it's not there Quasimidi 309 Rave-O-Lution

Quasimidi 309 Rave-O-Lution

Quasimidi are now defunct but this under-rated unit sold by the hundreds of thousands. Lots of dance sounds and plenty of realtime control makes it an item worth looking out for in the free-ad's

German indy company Quasimidi released the 309 in 1994 squarely aimed at the dance music market & it competed at the time with the MC-303 from Roland. It combines a sequencer, 4 part sample & synthesis based drum-box with a single analog modelling synth engine for bass & lead sounds plus effects. The 309 had a very useable & clever performance orientated front-panel and sold by the truckload.


The 309 uses a combination of waveforms & samples which Quasimidi called A.E.S (Analog Emulation Synthesis) divided into five sections: Kick drum, Snare drum, Hi-hats, Percussion & the Bass/Lead mono synth. Each of those five instruments has its own front panel section with dedicated controls while the bottom of the panel houses the sequencer grid in the form of TR style button 'steps' which show active steps for each selected instrument in the pattern being worked on, as well as the LCD screen and various edit buttons for working with the menus.


The sequencer offers 100 non-editable preset patterns and 100 user Patterns which can be sequenced together to make a total of 16 Songs, but 309 Patterns are actually constructed of sub-Patterns called 'Motifs'. Each instrument can have Motifs up to 8 bars in length and these are used to build patterns and patterns are used to build songs. So basically a 'Pattern' is actually a collection of 5 Motifs, one Motif for each Instrument. The 309 offers 99 Preset & 100 user Motifs... it's pretty darned clever!


Each drum Instrument has 64 sound patch slots while the main bass/lead synth section has 128. Each of these patch slots contains the raw waveforms or samples, and you can scroll through both the Sound patch storage slots & the raw waveforms in each selected slot in realtime to audition. There are 26 kick drums, 25 snares & 7 hi‑hats, while the Percussion section has 10 editable sets of 12 sounds each, which can be chosen from a total of 128 raw waveforms. Finally the main Bass/Lead synth has 28 raw synth waveforms.


Each of the 4 drum sections has dedicated controls for: Instrument (selects the raw waveform), Tune, Attack & Decay, plus Level (which sets the balanced of the instrument per pattern) & the Sound control pot allows you to scroll through the available sound patch storage slots for each instrument - 64 for drums & 128 for the main bass/lead synth.


Each drum Instrument/section can access further synthesis parameters by pressing the Select button and then using the controls on the main synth section which gives the Kick, Snare & Hi-hats access to additional parameters of VCF drive (a pre‑filter distortion parameter) Cutoff & Resonance, Filter envelope modulation, Filter dynamic modulation & Accent as well as Envelope Generator attack, decay, sustain & release. The man Bass/Lead synth section has the additional parameters of: Glide, LFO waveform with rate & depth, VCO VCF & VCA modulation plus a Hold pedal parameter.


Finally sound can have effects added from the two Send FX sections and a 3rd FX section controls a filter over the final output.


All controls send midi controllers and controller moves can be written into patterns. As a bonus, instruments can access a VCA/Gate setting to make them conform to the sequencer step gate-time & in addition to realtime synth controls every sound slot has a Mute button for live performance dubbing.


The Rave-O-Lution 309 could be expanded with a separate output board & additional ROM sound chip.


Are they any good? Well for high-end synth purists it became quite fashionable to knock this unit both at the time of release and ever since, but frankly the 309 was so well thought out that it's actually one of the great synth groove boxes of all time, and as witness to this fact check their value on Ebay compared to the Roland MC-303

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Added: 13 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: £400 - £600


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Jovian Francey


Yes, QuasiMidi can't program the damn thing, but they sure

can build it. The 256 drum sounds (64 per section) have

everything you need, including all the 808, 909, and 606

sounds. The filter is amazing on the hi-hats. But the

synth is what really gets me. Actually, much closer to the

303 then the BassStation, used properly it will get anyone

on the dancefloor, but the additional waves make it sound

unique enough so as not to fall into cliched Josh Winkisms.

I agree you need some other kit, but play with this sweetie

for about half an hour and you'll be in love.

Jonathan Block


I just bought a 309, so what follows are initial impressions. I hope I don't drone on for too long...

Sounds Drums

They sound great. The Kick, Snare and Hi-Hat sections are made up of modeled waves, while the Percussion section is full of 128 samples, including many samples of the modeled wave sections (e.g., 808 and 909 kicks and hi-hats). These four sections take up 16-voices of the 17-voice polyphony (1 for the kick, 1 for the snare, 2 for the hi-hat and 12 for the percussion; the synth section is the remaining voice). The 309 has a full complement of 808 and 909 sounds as well as some 606 and lots of percussion. The only X0X machine I have any experience with is a 606 and that was for three months in 1984, so I can't vouch for their authenticity, but all the drum sounds are full and can be tweaked to your heart's content. Parameters that are not controlled by knobs are accessed easily through menus or by holding down the Select button for the desired section and using the Bass/Lead knobs. You can even come up with some cool synthlike sounds if you go crazy with the filters.

Sounds Bass/Lead Synth

I've been recording over the last several months using a Nord Lead and the 309's waves compare favorably. The 309 has more aggressive modeled waves than the Nord and through tweaking, the possibilities are endless. Even though the Nord is four-voice synth, the 309 is more fun. Also, the knob movements seem less sensitive than the Nord's, which is actually better IMHO. You can get some great squelchy sounds using the knobs as well as solid thumping basses and ripping leads. There are only 28 modeled waves for this section, but a forthcoming expansion board will add more as well as another synth voice, which will be nice.


The 309 uses the Roland-style drum grid programming, which I like. There are many onboard patterns and room for your own. I do more ambient stuff so I can't tell if the patterns are typical techno/rave etc. or just plain cliches, but they sound good and surprisingly full, even with just the one synth voice. The seq. can synch to an external seq. and this seems to work. However, the manual states under the synching with an external seq. section that I should be able to turn patterns on and off with the 309, but I can only get it to start from my external seq. at the beginning of a sequence. If I turn the external seq. on in the middle the 309 will not respond. There's also quantizing, but as the manual states "Quantizing won't help you if you do not use a reference clock, or if you have no talent." Check the Quasimidi site for more technical info about the seq.


Like most big purchases you'd do well to test the thing out before you buy since it is expensive. What surprises me most about the 309 is the full-sounding arrangements with only one synth voice, but as K mentions above it works best as part of a larger set-up. As I mentioned before, I do more ambient stuff and this box will fill my drum needs as well as giving me an analogish bass or lead voice. The manual is a bit vague in areas (such as giving no instructions on how to find out what operating system version I have). Finally, the unit is well-built. You really can't compare it to a Roland MC-303; altho the inspiration and idea is the same, the 309 is more professional in execution.

If anyone has a 309 and can answer my questions about the operating system or synching to an external seq. please let me know.

James Graham


I use the 309 in a reasonably sized setup alongside

JV-2080, ASR-10, Cubase, etc and have been very

impressed. As you said in the review, you do need

other equipment if your looking for a "finished" sound,

though I think I'd still have bought the 309 as a

starting point.

I had originally purchased a Groovebox MC-303 but felt

that it lacked the punch of the 309. It's frightening

how quickly you can produce something serious with the


Very much looking forward to the expansion modules!



Well, let's see . . . I bought this unit wanting something to get into electronic music. Luckily, the store that I bought it from has a 30 day return policy.

I can say that I was pretty damn impressed with the drum sounds (although the conga-type sounds were pretty quiet), then again, I haven't heard anything analog. And with the sequencer you can quantitze the parts to get triplets, rolls, etc (altough I don't think you can get super-fast rolls).

The bass synth portion of this box was pretty interesting. You can get some cool sounds -- some normal bass synth sounds, some pretty fucked up squigly-like sounds (although the normal sounds dominate) In addition, just having played around with a Moog Prophecy(I think that's what it's called) today, I think that some sounds are fairly close to analog. Then again, I only played around with the Prophecy for about 10 minutes in a mildly loud store.

To record, you could either do it realtime -- which was a pain the ass!!! Or, you could step sequence it.

About the knobs--very cool! You can tweek the drums as well as the bass synth.

However, here's where one of my complaints comes in. It would seem to me that if you're going to have something that's designated to be moved all the time, such as potentiometers, you would want them to be sturdy as fuck. These were not up to my expectation. Then again, as I look around, I don't see much that is up to my standards.

My next reason for returning the machine was that it seems that I can do better by getting a designated drum box, poly keyboard (this is mono), and a sampler (just as Kilo suggests).

And the last complaint Once or twice after I had layed down a synth and drum line, the sounds on either a drum track (like kick) or on the synth track would change to a different sound. Example Kick would be on "analog" and would switch to "808." Now, I noticed that one of the times this happened I may have accidently bumped the pot with my hand (although I don't see how you can move a little knob with the side of your hand), but I am positive that the other time I didn't touch shit. Seems to me that this would be a huge concern if you wanted to play live.

So, to sum it up, seems pretty cool, and in fact it is. However, you might want to buy it from some place that has a return policy. Also, in checking out the the MC 303 and the 309, I would definately choose the 309 for it's sound -- the mc 303 sounded weaker.

Hope this helps you guys out.



Jonas Stenberg


I bought this wonderful little box yesterday and I

must say that I´m very impressed and that Quasimidi

has succeeded! The only thing that I can complain on

is the manual (it´s not good!) but after many hours of

tweaking the knobs and pressing the buttons and it´s

starts to brighten up. I also think like K that it´s

almost impossible to make an serious track without other

hardware. Well. If you are an analog freak you can surely

manage...=) If anyone got some tips´n´tricks please mail

I hope that you all have tested the ReBirth software?!
That´s a great software!!!!!!!!



Sounds nice and all but... HOW much does the damn thing
cost? Up here in Canada, Quasimidi doesn't even have a
distrubutor! Pathetic!

I want one. please tell me how much I should pay.
(Canadian $ please, or take US$ and multiply by 1000)



oh, sorry. I just saw the price... oops.

Still wanna know if anyone in Canada owns one.

Magnus Sven


Since my email doesn't work properly anymore and I can't seem to log-on to the newsgroups lately, this site is my only hope. I really need help. I'm going to buy some equipment, but I'm not sure what. My budget is about $1000. The Rave-O-Lution looks nice, but I'm not convinced yet.

I already have an Ibanez SRE400 bass + a KORG G5 Synth Bass Pedal, and I'm getting pretty good at playing bass, so I'm planning to play live bass on top of my tracks.

I've already got a pretty good idea of what kind of music I want to make, and to give you an impression, here are some of the bands I like Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk, CJ Bolland, Aphex Twin, Ziontrain, Orbital, The Orb, Future Sound of London, Static Sound System, Atari Teenage Riad, Underworld, LTJ Bukem, ... So I think my music will have elements of some of those bands.

A friend of mine, who is also the singer of my rock band (Fluffer), owns a Roland MC-303 Groovebox, and he's getting kind of good at it, a lot better than the people who made the onboard crap. But I don't want to be limited to the sounds that are already in the unit, so I'll need some kind of a synth or a sampler.

So would the Rave-o-lution be a good idea? The sequencer is very important, because I don't want to plug everything in my computer every time I'm gonna do a track. Of course, I'll need to do that when I get more gear, but for now, a single unit would seem more usefull.

Of course, the fact that there's only one channel is a problem, but with my bass+synth pedal I could create some more sounds. And I can always buy a copy of Rebirth RB-338 and synch everything trough a sequencing package on my other computer (an Amiga). Would that combination (Rave-o-lution and rebirth) work?

Has the Rave-o-lution got an arpeggiator? I liked that on the MC-303. Also, that tap-key is pretty good, enabling you to synch with cds and stuff by tapping the key a few times along with the music, so the box gets the tempo. Has the Rave-o-lution got anything like this? And what about a scratch-pad, which isn't very important, but it would be nice. The Ensoniq ASR-X has one I believe. The ASR-X looks very nice too, with a sequencer, synth, sampler and effects in one unit, but it's a bit expensive.

Could the Rave-o-lution produce break/chemical/drum'n'bass beats? I especially like the beats by the prodigy and chemical brothers, so I would like to make beats like that.

Another question is it reliable? One of the reviewers said he had some problems with the drum sounds. They were suddenly switching or something like that. I want to play live a lot, on parties and in clubs, so reliability is pretty important.

Finally, I have a tip for all beginning musicians get your hands on ear-power. It's a very usefull ear-training program. It'll help you to figuere out songs by improving your ears, and it'll teach you how to sing. It's a pretty good piece of software, extremely worthwile.



I'm thinking about getting this system with a groove machine as well as a smapler, but u see as with the YEAR 2000 comeing along you have questions , really important questions , just like in all electonix and expacaily computers you have a special dateing system like "BIOS" built into the board . and well now the problem is that the new millienim is coming within 2 years and that if the BIOS TIMEING SET on the realtime option and the counter beats inside the RAVE-O-LUTION 309 don't become year 2000 compatible , then your going

be spending your money on junk. Cause the system timeing well reset itself back to 1981 and there well be Malfunctions and weird things that well accur.

I tell you all this because this has to deal with not only computers and the Rave-O-lution but with samplers and syth . What you have to ask a sales person now if the electonical component is y2k (YEAR 2000 COMPADIBLE). I think that the company should let thier buyers now right now if so. E-mail if you have any questions

jonathan block


The above comment contains some misinformation. Although the year 2000 problem is largely a software issue, it is true that hardware is not immune. But the problem only concerns dates. Most PCs have a battery-backed hardware timer to keep track of date and time information within the system. Basically, this timer was designed to store only the last two digits of a four-digit date field. For a variety of reasons, unless updated, the system translates the "00" to mean 1900 instead of 2000. But based on the BIOS chip and operating system, the date will likely be interpreted as "1980" or "1984." Even if your PC is not updated, you can change the date manually through an operating-system-level directive.

The bottom line is that your machine is not going to explode when 2000 rolls around. If it relies on dates and is not compliant it will just show the wrong date. I don't see how this can affect synths or even a computer-based sequencer unless it needs to do date calculations.

Now back to the 309. I discovered how to find out the OS version. There's a sticker on the OS chip in the expansion well. Also, the input/output and sound expansions have been released. The I/O expansion comes with a new OS to set routings, etc. There are two sound expansions. The drum one includes 20 new percussion kits and raises the individual drum memories from 64 to 128. The sound expansion includes some four oscillator models, as well as a 12db filter. Combined with the I/O expansion you get two additional monophonic synth voices. Not bad. Still can't send sysex info. to my XP50 tho.

Jeff Barthel


Well, finally received my 309 from Kraft Music. Initial impressions after a 3 hour "learning period" leaves me quite impressed with the many different sound capabilities available. Very intuitive layout and design, wide range of drum sounds. Good foundation for a full sound - maybe add a synth and some samples to your mix, one would be hard pressed to differentiate from the many released songs out today.

BTW, those Q309 owners interested in exchanging hints, tips, tricks, please email me or visit



The unit is great. I have made some severly insane riffs with this, and have done minimal techno gigs with this unit alone!! Of course, my favorite thing to do is to tune 808 toms and have them play a little riff along with the bass/lead. Just put the res on the perc filter really hi and envelope it, and it turns the toms into little bass synth like sounds.

Oh, and by the way, something I HATE about this unit even though i love it for the most part is the fact that on the voice expansion, sure, you get 2 more bass lead synths (as long as you also have the output expander) BUT, you dont get 2 more sequencer trax to sequence these voices with!! (( man, i was dissapointed and pretty broke after that affair, since the 2 upgrades cost about 500 bux and i didnt feel it was worth it for the voice upgrade because of the sequencer deficiency.. I wouldnt really bothered with the voice ROM had i known, i would have just put the money towards something more useful. I feel pretty ripped actually. I GUESS it IS neato and all to have the extra voices be addressed by midi, but it forces me to then bring in a computer or sequencer and it busts the vibe of just you and one machine that you know very well.. Computer sequencers are too distracting for me, i NEED limitations! )) Well, i wish i coulda saved the money and bought the Shaltwerk. Hell, another 400 bux, and i coulda bought a real 303 to boot!! needless to say, Quasimidi, i would REALLY appreciate it if you added a couple of extra sequencer trax for the other 2 bass voices, cuz the way it is, i will slam the expansions until you add them. This really aggravates the living hell outta me. Please add them.Please before i cry, dammit....It WAS a five, but when you try to sell me expansions that dont add much functionality and they cost half the price of the unit, i get irritated, so i am spanking you with a 4 for relieving me of so much money. If you add 2 more seq trax, ill give it a 5 again.

jonathan block


Rob01, can you expand a little about your regarding the voice expansion? I'm curious as to the benefit and sound of the new waves as well as the added functions of a 12db filter. I can understand your frustration with the extra voices and no extra seq. tracks. I've only used the 309's internal seq. for programming patterns; I use the seq. on my XP50 for most of my sequencing. Kust for portabilities sake I'm probably going to buy the expansions for the two extra voices.

marc pfafflin


i'm considering buying the 309 to use in a live midi setup with a sampler and some other gear. but first i have a few questions that you may be able to answer

1. can the patterns be selected from midi? (i.e. program change, sysex, or song select, etc.?)

2. can the footswitch be used as a start/stop button?

3. can tracks in the sequencer be assigned to control external midi devices? (example can i turn off some of the sounds in the perc. section and use the midi notes to trigger samples?)

4. is tempo information saved with the individual patterns?

thanks for the help

marc pfafflin



It is just wonderfull!!!


Lynxxx [Technolink]


Pfooo ) hehe we bought a 309 about a month ago and

I must say that it absolutely rocks )

the bassline part sounds very kewl

the effect part is surprisingly clean

and the drum section is very easy to program

drumsounds are all very good, loud and punchy,

and especially kewl with theOverblast knob on max )

I will post more as soon as I have more time to abuse

that little bugger )



Thanks to this little marvel, my creativity and expressiveness has basically exploded!

The drums are beautiful (especially the percussion, since I'm a big fan of tribal/cultrual rhythms) and you can do almost anything with that bass-lead. My current setup is the R-O-L with a Boss DR-5 (another sweet little device) slaved to it and run through a four-track mixer along with a live bassist (me) and vocals/guitar (my partner). I run a TEC-8 through the mixer for effects.

I've done so many different styles of music on the rave through that setup, from "tropical-rave" dance music to Golden-Palominos style ambient-gothic-spoken word. And it's so easy to use!

It freaked me out a little at first, but after a half-hour my room was vibrated from the overblast. It's so damn easy to use! Those 16 little blue buttons all in line kick-ass! You can see what you're doing with no hassles. Another great thing are the mute buttons. It makes it so easy to play live and do cool buildups and break down your own rhythms..

My question to anyone who has the I/O expansion Can you in fact pipe in live audio input (say, my bass guitar) and screw with it through the Cut-off and all the other knobs in the synth part? The fact of the matter is, I bought the thing for $350 (kill me, go ahead) and I'm a little wary of spending more than I paid for the whole unit.

Also, I'm looking into samplers. I was thinking about the Yamaha SU10 (the price is right) and I would like any feedback from anyone who has one or used one. I basically need something with a sequencer built into it, because lugging around my old Mac (with Metro) isn't a very enticing idea. Any suggestions?



Hi my name is gigi I am a DJ and I'm going to

sell my MC 303 and By a new Quasimidi Ravolution

309. I have a question for you

1) The most iportant thing for me is know if 309

may play as different drum machine and bass

sintetize with DIFFERENT PATTERNS. This means that

you have drum pattern and bass pattern separated,

and if you are playing the bass-line patt. n°1

you can change drum patt. B into C,D, ecc. while

the 309 is still playing the bass line patt N°1 as

if it were two different machine playng simultaneously

like a tb303 and tr909 playing in sinc mode.

Finally I would like to know if 309 has different

pattern sistem from mc 309.

my point of view about mc 303

mc 303 sucks because while are you are playing

in live you have to change all the pattern if you

want make variation.

With mc 303 you can't play in a quik way like with

a software as ReBirt 338 you can't combine

BASSpatt1 with Drummpatt a,b,d,t,h,c.

It is a toy.........

By 309 you can you can record all the knob

mooviments on your sequencer.You have to get crazy

about a fucking virtual mixer and spend a lot of

time to learn many tinks about midi sistem

engenearing instead of playng and you miss your

idea because mc303 doesen't do what you want.

Te saunds are good but they are vintage and not

new sounds and you can't create nothing .

I think that if 309 made the thinks that I ask

you may will be arelly good makine bettern that

a real tr909 and tb303.

I suggest to introduce another topic

the relase of QUASIMIDI POLIMORF. I have got only

information in dutch if somebody finds stuff in

english please put on web and mail to

http// (polimorf!!!!!)

please send an answer about 309 to



Well, im back like a bad cold... For all the peeps who wanna do

chemical bros. they have a drum expansion with a few xtra

lfos to boot. The drum exp supposedly has a way to do

breakbeats.. dont ask me how, im only the messenger, although

the groove on the 309 can get pretty good, so, its not

impossible. Lately, I have found out some really good trance

lines can be done using seq303, i mean, seq303 seems like

it was made for the extra bass voices on the 309 expansion!!

I have also hooked up a PC1600 that has been slamming sysex to the

perc set, changing the pitch of the claps, rimshot, clave, toms, etc.

Now my Drumstation can be put to rest! The 309s handles sysex without a flaw,

I slam massive amounts of sysex down the midi pipe, and never has

the 309 slowed down or skipped a beat. Hell, i TRIED to get it

to skip or slow by giving it a ton of sysex changes while it was

playing, and i couldnt get it to crash. I am working on a way

to get the faders of the pc1600 to change the note values of the

bass sequence in real time! AND to be able to add slides and accents while its

playing!! HEHE, the 303 will not be missed very much if this worx.

I already got it setup so i can change the drum patterns without

from the pc1600 buttons, so it already behaves like a 808/909, with you able

to change the pattern while its playing! I am really impressed with its

ability to handle the hell im putting it through.. I dont think they thought

a psychotic electrical engineer would get ahold of a pc1600 to abuse the 309 with!

Man, the ppl at quasimidi really did an extreme job on this unit.. Now, if they

can only finish the polymorph......I assure you, the polymorph will be god in a box

if its anything even a little better than the 309..The 12db filters are neat on the expansion,

and some of the 303 osc models are amazingly close! I really like the 12db highpass, combined with a

lowpass line, you can sound extemely spacy and complex by messing with the filters of 2 or more basslines

going at the same time... Lots of depth... I wish it had its own distortion as one of the FX though.. mebbe

in the new ROM, yknow, the one thats gonna give us two

other sequence trax for the 2 other synths?? ))

Its crazy, but, i have done a whole live pa with just the 309 and seq303..

Well, ok, a sampler too, but only for a little flavor and some vocal samps.

What next? Quasimidi will prolly get some more of my paychecks if they build any

more stuff like the 309....I give it a 4, a little closer to 5 now, esp since they

took my idea for two more seq trax to heart and are actually working on it.



I bought a 309 recently, and I cannot remember how I ever could make musik without this great silver box. The sounds produce enough pressure, filters are ok (a bit synthetic), and the quality is good. I also bought all three extensions which are availiable yet, and they are worth buying. There's only a question to Quasimidi You advertise with words like "high technology for a small price" or something. But may I ask you - isn't your technology not high enough to offer rack-adaptors for less than 50,00 DM??? (Yes, I had to pay fifty Deutschmarks for the adaptor. (actually worth not 10 DM)

Ben Ganja


I was one of those who had to get a MC-303, and now I`m asking myself, 'When will I find a used 309 to trade in my MC-303 on?' HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christian Kapik


the quasimidi rave-o-lution 309 is a very effektive and cheap synthy.

you should have more samples in the net, because many people like to make sound on the pc.

can you mail me adresses where i can get samples which i can use on my pc.



Magnus for GOOD beats you need a sampler/sequencer. You can get okay beats with analog sounds (909, etc.) but they are really really limiting. Those sounds are very conducive to totally blah, standard house/techno beats (everyone knows what I'm talking about!!) With a sampler you can get ANY drum sound you want and plus it's much more flexible. I just bought a Yamaha QX-5 and Roland W-3 and I am more than impressed with their combined's very liberating.

To think I actually considered buying an MPC2000 at one time to be my drum box...i got both my units for around half the price and it KICKS ASS!!!!!!!

ed from opm


what about the 505 eh?


jonah dempcy


i'm considering buying the r-o-l expansion things.. what i'm wondering is this. are they any good?

i was originally going to buy the synth expansion but now i see that it doesn't actually ADD synthesizer voices unless you buy the audio thang.. it only gives you more options for the one voice so that sucks. well, feedback anyone? good? bad? is it worth it, or should i just buy something else for the $300?
how about the drum one?

lempereur thomas


i have got a 309 and i heard a noise behind the sound .

It makes me crazy!! Not enough waveform! easy to manipulate... funny to play with it

see you!

Jacob Wedin


You might be interested to know that Quasimidi has dropped the price on this box to 998 DM (about 350 pounds) +shipping. They'll sell it directly from germany if you e-mail them (address on their website).

Ben Ganja


Back with the Ganja, the expansions kikass! If anyone is in mad need to get a box and doesnt want to wait for some mofo in germany to send em one I can sell you one, [or two] for $1030.00 with the I/O expansion and the Drum or Synth expansion, Ben@(612)-482-7552.








My 309 is fully equipped with the DRUM- SYNTH- and IN/OUT-EXPANSION and with some external

FX you can really make some "BIIIG NOISE" !

Yes, I like this little funky device.

Tip: Apply much delay and some distortion to one bass-voice wich is routed to a sub-OUT3/4.


Further, you can squelch the signal throu a guitar-tubeamp.



Neat machine. I just bought one. It was a toss up between the 309, and the roland MC-505. They are the same price. I'm beginning to wonder if the 309 - while very powerful in its own way - is a bit narrow in scope. Does anyone have any comparisons between the 309 and the MC-505 in terms of vesatility and range?? which one would you prefer? I mainly do electronic music, have other gear (FX, mixers, no sequencers). I just could not decide between the two units, and went with the 309 because it sounded like what i wanted right away. I hope i dont run into a dead end with it.
Any onfo/feedback/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Sam Delaney


I have owned one for almost a year and its damn tuff I have used it at gigs with a laptop running Qbase VST

and a midi key board and its fucking cool



Guys, please don't complain about this unit not being all in one box. Thats what a 303 is for! Sure 5 voices soundb bare no matter how many effects you add to them, but then again it doesn't say workstation anywhere on the thing. My setup is a ps262 (2) pt1000's and a Q309 and I can get anyone dancing with it. Nothing beats a 309 when your mixing and yuo want to add a stompy bassline with breakbeat drums jumpy handclaps and some pure ACID on the side. You won't become the next Prodigy with it, but damn the Groovebox, to all the DJ crew this is our machine! Spread the vibe!

CA Porter


Complaint RAv 309

I recenlty purchased a RAV 309 from Turnkey in London for £769 fully expanded version.

After only 2 months the unit was faulty, I contacted Turnkey, who said that because I had

the unit for more than 28 days that a replacement would not be provided. My unit was sent

to Germany approx 1 week ago. I have had no feedback as to the state of my unit and I

believe that I should of been provided with a new unit as it would appear that the unit

was faulty from day 1, I thought that I was doing something wrong.

I understand that this situation is not entirely Quasimidi's fault however any help you

may be able to provide to resolve this situation would be appreciated.

jonah dempcy


what's wrong with your unit?
i've had mine for a year+ and not had any problems..

Sire (from Lego)


Well, I´ve got a 309 for about one year now, fully expanded. And although I think, parts of the piece suck more or less, other parts rule the fuck out! ;) So since this is not my only machine and I have enough other hardware to complement the weak parts of the 309, I am pretty satisfied... tho I agree, it could have been cheaper. Actually it IS cheaper now, only I bought it too early...

These comments I´d like to add:...

The manual (at least my deutsch version) is written for the beginner. They even describe how a MIDI-cable looks like and that you shouldn´t use a 5-pin audio cable instead and so on. It´s tutorial-style, which annoys me a bit, because there are some infos missing in the stream. I never worked out, how to simply NAME songs, patterns etc; it seems possible cause I always stare on an "Untitled" on the main menu screen... Anyone knows?

One of the early reviews on this list state that the drumsounds and the synth use MODELED waves. I think this is rubbish. To me they sound like ordinary 8 bit samples (I have an amiga and know what I am talking about ;) ), but thats not bad at all when you like dirt! An evidence for the sample theory is that on some of the kick waves the distortion is already included. But that doesn´t disturb me much. The drawback is, in certain situations the waves don´t really behave analog, like when you crank the decay to full extent, the sample doesnt care as it has a fixed length (but some waves are looped tho).

Unfortunately some of the waves (especially remarkable at the synth section) are quieter than others. Say, just inside a freaked out jam session after the tension explodes and one raises volume after volume of each track, the synth is too early at maximum vol. Be careful ;)

It seems to me that the attack portion of the envelope sometimes bugs. When increased to a certain level, the DSR-part does not work as expected (is simply ignored). At least very slow attack / slow decay types are not possible. Strange.

So the 8 bit brings in a portion of lofi. I would say it is also a part of the character of this machine, although... dont be afraid, its not toooo bad. The filter is nice and recognizable, sometimes a bit too sharp. I often imagine filters as knifes (they also cut off), and the 309´s blade is definitely toothed! ;)

Especially with high resonance it can get brutal. But then it´s not suitable for every sound; I would agree to other opinions that considered additional gear useful. The filter distortion is a parameter which makes not a heavy impact on the sound in my ears. Although on/off would have been enough, it has 128 steps. Why not.

Ah, lofi, that is... if it shuts up, the raveolution creates noise like a night at the beach... especially if the audio ins are activated and one runs a slow filter lfo on it. sad but not that important if one makes loads of loud sounds anyway, which this unit is built for ;). For more ambient-type tracks it could get annoying. Same goes to the built-in FX. They are good for the evil, loud, distorted stuff and to experiment with. But, as an example, the flanger does not really deserve its name. The 2-band EQ is best used for distortion as well. None of the effects really sound hi-fi, but for my sake... I like it! The 309 is a dirty instrument with some limits, but that give it personality, which I love on it! I do not think it comes even a light year close to a real TB303 (nothing comes close anyway), but it is just a bigger, different sounding thing with the same direction and spirit.

If you already have a sampler, you maybe should consider more than twice buying the synth exp....

I bought it and came to the conclusion that some right sampling cds for the same price would offer more stuff.

Although the additional waves aren´t bad. I just could not understand how Quasimidi got the idea of using them for breakbeats/jungle stuff. I mean, jungle IS sampling! cutting and pasting loops. But thats another discussion... Of course a junglist can use the 309 (and the expansions) to add the special delicate tip onto his/her music (I use it that way), but actually the 309 alone is a acid/house machine to the bone in my eyes.

filtering external audio is sometimes kinda exhausting. You can tweak all the params via the leadsynth section knobs just like with the drum tracks. But just like them you also have to waste one hand to press a qualifier button (F1 to 3 below the lcd). Would be GREAT if one could "lock" a once pressed select/F1/F2/F3 (or special loop tracks btw) button by a foot pedal. I need both my hands when performing!

Someone asked for independent pattern switching for each track. As the most basic entity of a song in the 309 is a socalled "motif" (a line of steps with notes), it´s a YES here. A pattern consists of a motif for each track. It´s possible to choose and change the motifs "online", during playback. Motifs can be between 1 and 8 bars of length and repeat when played together with longer ones. I only miss the option to "shift", or delay, single motifs by a value of notes. This would offer a way cool method of varation inside patterns.

btw, I discovered some VERY strange bugs when step sequencing. Only they bother me none; I always control the 309 over MIDI anyway. MIDI capable trackers like Fasttracker on PC or (better for MIDI:) Octamed on Amiga are a lot easier and more intuitive to use.

iZard: the knobs... On my CS1x I also had some trouble; I already thought they were broken. But magically they got healed after 1-2 weeks ;). On the 309: my unit´s knobs glide like butter as on the 1st day. It´s a pretty solid built piece of gear, a definitive plus on live acts etc.

Phallus: actually my personal opinion is that the term "lead" is a bit misleading on a synth that is mainly played by programming lines in the sequencer. For me "lead" means jamming kind of melodic hooky lines on a synth which requires a REAL keyboard, not some tiny buttons situated to mimic one. For D&B I would always prefer a full size keyboard.

Sire recommends: mono211/da jormas/elke!




My opion may not count as much as those working professionally in the industry but as a keen amateur musician, I have one word 'Awesome'! After purchasing my fully expanded 309 (3 expansions + v2.0 software) 1 month ago (£569.99 all in from turnkey) I have no regrets. It's simple to use and can produce some gorgeous sounds, ideal for techno/trance/ambient etc. The manual IS a little lacking and true, its better off with some additional support but I would recommend this piece of kit to anyone intending to write thumping dance tracks.



Just got the 309 three days ago, and I'm very impressed. I studied it for a few weeks and read all the reviews that I could before buying. I was looking

at the EMU audity but it costs considerably more. I have an ASR10 so I mainly wanted all the drum sounds the 309 offers, plus its a lot more fun than a rack

unit could ever be.

On the other hand, I wanted this to be fully usable in

Cakewalk. If anybody has used the 309 in Cakewalk or any other software sequencer I would especially appreciate return comments to the following questions.

The 309 uses a different midi channel for each of its parts, kick ch 1-snr chnl 2 so on. Because of this are you limited to only step sequencing?

You could build a set with the percussion set but you lose the full potential of control over the sounds.

If you were only step sequincing would it be necessary to even use a controller board?

If anyone uses an ASR10, can you dedicate an instrument/track to conrol the 309, and just change that instruments midi cahnnel as you go on sequencing?

I ask these questions being new to Cakewalk and probably have'nt experimented enough yet to answer my own questions, but I really wanted to post this soon.

All in all, the 309 is going to be a great additon to my gear, it's already inspired me to do many new things. Your comments are appreciated.

Oh! interesting fact: Sean Lennon uses a Raveolution on his new (1st) record, if anybody wants to hear it used in a very differnt context. Bye!



OK, I own a Mc303 and I was wondering how this compares I am a firm believer that if you use the 303 correctly it can be used to the full potential it has. But at this point I have heard high praise about the 309 from ppl who own them. Dont get me wrong I love my mc303 when I program rythms into it but it seems to lack the kick of my old 909. I have a great polysynth (k5000s, Jp8000, K2500rs, Prophecy) so I know I have that covered but Im thinking of getting rid of the mc303 for a Rave-o-lution. Any comments? Drop me and Email :-)



I got one second hand with a midi keyboard for £400 (bargain) and have had endless hours of fun creating all kinds of basses but am not impressed by the fact that you can edit and save all kinds of snares but can only use one of them in a bar because id like to be able to use more than one for artistic effect, I have recently acquired cubase for my atari and am hoping that this will remedy that problem, any help would be appreciated.



i can testify to jovian's statement about 'falling in love' with the 309. he was the one who introduced me to it. jovian doesn't know this yet but i ended up buying one!!! heheh heheh :)

ok. since everyone is putting in their 2 cents. here's my devalued canadian coinage...

1) i don't know ANY synth that is suitable to be used all by itself without sounding like ONE synth!

why does everyone keep discussing this issue??? a synth is a synth. using only one synth will always be obvious to the multitudes of folk who own it. not that there's anything WRONG with this. it's just not MEANT to be a whole setup. (although it does work great on it's own!)

2) i give this synthesizer two thumbs up for what i call the 'FUN FACTOR'.

i have never felt so instantly at ease with any other synth. (except maybe the juno 106) the knobs provide 'instant gratification' (to quote the manual) and i believe the 309 to be the most entertaining toy i own.

3) the manual is well intentioned but full of holes :(

thank goodness for sites like this one! :)

4) potentiometers are the most expensive part to consider when manufacturing a synthesizer.

thank goodness they didn't skimp out on the pots!!! (mine could stand to be a bit better secured to the case, however!)

5) any synth that fits in my backpack and keeps me groovin' for hours is fine by me!

6) i can definetely hear (but mostly feel) a difference between this unit and my 'true' analogue synths.

i can also DEFINETELY appreciate not having to tune it, and the distinguished lack of hum/noise!

ok so that was more than two cents...

i'll scatter around more loose change after i've gotten familiar with the I/O business of filtering various signals. seems quite promising.


p.s. anyone with information regarding websites that discuss DSP programming in music uses is invited to point me in the right direction

Matthew Peterson


I've started an unofficial Quasimidi 309 web page. Please check it out and contribute info if possible. (Also thanks to Dancetech for being the only 309 "community" out there for a long time....)


Matthew Peterson



i use it with proper f**kin instuments mate!

& loads of LSD and ive bin to mars on ,but weve not reached jupiter yet

ps.turn key are SHITE!!!!!!!!!



Weblink: link

excellent initial impression - however bass/lead section is no good..too harsh..too resonant - excellent drum box - at the very least get the perc expansion - weak effects - good midi

Matthew Peterson


Weblink: link

Rave-o-lution: The UnOfficial Quasimidi 309 Homepage



i am sorry to say but i was not impressed with my 309. i was looking for "real" sounding drums and an "alive" synth but the drums and synth with the 309, to me, sound bland and almost robotic, i use the feature to make the drums sound "not on the beat" but it still sounds like crap. i am looking for a akai s2000 sampler and a new synth to make my tunes cause if i use the 309 theyll suck. to anyone thinking of buying a 309, first use it and listen to it, cause u might regret buying it later.



i am sorry to say but i was not impressed with my 309. i was looking for "real" sounding drums and an "alive" synth but the drums and synth with the 309, to me, sound bland and almost robotic, i use the feature to make the drums sound "not on the beat" but it still sounds like crap. i am looking for an akai s2000 sampler and a new synth to make my tunes cause if i use the 309 theyll suck. to anyone thinking of buying a 309, first use it and listen to it, cause u might regret buying it later.



but you could really overdrive it and use some pedals maybe, also i feel it'd be way better from a s/w sequencer if your using internal to get maybe better grooves together.. like if you mixed and matched the 309 & the sampler and a few toys it could be ok

harald kern


Weblink: link

i don't like all this possitions the 309 got no pressure the synth sux the drums are not very professional ... i don't like this machine...



The 309 is simply the best drum/bass
unit on the market. Equipped with the
expansion units, this thing rules! I
bought mine months ago and still love
it! You can't go wrong with the 309 -
don't bother with that cheap ship from
Roland or Korg, get the

Matthew Peterson


Weblink: link

If you own a 309, please take the:

309 Survey


David Mear


Just go to the shop and give this thing a try. I bought it. Iwas on my way out of the shop having just bought an Emu sampler and then...baaam someone was twiddling this thing. I managed to leave the shop without buying it , but never got it out of my mind....ended up returning and buying one. it is phat man! The sequencers a bit iffy though.



Weblink: link

Just want to say that this site will unfortunately be shutting down very soon. I'm Very Sorry Guys but it's out of my control- I don't really want to get into it but As I said there is nothing I can do bout it i'm afraid....



You are deaf MF ! Haven't been paying attention that analog gear has come back to rule ? Ahh.. you fucking baby why don't go back to journalism school. By the way with the right tweaking along side the input effects and midi set-up, I would rather listen to quasimidi then some fucking beatbox (what a fuckin mc303?)_
You will die a slow painful death in which your last words will be " why am I in so much pain, please kill me." If you repent your sins and pray for mercy and that you actually become original and not just program presets (fuckin tosser)then mabey you'll understand what rave is about.FU



Weblink: link

i baught the 309 rave-o-lution ingermany two years ago for about 850 marks. Full option. and when i play live with it for the first time i said.. wouaww it kicks real hard!
you can synthetize your sounds or edit the sequencer tracks or even save yor changes without having to stop the midi clock! and it's very useful when you're playin live tekno music... considering the sounds they 're very good.
You have separated zone on the panel
to edit the sound of Kick, Snare, HH, Percussion set, and bassline,alot of knobs available to for the filters and waveforms for each zone (attack, decay, tune, level and "instrument" and "sound" allow you to select between the sound you created and saved (99sounds for each part + alot of different instruments for each) The Percussion set is very interesting because you can create sets in which sound will correspond to a note on the sequencer... so you can have alot of sounds here . The bassline / lead synthesizer is wicked due to alot of parameter (of cause it's not a novation but i have both and i can tell you it's interesting to play with both alltogether at one time and make them fade-in fade-out)

Another great thing is the sequencer : you can edit the drumgrid without stopping the midi clock, or edit any of the parameter like quantize of groove...
You also have pads on the panel on which you can assign "special loops tracks" (for exemple assigne the pattern number 2 to pad 2) which is useful for breakbeats!

about the FX card (optional) : the FX outputs are on out 3&4 only (if you use effect on a sound assigned on out 1 the fx will be on out 3) Type of FX are delays, chorus, reverb, and a equalizer to

the only default is that there's only 4 outputs...i think for a machine like that with 5 differents area, 5 parts it would have beeen good to have 5 outputs!

Last added comment



Does anyone know where i can download a copy of a manual for the Qusaimidi 309 other that the one which is on as this appears as an unreadable word document??


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