it's not there Studio Electronics SE-1X nova, red eye edition

Studio Electronics SE-1X nova, red eye edition

Studio Electronics SE-1X nova, red eye edition, Black faceplate with blood-red elements and new features.
Studio Electronics SE-1X nova, red eye edition, Black faceplate with blood-red elements and new features: The second VCO now has a sine wave instead of a triangle; FUZZ-distortion, quicker envelopes, filter with expanded frequency ranges. New "Custom Scroggins Techno Sound Bank" and two new sound banks. Monophonic analog synthesizer, 3 VCO´s, each waveform can be played simultaneously, waveforms: VCO 1 +3: triangle ,saw, square. VCO 2: SINE, saw, square. Sync of VCO 2&3 to VCO 1; two fiters (24dB moog-ish lowpass, 12dB Oberheim-style low- and bandpass); 3 MIDI-syncable LFOs each with 6 waveforms; four superfast invertable ADSR envelopes capable of multitrigger; noise; glide; ring modulator; 24 knobs and 21 illuminated buttons. 693 presets in 7 ROM banks, 396 user presets in 4 RAM banks. 3 HE

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Added: 6 December 2007
New price: 1,666.00 Euros
S/H price: ?
Company:  Studio Electronics


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