Yamaha whatsoever..Only 8 knobs and matrix-like menu's to program the sounds. You're much better off buying a Roland JP8000 or Clavia Nord lead.These machines have a richer sound and much more knobs and sliders to manipulate the sound in real time, these manipulations are sent out MIDI, so whatever you tweak during a track,your sequencer will record it..
The AN1X a collector's item?? Pfff..get serious,please!O.k.,the Yamaha is less expensive,but both the JP and Nord are more powerful soundwise and they are equipped with loads more of realtime controllers,unlike the Yamaha's...Of course,this is only a personal opinion.Bye now>



Whoa! someone hasnt got their facts straight! The An1x is MUCH more powerful than the Jp8k, can put up a good fight with the Nord Lead, or in some peoples opinions it could sound better (like me)...all the knobs transmit midi, and when editing the sound paramters, about 95% of the editing is done on the knobs and buttons on the left hand side, NOT on the Matrix..All in all, for a First Generation VA its really spectacular..Later!!

Der Angriff


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Yeah, Stephen, god forbid anyone learn how to program cc controllers from their sequencer. Yep, you really should pay more money for more knobs, because the AN1x only has 8 measly knobs to tweak in realtime! PFFF! IMO, unless you have tentacles, who cares? The Jp8000 is probably better for live use, but at home you can do everything you want with an An1x. You can assign the stuff you wanna manipulate in realtime to the knobs and ribbon. Why would you need more? The Yamaha has free envelope generators to record tweaks, and several comparable functions to the Rolands and Nords. Not to mention more polyphony than the jp8000. The An1x knobs transmit controller commands as well, what's the point? I'm not going to bash the Jp, because it sounds good as well, but Roland were incredibly stingy. Skimpy effects, short keyboard, and a limited cross modulation matrix. Buy the Roland if you want to lose money when you and everyone else gets sick of its limitations and the market is flooded with them. Buy an affordable An1x if you want a synth that'll grow with you. I get sick of people who bash all things Yamaha because they're too thick to spend a little time to figure out the O.S. Most of the Yammy synths offer the most for the money.



I've just ordered one for fl1095 here in holland,they are pretty much sold out everywhere... only shops that didn't do the final pricecut still have em...

1095!!! i think that's a steel I've played around with this machine and the jp8000 and this price did it... I could buy something nice for myself with the money i save. (or for my mom, yeah right.) Anyway I am very excited since it will be my first non-samplerbased machine... I cant wait till friday, when i'll go and pick it up in Amsterdam. The salesguy topld me yamaha stopped production because it didnt sell very well, which is strange because so many people seem to own one of these, neither have i heard any roumers of an an2x yet....




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i like the an1x alot . the sounds are
really cool and editable on your
computer with the an1x editor . with
this you can send and recieve patches
from the synth also . plus there are
many sites on the net where you can get
patches made by alot of different people
. the effects are pretty good too . and
of course the cubase mixermap makes it
great too . i have alot more to learn
about this synth though and im sure ill
come across some drawbacks . but its
like that with a



This machine is destined to become a classic! Get one. You won't be dissapointed. You do have to spend some time with it, and "work" to learn it, but then the magical door opens, and you can get all sorts of sounds out of this baby! The others don't have that much of variety in sound timbre, but the AN1X can sound like all the others plus more. You can simulate just about any synth with the AN1X. People who bash it, haven't spent the time with it, and thus frustrated because they want to find the magical door, but are too lazy to work to find it. You can easily do filter sweeps. It's just that you have to think a "little" different, and viola!!!! AAHH...There!!
~~~~and that much more so.~~~~~~~~
I don't regret buying this machine!
If you want a machine that you won't outgrow soon, get this one!
It is a collectors item, a classic, a fine machine, no question about it!!!!

Mike D.


This is a greatsynthesizer...but I think it's getting a lot of shit cuz of the way it was built...people want instant gratification and if thwe don't see a shit load of knobs and sliders they assumeit's a shitty synth. Yes It was poorly constructed also..I think they just took the case from a cs2x and dyed it blue. But in terms of powerit beats the shit outtta the JP and is up there with the nord. It's no Virus and certanly not a Nova but it is a powerful VA synth...and for the price nothnig touches it...
BTW: if you complain that it doesn't have sliders and a million knobs...SHUT UP! it's a synth program it you lazy ass raver mother fuckers!



i thin kthey actually copied the cs2x´s case from the cs1x and the an1x since that one got released 3 years later or so. But apart from that I just say `amen brother, thou areth right!´



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i like the an1x alot . the sounds are
really cool and editable on your
computer with the an1x editor . with
this you can send and recieve patches
from the synth also . plus there are
many sites on the net where you can get
patches made by alot of different people
. the effects are pretty good too . and
of course the cubase mixermap makes it
great too . i have alot more to learn
about this synth though and im sure ill
come across some drawbacks . but its
like that with



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I have had the Yahmaha AN1x since it first came out.
I will list the Plus side then the Down side.
*First off, It sounds Great. You just need to know how to control and build your own sounds with a synth.
*If you are a begginer, it will teach you alot about sound design with a synth.
I do various styles of dancable music, and the AN1x ALWAYS pulls through with some great sounds.
**The only drawback about this synth is that it is only 2 parts multi-timbral.

pero karadjordjevich


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An1x is the best virtual analog synth ever.Great sound engine with 56 parametars +8 editional assignibil knobs.Trance supermashine.



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The baddest,meanest and fattest synth you can buy.Strings tht would make you cry,bass that would make shit your pants,this baby is capable of anything!!
And with a second hand price of about 300 squids you could have three of these mean muthafuckas for the price of a virus or nova.So wadda ya waiting for buy

Andi Bliss


Wicked sounds,easy to create & edit patches,the free editor/librerian makes it easy to access your favorite sounds in seconds.Although I love mine I do find that it abit noisey at times & it makes some annoying & hard to get rid of crackles & pops



What r u talkin about?? The An1x is a piece of piss to use.I am using it and my iq only just makes triple figures.

mathew wilson


the an1x is one of the fattest sounding digital synths around and it does compare to the sound of nord or jp i think the sound is more analog and fatter. when used with the free computer editor this synth becomes so powerful and easy to use. some shops in the uk sell ex demo stock at £300. miss this and be it on your own head.



There's only one con:
I wanna have another one in rack version



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This is the first synth i ever bought, and boy was i amazed. Excellent sounds, if you know how to program them. Once you get the hang of which knobs do what, it's pretty simple. A tip for those complaining about the VCF: If you push in the knob while you turn it, it changes the value of the knob slower. However, if you push it in, then you can't do a full sweep with the filter... The FREE software for this synth is pretty handy, but i like the feel of the knobs, so i don't ever use the computer for editing. I don't really feel limitted with this synth, except that it's 1 part multi-timberal. OUCH... so it's not the best thing to have if it's your only synth, but wow are the sounds and fx good!



it's such a shame that people are getting into the an1x and yamaha have stoped producing them but if you contact me i can give you the phone number of a english shop that sell ex demo at a great price . i have had one from them at £300 EX demo . such a great synth and such a low price.if you can't find the an1x you could always buy the pluggin card at £130 TO ADD ON TO YOUR YAMAHA pc card ,same great sound and no need for all the leads. all in all you can't go wrong with yamaha . stevey wonder said about the CS80 that yamaha had produced a dream machine and he was right.



Very versatile synth, not just at pure analog sounds. Analog patches are warm, lush, and powerful without overpowering a mix. This is a great live synth as well with it's ribbon controller and knobs for realtime manipulation. My only complaints are the rubber buttons on the right front panel and the tiny LCD. The matrix knobs aren't nearly as difficult as people would have you think. The functions are color coded and are easy to understand. A fun, yet powerful and versatile synth and a lot of value for the price.



we're trying out an an1x and have found that the volume on the preset e. piano is very low compared to other voices. is this a flaw in the machine or can it be reprogrammed ? we are beginners and need some help operating this beast ?



A very powerfull synth. Lots of sounds to pick up on the WWW. Underestimated in Denmark. One of my favorites though i hate the userinterface.

Justin Chodzko


Advice to anyone who buys a virtual analog synth & wonders why it does not sound like a vintage analog synth. Try switching the internal effects,which probably make up about 60% of what you are actually hearing. I was thinking of selling my AN1x, after dismissing it as another "toy" commercial-dance music-by-numbers synth, which I was only really using as a controller keyboard, or for some of its lush string pads, which really are excellent. Then I read the manual properly ( after owning this synth for 3 years ) and discovered the intitialising feature of entering patch #130 & choosing type 1. You get a single raw sawtooth wave & can start building sounds from scratch. Every unusable rave-y bass and cheesy arpeggio patch has been exchanged for one of these. I love this synth now. I find the user interface easy to get round, but then I am relating it to things like my Juno 106. I guess if you are not familier with the conventional analog control layout, you might be better off with a "one control for each funtion" machine like the JP8000. However, I think if you know your way around one or two old synths you can easily get around an AN1x. I guess my only wish is that the envelope controls had a few more sections, as on two of my favourites: the Roland JD800 & MKS50/alpha Junos.

Bart Jansen


yes it is very difficult to handle but many options and good sounds



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I own a an1x and you can create extremely nice and complicated sounds. This is were the trouble lies. The parameters interact with each other in such a complicated way that it is hard to know which sound effect is reached by changing parameters.
The editing with the 8 knobs with 6 functions is easy, but the control matrix is annoying.
The sequencer is a bit too small and very un-nice to customize.
But the main thing is: if you take your time to create sounds, you can create really awesome sounds.
It is a good life synth, as the 8 real-time knobs come in handy.



Does the An1x have a test mode for checking the system, like pressing a few buttons on startup and running a test sequence 8I have no idea what this would be called). I'm asking since I'm about to buy second hand and need to now how to make a quick test.
Any other info on what to look for when bying a second hand An1x would be much appreciated.

karl weaver


Pure T R A N C E



Perfect synth in my opinion,It's my firt synth,i paid about 400 Euro's.
Good keyboard and great editor.
See YA!!




I have had my AN1X for three years now, and it is my tech-house band's no. 1 synth by a long way. The point is that this thing is equipped with everything that you could want to make the sorts of sounds you need! Stack the oscs, a hi-pass filter to clean the sound up, overdrive the volume, ringmod, morph live between two sounds for instant mood changes, a range of filters from the mild to the madbastard, everything infinitely editable, you name it…

The effects come in for a lot of undeserved criticism – it’s crap, ignore it! This thing ain’t equipped with effects of the quality of some expensive studio, but would you expect that? What is has are extremely useful, esp the 3-band EQ. Many people complain that the effects constitute a large proportion of the overall sound - yes, they do make a difference, but where’s the problem there? Use them, like I do, or if you’ve got your own, switch them out! And the free envelope generators are outrageous for screwing up otherwise nicey-nice sounds, and operate automatically once programmed in.

It’ll do what you want - raw leads that strip paint off the walls, quiet atmospheric lead sounds, honking slamming and thuggish bass as well as muffled and wibbly bass, great organs (only my Korg DW8000 is better there), a million pads from simple to complex (you can take all your old Rolands down the secondhand shop and free up some space), and every crazy electronica wibble you never imagined! It will even do a credible FM synthesis (compared alongside my DX7s), which is pretty good for an analog modeller.

The factory presets are largely crap (read: dated)…..but what would you expect? They were programmed five years ago, and presets are always about showing off ‘boards in the shop to shift units. Yes it will do trance sounds…..yes it will do hard house sounds…..yes it will do electronica very, very well…..yes it will do big rawk stuff (and check out the Hammond), yes it will do prog-rawk mystico-crap if you want it to, it’ll do ‘em all, I can’t think of a style that it wouldn’t do – and well. This thing has everything you need to program modern sounds – like most proper modern synths all you need is a little effort, the tools are all there – that’s the point…..

It emulates a shedload of old kit, yeah, and that’s a lot of fun, but the lark really starts when you go off-road and start programming your own sounds. Anyone with half an idea can do it through the front panel, but I’d recommend using the free-and-very-good PC-based editor AN1X Edit, which lays everything out very clearly indeed, including graphical representations of envelopes etc. Makes it all so straightforward. And there are hundreds of free patches for AN1X Edit around the WWW if you look – load ‘em up on your PC, edit them at will, squirt them into the keyboard, save them there, edit them some more once there if you wish, and hit the road Jane.

The interface is fine, both for studio and for live – every controller on the front panel is realtime, and fully assignable… repeat, every controller is completely assignable, and each voice can have a completely different set of controllers assigned for it! OK there is no dedicated knob for every synth function – well, when did you last need to tweak some of the more obscure synth parameters with those highly-breakable and wear-‘n’-tear susceptible sliders and rotaries on your fragile Jupiter, eh? And on the AN1X everything sends MIDI too.

The poly could be better (Yamaha say 10, but….call it half that in practice); the hinted-at dual multitimbrality is only just about usable in practice…..are there any other real downsides?

The big question is - why did Yamaha call it a day so soon? The AN1X competed head-on with the Roland JP8000, and the balance of views all over the WWW is that there is no significant difference between the two, despite a large price differential, but the AN1X disappeared from the shelves too soon after release. You can get new ones, in the form of a slightly curious keyboardless desktop module and also plug-in cards for various bits of modern Yamaha kit, but why bother? Get a proper one….. they are going for about £350 here in the UK right now secondhand, and worth every red penny. Yamaha have not come up with anything quite as singular as the AN1X since (with the poss. exception of the FM FS1R), seemingly preferring to play it rather safe in the shops right now with a bunch of sample-‘n’-synthesis (PCM) boards. The AN1X is quite extraordinary - if you see one buy it, and thank me afterwards!



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I want to download patches for the AN1X. I tried to download the editor and it's not working. Does anyone know what to do? Also, how do you download the patches into the keyboard using Cubase? I appreciate everyone's help.



What do you mean by not working?
You didn't get the download or a non working installation?
Or is it the actual dump from An1xEdit?

If so, could it be a bad midi interface in your computer?

If you can tweak parameters from within An1xEdit but cannot do a dump then my guess is that something isn't working alright on the midi side of your setup.

I tried to make a mididump with my onboard mpu401 interface on my MSI card but it didnt quite work so I switched to my SBlive midi and that worked.

Give us some more info about your setup and I'm sure we'll sort it out for you.




I now have downloaded the An1X edit software and patches but cannot get them from the computer into my synth. I have a midi flyer going from my printer port into the midi in on the keyboard. The same thing is working with my RM1X sequencer. When I have the software loaded up and on a patch it doesn't play. Also, I tried to send it to the keyboard and they are not communicating. Any ideas? I'd really appreciate it.



I suggest that you try with another midiport. A SBlive value card should do it.

When you send midi from an1xedit your an1x machine should flash a bit strangely with the diodes. That is quite normal.

A crappy midiport will give you sysex error when uploading patches.

If nothing seems to happend at all then it might be a faulty in port on your an1x.
Can you get the machine to play from a sequencer?


dj indica


I bought a used AN1x in Taiwan last year for 400$us. An amazing deal. I love it's onboard bass and pad sounds, and i love AN1x Edit, the midi patch editor for win98. This is the synth that spawned the plgan50 computer plugin for XG. but i like the hardware version - it can even morph between scenes like a nord lead! buy one used if u can! cool!



yeah, it's a luverly synth innit?

Solaris Uniform Nation


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I give the an1x a five. The only thing wrong with the keyboard is poor battery consumption. I replace my lithium battery now about as long as I switch settings and save voices. I do believe the problem with crackle and pop on the keyboard was a ram battery problem. Part of the warranty was that only a professional could take the cover off. Don't worry through a few setup changes you're an1x will work forever. Not just as long as five years.




I just got one second hand and I really like it. Indeed you here the filter 'stepping' on slow sweeps but I don't mind cause you can do a lot of other fun stuff with it. I have a question though: when I sync it to midi clock, it tends to drop out of sync. especially when i start tweaking the sounds. I also have the impression that this happens sooner when using the step sequencer then when using the arpeggiator.
Could it be that tweaking the sound eats up too much of the processor of the AN1X, so it looses sync?
Any help or experience would be appreciated.
By the way: I have my novation x-station sync'ing on the same clock and there everything works great.



the yamaha an1x is a great synth.
mine sits next to my arp 2600, minimoog, korg ms 20, roland cr 78
and roland juno 106 and it can keep up with them all.
there are work arounds for the few flaws such as the stepping filter often complained about.
my an1x also controls my analog synths via a kenton pro 2000.
truthfully, it is a kick ass synth in almost every way.
it sounds as fat as any of my analog synths.
when i purchased it there were only two other va synths in existence. the jp8000 and the nord.
i went home with the an1x because it sounded the most analog to my ears.
the nord was harsh and the jp8000 was too smooth.
i won't be getting rid of any of my synths, including the yamaha an1x.
nuff said...



Ive had my AN1X since 99 - 10 years now. It spent the last 3 wrapped in shipping paper as I had fallen off the musical roundabout.
Recently got the bug again and was real happy and a bit surprised to find out it fired up , no problems and the internal battery still seems fine - must do a backup soon just in case.
At the time I was torn between this and The Roland , Id even looked at the Korg Prophecy. 10 years on im still sure I made the right choice - id never sell this. If you find one , buy it.



Can the internal battery be replaced easily by sloting a new one in, or
is it soldered in. Also is this the same for the Yamaha CS6x.

Last added comment

Ray Morgan


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Thanks Hemlyn ;-)

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