it's not there Behringer Pro-800

Behringer Pro-800

Behringer's all analog 'circuit accurate' reproduction of the famous 1982 Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 poly synth, but the Behringer version comes with 8 note polyphony plus all the extra mods this synth could have done, all ready to go.

Behringer's all analog 'circuit accurate' reproduction of the famous 1982 Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 poly synth, but the Behringer version comes with 8 note polyphony rather than the 6 voice poly of the original, and at a typical street price of around £335 GBP it's a no brainer!


The Behringer Pro-800 was developed with the French synth engineer GliGli, famous for his Prophet-600 mods and has various additions found towards the end of the life of the original as well as GliGli mods to make it a 'Super-Prophet-600' if you will, which also ups the patch storage from the 100 Cassette tape patches of the original to a whopping 400 onboard patch save positions on this clone.


The PRO-800 is a classic analog 8-voice polyphonic synthesiser with 2 VCOs, 1 VCF, an arpeggiator and sequencer. Unison mode on the PRO-800 also allows you to create some nice fat 16 oscillator lead and bass sounds. Combine that with the ability to use up to 6 separately tweakable oscillator shapes (OSC A and B: saw, triangle and pulse) simultaneously and you can create some ultra-sizzly solos or ginormous bass tones. The 'POLY MOD' function even allows OSC B to modulate OSC A.

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Added: 18 October 2023
New price: £335
S/H price: na


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