it's not there Technosaurus Microcon

Technosaurus Microcon

The smallest analog synth available! A handful of fat sound and lots of knobs.

The smallest analog synth available! A handful of fat sound and lots of knobs.

Main Features:

VCO with square or sawtooth wave, LFO with square or triangle wave, SUB-Oscillator, AD or ADR-Envelope Generator with manual trig button, 12 or 24 dB/Octave VCF with Resonance, VCA with AD or GATE control, adjustable GLIDE. CV/GATE inputs (Roland style). 12 V DC power required. Dimensions: 20 x 10 x 5 cm (l x d x h)

New Features:

Filter CV and audio inputs. Internal sound source can be switched off.

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4: Excellent!

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Total Stars: 8
Total Votes: 2


Added: 23 August 2006
New price: 261 euros - 224 USD
S/H price: -
Company:  Technosaurus


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