it's not there Korg Prophecy

Korg Prophecy

The famous Korg Prophecy. Korg's 1995 initial foray into the newly emerging Virtual Analog or Analog Modelling market using DSP technology derived from their OASYS synthesis project developed over the previous years

Another classic & famous early Analog modelling synth, this time from Korg. Released in 1995 the Prophecy was the first in a line of Korg synths which used their Multi-Oscillator Synthesis System (MOSS) tone generator which was spawned out of Korg's 1990's extensive OASYS (Open-Architecture SYnthesis System) project.


The Prophecy is a monophonic & mono-timbrel synth, originally conceived & marketed primarily to do lead lines & patterns, but which does more than just analog modelling synthesis, with it's DSP engine yielding 13 different types of oscillator allowing the Prophecy to deliver a wide palette of synthesis favours including physical modelling & a Korg created form of FM cross-modulation they titled VPN (Variable Phase Modulation). The Prophecy had quite a long list of named users back in the day from Orbital, Jean-Michel Jarre & Prodigy to Union Jack, The Orb & even Rick Wakeman & other big names.


The MOSS technology created by the Oasys project development also eventually found its way into the Korg Z1 (which was pretty much a 12 note polyphonic & improved engine version of the Prophecy), & also the Korg Trinity & its follow-up blockbuster selling Triton series in the guise of an optional MOSS expansion board.


The Prophecy includes an arpeggiator & in addition to its traditional Pitch & Mod wheels also includes a unique & rather strange combination horizontally arranged barrel controller, with a built-in combination ribbon controller along its length, sort of like a controller chocolate eclair which you can roll back/forward on one axis & simultaneously slide across from left to right on the opposite access in either direction.


Strangely despite it's genuinely historical important in the history of synthesisers, you can pick up a secondhand Prophecy for absolutely peanuts on ebay at around £350 - £500 pounds.



Old Dancetech review from 1998

The Prophecy -  Korg's one and only concession to the electronica/dance, real-time control monosynth market place, has in recent months plummetted in price from a previous £900 or so price, to a bargain £450 street price. I personally always felt this unit was ridiculously overpriced, even amongst the generally overpriced synth marketplace, but now it's come down to what seems to be the standard price-bracket for new mono synths. All the competitor products seem to revolve around this typical £450 mark, including the SuperBasstation, Waldorf Pulse, Syntechno Tee-Bee (which itself had a big price drop) & others. So, as one of the priorities of Dancetech is to keep things a bit ghetto & NOT recommend hugely overpriced items, we're now gonna add this product to the listings.


However, note well, the reason for the price drop is that this product is actually discontinued now after a 2 year run! Turnkey in London ( having bought the last batch, and they will be at that low £435 price for as long as stocks last, which may be another couple of months from today's date (10/2/98). This also means that the data cards to save edits above the available 128 save positions are also discontinued, in fact, they went out of production before the actual keyboard did, due to some component problems or something....... so you'll have to search around the shops, or get secondhand.


Anyway, if you want a new one, you'd better hurry up, as it'll be secondhand only after that, and secondhand units may actually be more than the low Turnkey new price, as the original purchaser probably shelled out between £900 - £1200 for it. (Turnkey do international tax free mail order, but the units will be 220 volt uk mains)


The Prophecy is a monosynth.... shame, cos it does nice swept analog sounds, but no chords with this baby.... The Prophecy gets it's raw sounds by utilising five different synthesis types for it's 7 raw Oscillators..... all the oscillator waves are generated by a custom DSP modelling chip, so no PCM waves here.


Once the source is selected, the Prophesy then further processes the sound with different 'Blocks', such as filter & amp, waveshaping, fx etc.


Anyhow, you get 2 oscillators plus sub-oscillator and a noise generator.... following that, there are filter and amp, waveshaper, FX and mixer blocks,.... the sound is routed as desired, and the various blocks applied, including controller routing, modulation etc....You can cross-mod the oscillators, or apply ring-modulation, and overall, virtually all the parameters can be assigned to a mass of controllers as well as envelopes, LFO's etc.


The mixer 'Block' allows level adjustment for the different oscillators, noise and feedback routing to filter etc..... so that's where you set up your source balance. The filter section features two multi-mode filters, each switchable between Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, and Band-Reject modes. These can be placed either in series or in parallel. The level of each filter's output can be controlled independently, and of course, the filters can be routed to different controllers.


The effects 'Block, has seven separate effects... Distortion, Wah, Dual Parametric EQ, and a choice of Chorus/Flanger and Delay or Reverb.....Fx can also be routed to controller sources: keyboard pressure, mod wheel, or ribbon controller. The Prophesy has stereo or mono out/s, so we'll assume some of these are stereo fx.


So, obviously, there's mucho scope for creating unique, or imitation sounds, and there's then all the control options, plus an arpeggiator with 5 user patterns which can be clocked to midi.... further patterns need a data card for storage, as do created sounds, as you only get a measly 128 storage points.


Outside of the ribbon controller, and wheels, you can add a foot-pedal, and there's a further 6 knobs on the top panel, which can have be assigned to different parameters in 'Performance' mode for further twiddling.


I have only messed around a bit with this keyboard in shops, and it does have a lot of control, and a big fat sound. Obviously it's a great soloists keyboard, but quite how it'll measure up in a typical MIDI set-up, I can't say... that's you're job if you're a user.... add some comments and let us know.


I phoned Korg, and they said that you can specify what controller number is being outputted from the 6 dedicated control knobs and the wheels, ribbon controller etc, so there's also scope for using it to manipulate your other synths.


So.... a contender, now the price is right. I couldn't justify adding it to the site at a £1000 for a monsynth as it was before the price-drop, but now it's something to really look at... especially if you are starting out, and need a squiddly type control synth but also need a master keyboard, then this unit could really score.


You get a 37 note keyboard which outputs velocity and aftertouch, a good handy little master keyboard unit therefore and a big fat sound for your analog impressions... plus more in the form of a dedicated controller unit too.


Anyhow.... Comments please below.


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Added: 19 December 1998
New price: discontinued
S/H price: £350 - £500
Company:  Korg UK


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A great little synth with a good master keyboard......

Steve Hunt


I'd be pleased to send a *.wav of either me farting around on the Prophecy (with a 'c'!!) or of the internal demo which is quite good. What's the best way? e-mail to you at which address?



I bought one brand new for £419 from Sounds Live

and i'm very please with it. Kilo,Korg UK stock the

datacards for £89.00. They also sell the additional

analogue and vintage sounds on diskette for £14.95.

The analogue sounds on the 1st bank are really excellent and I would recommend buying it just for those.

I basically bought this unit to add 303 and bass sounds to my midi setup and in this regard it has been excellent. The midi implementation is all there,

all controllers send and receive midi data and you can

define what midi controller number you want any of the knobs,ribbon or wheels to respond to.

The interface is initialy confusing but the manuals that

come with them soon get you in and editing those

presets. A lot of the presets can be disappointing as

you get quite a few trumpet and reed sounds which are no use for dance based music but don't let this put you off. The 303 emulations are cracking and the

dance sounds are cool but this is an instrument for

creating your own sounds with,don't rely on the presets!!

You can call Korg Uk on 01908 857100 and ask for

sales,they are really very helpful.

At the price I would recommend one,especially as it is cheaper than a CS1X and MC303!!

Andy J


I agree with Martin, its a really good buy especially for programmed acid-type patterns and the basses (e.g. Morales bass) can be swept to your hearts delight using the knobs assigned to filter cuttoff / resonance. There are many sysex patches on the net, I was able to get the analog bank for free and there is an editor for the PC called Progenie, and although not freeware, looks OK. Oh, and it looks cool.



Well Steve, the demo would be great !!.. plus your stuff would also be great !!..... mail me from the top tool bar.... (EMail Kilo - in orange).. best to send it in a .ZIP file.... as an RA if possible...(You can get the free encoder from the Real Audio page here (sidebar)

As for the data cards, Korg told me yesterday (10/2/98) that there's no more avalable unless any shops still have old stock....

giant snail


supposedly liam howlett used it as lead synth in alot of fat of the land stuff (including those awesome synth parts in minefields and smack my bitch know..the ones where everyone goes YUMMMMY)

Dan Ieh


I was trade my Yamaha CS20M(new), Korg Polysix and Roland Juno 106 for a Prophy 4 months ago, and I'm have no complains at all. This Synth is awesome, with real DANGEROUS filters and other sound-mangling modules. The degree of real-time and MIDI control is amazing, the sound is PHAAAAAAT and with the diversity of oscillator types, sound transform functions and control modules (EGs, LFOs, etc.) you can get a wide variety of sounds.

I see it as a kind of modular synth, due to the flexible patching routings.

I really love this machine.

e-mail me if you wanna interchange info and patches

Darren Palmer


It has a very fat, quality sound and it does much to make a simple setup sound more professional but if you dont have alot of equipment you need a good digital audio package due to the fact that it can only play one note at a time, we cant all afford enough equipment to have one for each track!



The lack of data cards isn't too big a deal as you can

dump each program as a sys-ex to your sequencer.

It has a very good factory preset recovery mode,you

can recover a single program or a whole bank if you want,as well as global settings and arpeggios.

A damned nice synth,it's so dinky you can take it to

bed and program away while your girlfriend gives you head. Now thats heaven.

Definxu Obtutu


Ok this my baby....What a powerful keyboard...if you

can work it right you will want it to have your kids.

To produce your known sounds are so simmple it is

childish...I love it to death and use it in every tract.

Remember your imagination is your limit...Cheers..


Steve Hunt


Hey Kid303, will your girlfriend give me some too????



Hey,Steve,I have to beg and plead for it so why should you get it so easy!

Carlos Inda


As overpriced as it may have been when I bought it this synth has brought me nothing but smiles.

All of the sounds are very textured and those bass sounds

will definetily shake the house. The programming for this

synth is by no means entry level. The manual itself will

take a month to read and get the basic concepts down pat.

Those of you that have a basic understanding of the prophecy's

architecture shouldn't have that much trouble programming

it but for the newbies-prepare to spend a good amount of trial

and error. There is a pc editor called "progenie" and it

does make life easier. As for the sounds, they are all top

notch and if you're into dance programming I wouldn't

hesitate to buy this synth. Just make sure it has Rom#20.



Moving around the menu's editing sounds is cumbersome. Bass... it's good but it ain't no Mini-Moog...

Chirpy seq type sounds I consider it's strong point and a built-in DD is great for the old chugga-chugga sounds.



regarding the 'Bagpipes' sound..... it's getting alot of stylee in Dancehall right now... wonder if it originated from the Prophecy??

john jansen


The arpeggiator is killer with an external MIDI clock. Set it to subdivide the beat "on-the-fly". I bought it for the sound, but I keep it for the ribbon controller. It makes a great controller for polyphonic voice modules.



Wow, this thing is pretty sick. It sounds incredible! Totally acidic

if you so wish. Much grittier than the JP8000!

I have a JP, and a Waldorf pulse as well, but the Proph is

easily my favourite synth. I like playing with it more than

I like playing with myself. Maybe that's because it's

more beautiful than I am!




this is it... this little mother has the baddest moves anywhere... sync-ing it with my other synths and sequencers and added cut-offs puts you in deep... do you understand??? if you can get your grubby little paws on one, do it!!!

Da Smurf


I LOVE MY PROPHECY!!!! You can make just about any sound imaginable on this thing...the only thing better would probably be a Z1.

Park Jee Woon


Wow! Little but Big.

Great Sounds!!

Purple Haze


I've had one for about 9 months now, bought it 2nd hand. Didn't really use it untill I installed those 'analog and vintage modelled banks' (or whatever the exact name of them are). Since then I think I've used it in allmost every piece of music I made. Editing sounds from the keyboard itself isn't that complicated, it just takes a lot of time switching between menus. The 'progenie' editor is a real addition, although a bit pricey (and only available for pc).
Althought very controllable, I don't find the 'real' sounds (like brass and reed emulations) to be very convincing, but it can be very nice for non-realistic sounds, especially if you let them evolve throughout the track (tip: record the knob/wheel/ribbon data into your sequencer on a separate track, cut it up and try layering it or try using it on different patches).

It's smaller size makes it real nice to put between your computer keyboard and monitor, so you can have a controller keyboard right in front of you when you're looking at your sequencer screen.

BUT although it's difficult to compare 2 synths, I find that the yamaha an1x somehow sounds 'warmer' or 'fatter', but ofcourse it's sounds are nowhere near the complexity of those possible on the prophecy.

Just my thoughts about it.



Reply to giant snail:Liam Howlett recently said in a magazine that he hated the prophecy, mostly because you cant use chords.

wojtek jakobczyk


Prophecy really is great synth, but one thing must be clear - it's lack of polyphony is really limiting with such a great synth engine. And one more thing to add: i'm really surprised by people saying it's capable of good 303 emulation and acidish sounds. in fact it isn't, and can't be, because of filters. the filters are great with powerful routing capabilities, but... they are only 12db/oct. with such a filter you simply can't do really squelchy bass lines. i don't undertand why korg didn't provide more filter options (24 db, or best - 24 and 18). it's a shame and thus again - very limiting in sound creation process.

harald kern


Weblink: link

the prophecy is an soundkiller fat bass lead and fx sounds .... one negativ point is the programing with the assignable knobs ...

Nick Breinich


It's hard to say enough about this synth. As for it's "lack of polyphony", the MiniMoog and 303 are much lauded by everyone and few have complained of their lack of polyphony. It was the first korg DSP synth and it took a relatively insane amount of processing power back then. It is simply a characteristic of the machine. Besides, they more than compensated with the z1.

The sound is incredible. If you want "real analog" sound, it's not really anywhere near that territory save it's architecture. The distortion-laded 303 presets are horrible, but who's not a 303. It can approximate that sound to a degree without the use of distortion.

It is an incredibly expressive and inspiring monosynth that is easy to navigate with a bit of practice and reading.

Nick Breinich


also....the prophecy is quite capable of pulling off a 4/4 live pa. It's really quite adept at deep kicks and the other oscillators can be mixed in and out. Patterns can be seamlessly switched however, it is an INCREDIBLE pain to program the arpeggiator. The worst part of the synth in my opinion.

Neil Barsley


Weblink: link

I've had my prophecy for a year now and it never gets old.



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For up-2-date information about the Prophecy visit my place:
See you overthere!! ;-)



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I don't know what the fuss is about,I had one a while ago..>It was monophonic, it had only 5 knobs and 3 wheels plus i had to go through menu's to program it..that sucked!So i traded it for a JP8000, which was very wise...Don't get me wrong ,the Prophecy sounds very good , but there were too many drawbacks for me> i want to tweak and not push buttons to go through menu's to alter the filter type for instance...also i want to play chords with string-souds,not only melody's! This is a personal opinion!...

Damir Ludvig


Weblink: link

Prophecy is the worst junk i have ever bought. Stinky shit of a keyboard , if U wanna synth buy Roland , not stinking KORG!!!!
Ble... this SynthEsyZer suckS!

Greetings to Gus Till & Tsuyoshi Suzuki

Goran Stetic


Weblink: link

Greetings from Taiwan

Truly remarcable synth , I admire Korg and PropHecy as well as Korg Sound Enginers , I tell U what .....
This synth kicks ass!!!!!!!
Awesome bassdrums! , Charmy pads and I especialy like 16 voice polyphony on the PropHecy!
U know , its like U eat chocolate and candy bars , because of its fully assignable D Beam!!!
It kicks ass , u know!
And with this synth u can do anything , believe me , from Jazz to HC and more , Rock , pop , Funk , Funk Jazz , Acid Jazz and Classical Music as well as House and Garage House.
And at the end .... for all suckers that havent got one .......
Get it NOW!!!!



You can put it in your pocket!
Ultimate pocket size synth !



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What he hell is that guy Goran talking about??!!!? 16 voice polyphony!!?? uhhhhhhh... NO!??! This thing is a monosynth FOOL!! sheesh! I wonder what synth he WAS talking about though!!?!?



If you want a synth that you know will never let you down, crash or f-up your computer, this is the one for you. Fantastic for Techno,Trance,Garage. This machine is so PHAT it blew out my system, 120w RMS amp and 2 150w RMS 12inch floor standers, what a beast. Although it is monophonic, it makes up for this in its incredible sound modelling capabilities, it is advisable to buy 'progenie' a program for use with the prophecy to create new sounds. Don't let any of the other comments put you off this machine, if you see one for £400 quickly grab it. You'll never regret it......

David Spero Peligro


Well, again I have thrown myself into another Korg product...
I'll be short - this synth has a unique feel, the menus and controls are are a bit too much.. I do dig the sounds onboard, there's some funny (but trippy) trumpet sounds... I've fooled a few horn players with these sounds... The pitch bend and ribbon wheel are really great! Also, there's some JUICY buttocks bass here...Wheew, slammin' n' smelly!
I recommend this keyboard - BUT...
The plastic chassis sucks! Thjat seems to be a HUGE problem with Korg these days.. The units sound good, but bump 'em, drop 'em and that great sound is HISTORY.




I am searching for a Basic manual for
this little beastie... So if you know,
let it flow to





I've spent about 15 hours with my prophecy now, and there's one thing I must say: You really have to know this thing before you can really program it.
The way these menu's work... They all got allmost the same structure.
What does it sound like? Good!
I prefer to disable the reverb, cause it sounds too, what do I call it...? Its too massive when you use to much FX.
But I got it really cheap (250 euros) should be about 215$? (rough guess,I dont know.)
Anyways, you people on this forum helped me a lot with making the decision!
Offcourse the final decision was made trying it out...



david spero peligro


Weblink: link

it works, it's got pretty lights on it.



Hey all I've got a prophecy for sale.
If you're interested please mail me!




I love my Korg Prophecy but my PHC-12 Modern Models ROM Card have read problems. I dont found this card to sale. Can you hepl me about this? Please send a e-mail if you have a clue.

Last added comment



just bought one,hope its good, heard some demos on youtube. I have other gear for other things I need, this has been bought solely for live use, compact controller and soloing. One question I do have is, how many free user banks/programs are there on it, as I intend to load in modern models and vintage analog soundsets and possibly some other soundsets aswell.
When this first came out I laughed and thought what a rip off £999 - £1200 for a small monophonic keyboard, it obviously had a big sound though and in 2010 I have eventually paid under £200 for one in decent condition...

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