it's not there Focusrite Saffire PRO 40

Focusrite Saffire PRO 40

Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 - FireWire audio interface, 24-bit/ 96kHz, total I/O count of 20 inputs and 20 outputs, new FireWire chipset/DSP hardware, 8 mic preamps, 8x analog I/O (2x mic/line/inst combo XLR, 6x mic/line combo XLR), ADAT I/O, 2x S/PDIF I/O, 2 monitor outs + 2x inserts, monitor switch, 2 separate headphone buses, MIDI in/out, 2 FireWire connections, Saffire Pro 40 Control zero latency DSP mixer/router, includes plug-in suite, internal power supply. Dimensions: 19"/1U. Weight: 3kg
Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 - FireWire audio interface, 24-bit/ 96kHz, total I/O count of 20 inputs and 20 outputs, new FireWire chipset/DSP hardware, 8 mic preamps, 8x analog I/O (2x mic/line/inst combo XLR, 6x mic/line combo XLR), ADAT I/O, 2x S/PDIF I/O, 2 monitor outs + 2x inserts, monitor switch, 2 separate headphone buses, MIDI in/out, 2 FireWire connections, Saffire Pro 40 Control zero latency DSP mixer/router, includes plug-in suite, internal power supply. Dimensions: 19"/1U. Weight: 3kg

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Added: 29 May 2009
New price: 415.00 Euros - 370.96 GBP
S/H price: ?
Company:  Focusrite


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laing french


cant seem to figure out how to hook on a digetech voice harmoniser and an alesis quadreverb as well as compression in the same way you hook them up to a mixer

laing french


is there a picture of the unit blown up to show how to wire up ext. effects

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latex mattress


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Well, this one seems nice, I want to have one!!

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