it's not there pluggotic Stealth

pluggotic Stealth

Super creative SF ambient rompler synth. You can do all sorts of sounds with this fantasticaly versatile freebie!
Now he's an interesting one. Stealth loads Soundfont format files/soundsand judging by the demo's on their page it does quite nice sweepy, EPS-ish, 80's rompler type sounds...droney, glassy-guitary etc... The sort of sounds that back in the day would have ROM titles 'Ice Crystals', or 'Cosmic Passenger' etc... lol... Stealth does these type of sounds perfectly well, but I did something a bit more old-skool with it myself when I first unwrapped it... here's some messing about with a controller or 2 and their basic free extra-bank, 'Particles'...

Other sounds are available although I wasn't sure if there are more freebies than the 3 d/load's visible on the Pluggotic site to get you going.... anyways, i like it alot.. creative item. You might not get what you expected and the reuslts can be cool.

dancetech_STEALTH_messin.mp3 - Here's some stuff i recorded when i was initialy messing around with the synth... I didnt get time to work out any fixed patterns with defined controller moves in them, but from the demo you can hear that if you paid closer attention to the timing of controller moves and with a little more working out, some extremmely useful rhythmic stuff can also be coaxed from Stealth, especialy rave-y oldskool and techno... it's proper Grandmaster Flash time!... and those sounds never die really or rather that style of audio sample playback triggering... Also in the audio you can hear it does super LOW growling sounds and ultra-thin fizzy tech sounds, ideal for all sorts of genre's from drum&bass to trance... very cool unit, I could mess with this for hours!

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Added: 24 April 2006
New price: free
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