it's not there OAKLEY TB3030


The OAKLEY TB3030 from Tony Allgood is the most authentic 303 clone we've heard yet!! - and it does more. It's avalable in kit-form ONLY - so one for the experienced electronic buffs!.. check it out!
This has to be the ultimate Tb303 clone, but it's a kit project for the experienced DIY-er... The image above is of the TB3030 designers own personal 'Dual TB3030' in a single dual-rack.. He's also built the power supply and the midi/CV converter all into the rack for a super-pro unit.. what you put the kit into is up to you as the internal pcb system runs off a wallwart style 12V supply for one unit, but if you're up to building this baby then you don't need to be told about that as you'll know all about it when you read the tech sheets available from Tony's site in .PDF format...

The designer Tony Allgood runs his company Oakley Sound Systems up in Cumbria, (Lake District), in the UK and he's also the Cumbrian official Roland repair service center person.. Apparently he uses as close as possible a copy of the original TB schematic's but with added extra's which when you build it you can option to NOT add... - It's NOT midi, but add a MIDI to CV converter unit, and you've got a midi control Tb303, the closest you'll get, and from the demo examples I've heard, it IS the realthing!!...

TB3030 features include, a balanced output, an overdrive/distortion circuit, filter FM, a sub octave generator, VCA decay control and a accented decay control. Some of the pots now cover a wider range. The bass response of the unit has been improved.

The unit also incorporates a circuit that allows a velocity CV to control slide and accent. This means that computer sequencer users can simply control accent and slide by velocity values. You can build this kit into either a rack, or add two to a dual rack, or even have it as a modular synth, all the links and info is there on his pages for contacts for the panels & frames, racks etc etc...

I'm not an electronic's buff, so it's out of my depth but we publicise it so people jknow and those who CAN build one can get the kit - alternatively you could buy the kit and PAY a reputable builder to build it for you.

Techrepairs also do provide a Midi to CV converter kit as well. "For a suitable MIDI to CV convertor, have a look at our midiDAC design. This uses a 10MHz PIC and a 12-bit DAC for a top notch conversion. Especially designed with the TB3030 in mind"

The midiDAC parts (not panel etc is:

  • midiDAC (Issue 2) pcb...... 16UKP Available May
  • Preprogrammed PIC16F84-10...... 10UKP Available May
  • 3 Pots and brackets for the midiDAC...... 5UKP

    Here's the link for that:

    The author also says: "I have also a database for Schaeffer-Apparatebau panel design software for two TB3030 in one 2U rack available for free - You will need to have a current version of Schaeffer Frontplatten Designer to see it." - I don't know for sure, but I assume this is a s/w for design & direct reading by computerised panel cutting engineering machines ?? -

    More from Tony's site... "A printed circuit board has been specially made for the TB3030 project. The board has just undergone a slight revision to issue 2. The new layout is only a little different. It incorporates the two small mods that were suggested in the issue 1 User Guide. The VCO expo-convertor has been redesigned to give it better keyboard tracking with very high notes. All the solder pads have been made bigger to ease soldering (and desoldering!!) The VCO trim pots have now been made multiturn cermets for ease of setting up and stability. The component legending has been made clearer.

    The pcb is 6" x 8" and is double sided glass fibre, has through plated holes, full component legending and has solder resist both sides. In other words a very nice printed circuit board." - - To see more of course go to his pages...

    Anyways, as you can see, it's NOT for the amateur but rather the experienced hobbyist... Tony Allgood has sourced the parts for getting the most authentic copy of the 303 and designed everything including analysis & modification of more commonly available replacement parts to make them copy the 303 characteristic's etc... You can read everything you need to know at his site, and there is the full plans etc available for download there for you to peruse...

    The parts & PCB are supplied with the plans etc by him:

  • TB3030 pcb (Issue 2) ......... 24UKP
  • TB3030 pot kit........ 18UKP
  • Rare Semiconductor kit ........ 12UKP

    The pot kit contains all the front panel pots to make one complete TB3030. It also includes the pot brackets to hold the board to the front panel. It does not include knobs and switches.

    The semiconductor kit contains: Two 2SC1583, BA6110, 1K 3000ppm/K temp co resistor, two 2SK30ATM, two BC182L & one BC212L. This semiconductor kit is available to TB3030 PCB purchasers only.

    All other parts can be purchased from you usual electronic component supplier.

    Well there it is... you can also Link to Trevor's site, he is another tech guy who has built another dual-unit rack version of the TB3030, you'll find some short audio examples there too !!.. Here's the link direct to the page:

  • Trev's TB3030 page:
  • Trev's TB3030 audio page:

    Here's his TB3030 dual contruction...

    Also, here's Trevor's main website front end link: - you'll find lots of cool stuff there and various projects etc... (also in the UK)

    Well, there it is - added for the DT records/listings cos we thought we'd better publicise this one.. I DEFINATELY want one!!.. sadly Tony currently does NOT supply these TB3030's built in any guise, single or double etc... So I'm going to look into someone building it for me... if it costs 400-500 quid it'll STILL be a total bargain to get a 100% authentic 303 WITH additional cool synthesis features.. It does WAY more sounds than 303 copying by the way.... So get over to Tony's site, check out the .PDF files for full details etc... enjoy!...

    LINK to Tony Allgood/techrepairs: -

    LINK to his TB3030 page: -

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    Added: 25 April 2001
    New price: Kit ONLY - see article
    S/H price: -
    Company:  Oakley Sound Systems


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    oh yeah ! looks awesome.

    Dave Ryan


    To the author of the article:

    Being from the US I have no idea what quids are worth but if you were willing to purchase 2 complete sets of parts I would be happy to build both kits. You keep one and I keep the other. When it comes to music I am only a hobbyist but I am a Electrical Engineer by trade and have extensive experience at building electronics projects. Please email me if you would like to discuss this further.



    a 'quid' is a UK Pound Sterling mate...



    so is that 85 pounds before box,knobs,switches,contruction? for a midi compatible unit. looks like fun to build. cant be as hard as building a tube amp! those things can kill you,if you really screw up.



    ive been looking at these for a while now.. i REALLY like the sound examples.. someone REALLY needs to put up a better publicity page for these things tho.. im probably gonna try to build one this summer.. and if im successful ill make try and make some typical acid trax along with some not so typical 303type trax (squarepusherish) to try and show off the potential of this machine..



    omg!! - i got one and this thing rocks for your 303 & other bass & synthlines; a dream trancebox etc!



    so where's the damn review, hippy?



    I built one about 6 months ago in a two U rack case. In built distrotion is superb. This thing really is a TB on steroids. Ive owned many mono's and 303 clones and nothing comes close, not even the real thing.

    Last added comment



    agreed - it's a supersynth!! - and it does more than 303 impressions!

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