it's not there Moog Slim Phatty

Moog Slim Phatty

Moog Slim Phatty, Synth Expander, 100% Analog signal path, Arpeggiator: synchronize to internal clock, LFO or external clock, 2 ultra-stable analog VCOs, Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter: 24 dB /Oct Moog Ladder filter with overload, 2 ADSR EGRs assigned to filter cutoff frequency and volume, In and Outs: AC In, Power On/Off, Audio Out, Ext. Audio In: accepts +4dBu line level signal, Pitch CV In (1 V/Oct), Filter CV In, Volume CV In, Keyboard Gate In, MIDI In, MIDI Out, MIDI Thru, USB: MIDI-over-USB, Headphone Out
Moog Slim Phatty, Synth Expander, 100% Analog signal path, Arpeggiator: synchronize to internal clock, LFO or external clock, 2 ultra-stable analog VCOs, Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter: 24 dB /Oct Moog Ladder filter with overload, 2 ADSR EGRs assigned to filter cutoff frequency and volume, In and Outs: AC In, Power On/Off, Audio Out, Ext. Audio In: accepts +4dBu line level signal, Pitch CV In (1 V/Oct), Filter CV In, Volume CV In, Keyboard Gate In, MIDI In, MIDI Out, MIDI Thru, USB: MIDI-over-USB, Headphone Out, Dimensions: 432 x 116 x 135 mm, Weight: 2,61 kg

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Added: 19 January 2012
New price: 688.00 Euros - 568.14 GBP
S/H price: ?


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