it's not there DAVE SMITH INSTRUMENTS Poly Evolver


Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver, 4-voice polyphonic version of the Evolver Synthesizermodule, 4 Oscillators (2x Analog, 2x Digital), 96 Wavetables of the legendary Prophet VS + 32 for user-wavetables (MIDI loadable), Hard-Sync for analog Oscillators, FM and Ring Mod for digital Oscilators, analog Filters (4-pole/ 2-pole switchable) fully resonant, 3 ADSR-envelopes, Delay (MIDI-sync) with Pan, extensive modulation capabilities, 16x4 Analog-style Sequencer with MIDI-sync, 3x 128 memories for Sounds, Audio-Inputs, Noise-Generator, Each voice on the Poly Evolver has its own sequencer, along with its own effects so that each voice can be processed separately. The stereo audio input can be used by each of the voices (or just some of the voices), 19", 1U
Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver, 4-voice polyphonic version of the Evolver Synthesizermodule, 4 Oscillators (2x Analog, 2x Digital), 96 Wavetables of the legendary Prophet VS + 32 for user-wavetables (MIDI loadable), Hard-Sync for analog Oscillators, FM and Ring Mod for digital Oscilators, analog Filters (4-pole/ 2-pole switchable) fully resonant, 3 ADSR-envelopes, Delay (MIDI-sync) with Pan, extensive modulation capabilities, 16x4 Analog-style Sequencer with MIDI-sync, 3x 128 memories for Sounds, Audio-Inputs, Noise-Generator, Each voice on the Poly Evolver has its own sequencer, along with its own effects so that each voice can be processed separately. The stereo audio input can be used by each of the voices (or just some of the voices), 19", 1U

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Added: 8 August 2005
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Company:  Dave Smith Instruments


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